Category Archives: Educational Products

An innovative educational framework to help to effectively and permanently increase the creative competence of individuals and organizations

PRAGUE, 26-Aug-2022 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — In the 21st century, creativity is a key skill that people need in business, education and to develop companies. It helps to solve complex societal, social and environmental challenges – and to date, it has not been used enough. Therefore, an international team of experts from six European countries, led by the Czech team, has created a new, innovative method that changes existing procedures in problem-solving, education and teamwork. Called the Kinetic Method, it can be used by non-governmental organizations in youth work and adult education, or to explore solutions to social problems, such as racism or social exclusion. But it can also be used by companies for team building, or by universities.

The authors presented the results of their work in a new book: The Kinetic Method – A Playbook for Solving Problems. Developing this method took them 10 years of work, and the European Union Erasmus + programme financed the publication of their results.

The Kinetic Method can be used, for example, by the managers of social or educational organizations, social and youth workers, learning facilitators or coaches working in team building – anyone dealing with developing team performance, personal and professional development, and creativity for problem solving, innovation and resilience.

The Kinetic Method aims to become a well-used and sustainable tool. The authors state that this innovative framework will help to effectively and permanently increase the creative competence of individuals and organizations – and that this creativity can be learned. They view creativity as a learning outcome rather than a characteristic or personal trait.

“The Kinetic Method allows youth workers to support not only young people to develop their creativity so that they can more easily find a life path and a job. It boosts the development of creative skills and self-confidence, offers educators a way of reaching socially excluded young people, contributes to the preventing intolerance and fights against the radicalization current in Europe,” says co-author and senior trainer, consultant Zora Csalagovits from Hungary.

What makes the Kinetic Method and the book unique?
The Kinetic Method uses functional creativity to enable groups of people to work together while pursuing their goals and progress at work. It demonstrates how to increase the value of contributions in groups and boosts the ability to solve complex tasks. It consists of a set of practices related to skills, mindset and environment. It is not merely creativity itself, but creativity that is directed towards a common purpose or goal that is meaningful to society.

Whenever you are working on something that is important to you, you need to think creatively. “We have divided the approach to learning how to be creative into skills (the basic competencies that people use in creative tasks), mindsets (attitudes that are necessary for developing persistence and good habits in creative practice) and environment (the context of creativity), which can make or break our creative endeavours and our ability to collaborate creatively). In this way, we talk about embedding creativity in how we approach new things, how we think about ourselves and how we collaborate with others,” Karolina Iwa from Poland, social innovator, intercultural psychologist and co-author, describes the method.

The book The Kinetic Method – A Playbook for Solving Problems summarizes the history of this methodology, a collection of methods and activities, and provides a description of methods in each of the nine chapters, with easy-to-follow instructions. This variety also reflects the different life experiences of the co-authors. One of the most difficult tasks was learning to ask good questions, which surprised the authors during their research. Often individuals are so driven by the search for answers that they forget the whole journey of the question itself, they say.

“This methodology supports creative action by building basic competencies in how to think and approach a problem right from the start, how to develop the necessary internal characteristics for building these skills and co-create an environment in which all participating members of the community can be creative,” confirms Mariana Marques, director of YUPI and trainer from Portugal.

Why is the method called Kinetic?
Kinetic means ‘relating to or resulting from motion’. “The word kinetic, for us, was about transforming people’s potential into a real action. Taking the creativity that is inside each of us, and finding a way to activate it. We wanted to think of creativity as something you can learn and also learn to direct or control when you need to,” explains American social scientist working in the UK, consultant and co-author Tracie Farrell. The authors, she says, wanted to demystify the idea of creativity as something that you are either born with or not, a talent you have or don’t have, and show people how it is really a collection of skills, mindsets and environmental features that make up creative action. “In a world full of very complex problems, we need everyone to contribute useful and interesting ideas. We wanted to help people gain the confidence to be able to do that,” says Tracie Farrell.

To develop the Kinetic Method, the authors collaborated with 100 users, one of whom was lecturer and manager Aneta Bednářová, director of the non-profit organization Genesis from the Czech Republic. “I have been training people who work with children and youth and management in the non-profit and private sector all over the world for many years. Their projects have a social impact. But they are often a group of enthusiasts who have not, however, mastered management or leadership skills. The Kinetic Method is an interactive form of informal education, which can be applied when working with children, team building, strengthening working relationships and solving personal problems. It binds the team together and clearly defines roles – and as a result, the team works more efficiently,” concludes Aneta Bednářová, who coordinated the entire project.

The project partners:
Genesis Czech Republic, YUPI Portugal, TE-IS Hungary, Youth Garage e. V., Associazione Interculturale NUR and MODE, move & develop foundation

About the authors:

Karolina Iwa is a social innovator, large group facilitator, intercultural psychologist and Theory U practitioner who supports systems and individuals to transform society and to face complex challenges. She is a member of many global OD communities driving positive change in the world, and the co-founder of Leadership Festival, a collective effort committed to co-emerging new paradigm(s) of leadership. She is a member of the Advisory Board of the Global Learning & Exchange Network and a researcher and author in the field of functional creativity. In her free time, she is an avid mountaineer both in summer and winter, a sailor and an explorer of intergenerational narratives.

Tracie Farrell PhD is a research fellow at the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University. Her areas of study include online social harm (such as hate speech and misinformation) and technology-enhanced learning. In 2022, she was awarded a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship, for research on queering AI and its subfields in relation to social justice. In her free time, she plays boardgames and video games, and enjoys the seaside with her dog.

Zora Csalagovits is a senior trainer and consultant with a rich history of working in learning and development, especially in the field of international youth work. A Gestalt therapist, she is skilled in individual coaching and working with groups, non-formal educational methodology, diversity & inclusion management, and graphic recording. She is passionate about creativity and visualization as supporting tools in learning; when free, she enjoys fun (board)games and outdoor gatherings with friends and family.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Edtech Startup Zookal Launches Online Competition Zookal Challenge

SYDNEY, NSW, Australia, 2022-Mar-04 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Zookal has announced that it is celebrating the expansion of Zookal Study by hosting an online competition in which students can win numerous cash prizes. The comprehensive 24/7 study platform revealed that students who wish to participate in the Zookal Challenge (, simply need to send in a 30 words or less example of a TV or Movie quote that best describes their student life experiences, for a chance to enter the $5000 prize pool.

The competition which started on the 15th of February will run all through the month, ending on the 30th of March, after which the winner and runners-up will be announced. Students who wish to enter the competition simply need to visit the Zookal Challenge website and type in their submissions in the provided fields.

Zookal has announced that the first prize winner will take home a cash prize of $1000 while the next 40 runners-up will receive $100 each. Participants can also create a meme of their answers directly from the Zookal Challenge website to share on social media, which will improve their chances of winning.

Made for students by students, Zookal understands the unique difficulties associated with pursuing secondary and tertiary education, and its business model is structured to offer the best 24/7 online services and study tools to make learning easier.

Currently being used by over 40,000 students worldwide, Zookal’s expansion will see the company make its impressive study tools available to the country’s growing number of college students.

Anyone interested in joining the challenge for a shot at the $5000 cash prize pool can do so by clicking on the following link:

About Zookal
Zookal was born in 2011 from the creative minds of a small group of Sydney students. After personally experiencing the stress of buying expensive course textbooks, Zookal’s founders decided to come up with a better option to make education more affordable and accessible in Australia with Zookal Textbooks.

Today, Zookal is one of the fastest growing Ed-Tech startups in Asia Pacific. We’re on a mission to improve the student’s journey from high school and all the way through university. We do this by offering innovative and accessible digital solutions through our own online study platform, Zookal Study.

With 24/7 online access to student resources, over 1 million verified problem solutions, homework help, flashcards, and exam test prep features available on-demand, we’re dedicated to helping students around the world structure their study however they like, whenever they like.

Media contact:

Ahmed Haider
Co-Founder & Co-CEO, Zookal

Via EPR Network
More Education press releases

El Liceo Europeo ha ganado el Premio Zayed de Sustentabilidad 2022 en la categoría de Colegios Globales para la región de Europa y Asia Central

MADRID, España, 18-Jan-2021 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — El Liceo Europeo ha ganado el Premio Zayed de Sustentabilidad 2022 en la categoría de Colegios Globales para la región de Europa y Asia Central. El centro educativo fue declarado vencedor entre tres finalistas en la 13ª ceremonia de entrega de premios celebrada durante la Semana de la Sustentabilidad de Abu Dhabi (ADSW en inglés).

A la ceremonia de entrega de premios asistieron líderes mundiales, ministros y otros altos dignatarios de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos y extranjeros, además de los finalistas de la edición 2022.

El Liceo Europeo, un colegio privado español situado en Alcobendas (Madrid), recibió la distinción por su proyecto que implementa una tecnología transformadora a base de residuos orgánicos y microorganismos (como la levadura), para generar electricidad a un coste asequible. Paralelamente, el proyecto ayuda a mitigar y afrontar el reto de la escasez de electricidad, la dependencia excesiva de recursos energéticos no renovables y la acumulación de residuos.

Para ello, la escuela utilizará la tecnología de las Pilas de Combustible Microbianas para generar energía a partir de las mascarillas de protección facial, que se han convertido en un equipo de protección personal (EPP) muy utilizado en Madrid y en todo el mundo durante la actual pandemia de COVID-19. De este modo, la escuela también aborda la gran presencia de mascarillas usadas y desechadas que contaminan las calles y el entorno de la escuela. En cuanto a la energía, toda la demanda de electricidad de la escuela podría sostenerse con sólo 13 biorreactores, transformando la escuela en un campus que funcione totalmente con energía limpia al generar 507 kWh de energía eléctrica al año.

La Dra. Lamya Fawwaz, directora del Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad, declaró: “El Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad reconoce que los jóvenes son la fuerza motriz del desarrollo sostenible y los capacita para alcanzar todo su potencial. Los jóvenes del mundo son el futuro, y su continua capacidad para introducir, impulsar e inspirar un cambio positivo originado en la comunidad será vital para permitir un desarrollo que sea sostenible e inclusivo, especialmente en vista de la aceleración de la acción a favor del clima, en la que los jóvenes son actores clave”.

“El Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad quiere felicitar al Liceo Europeo por su victoria y elogia a la escuela por su proyecto altamente creativo y pragmático, que aborda el problema actual de las máscaras faciales desechadas para hacer frente a la acumulación de residuos, al tiempo que apoya la acción climática a través de fuentes renovables para satisfacer las necesidades energéticas de su campus. También reconocemos su ambición de ampliar su foco a la protección de los océanos, los ríos y la biodiversidad para reforzar aún más su impacto y su huella de sostenibilidad”, continuó la Dra. Fawwaz.

Sobre la consecución del premio, Marcos Rois, Director del Liceo, manifestó: “El Liceo Europeo siempre ha tratado de inculcar a nuestros alumnos valores y cualidades que les permitan contribuir a forjar un futuro mejor para todos. Estimulando la curiosidad intelectual desde una edad temprana y proporcionando a nuestros alumnos una perspectiva internacional que les permita entender cómo los problemas globales requieren soluciones innovadoras, pretendemos dotarlos de los conocimientos y las herramientas necesarias para aplicar en la práctica lo que aprenden y así marcar diferencias de verdad”.

Dado que la acumulación de residuos plásticos en océanos y ríos también supone un reto para la comunidad cercana a la escuela, el Liceo Europeo tiene previsto ampliar su modelo de diseño en el futuro para extrapolar sus prototipos del proyecto del Premio Zayed de Sustentabilidad para tratar también otros residuos plásticos y ampliar su impacto. Como parte de su crecimiento, se espera que la solución degrade 19 kg de mascarillas de aguas contaminadas cada año y reutilice cerca del 91% de ellas. Para incentivar el intercambio de conocimientos y una mayor concienciación de los jóvenes y la sociedad, se ha hecho hincapié en los talleres dirigidos por estudiantes para enseñar a los más jóvenes y a los miembros de la comunidad los beneficios de las energías renovables.

Bajo la premisa de que todo el mundo debería tener las mismas oportunidades para construir un futuro mejor, el Liceo Europeo, que cuenta con 1.273 alumnos y ofrece cursos tanto en español como en inglés, involucrará a 150 niños en el proyecto y prevé beneficiar a los estudiantes y a la comunidad local durante los próximos 15 años, impactando a 1.000 estudiantes sólo en los primeros cinco años.

El Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad, dotado con 3 millones de dólares, reconoce a las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), a las entidades sin ánimo de lucro y a las escuelas secundarias de todo el mundo por sus soluciones en materia de sostenibilidad, en consonancia con los principales Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de las Naciones Unidas y, hasta la fecha, ha influido en la vida de más de 370 millones de personas en 150 países. La categoría de Escuelas Secundarias Globales, por sí sola, ha alcanzado e impactado a aproximadamente 45.144 estudiantes y a más de 425.170 personas en comunidades más amplias, y este número sigue aumentando año tras año.

El premio, que abarca las categorías de Salud, Alimentación, Energía, Agua y Escuelas Secundarias Globales, se inspira en el legado humanitario y de sustentabilidad del fundador y primer presidente de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, el difunto jeque Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, y sirve para rendirle homenaje.

En la categoría de Escuelas Secundarias Globales, seis colegios, cada uno de los cuales representa a una región del mundo, reciben hasta 100.000 dólares para llevar a cabo un proyecto dirigido por los estudiantes. A diferencia de las categorías para organizaciones, las escuelas secundarias presentan propuestas de proyectos para construir o mejorar una solución que han desarrollado para su escuela o comunidad local. El objetivo de esta categoría, introducida en el Premio en 2012, es inspirar a los jóvenes para que se conviertan en pioneros, innovadores y defensores de la sustentabilidad y que de esta manera contribuyan a un futuro más sostenible.

Las regiones mundiales para el premio a las Escuelas Secundarias Globales son: América, Europa y Asia Central, Oriente Medio y Norte de África (MENA), África Subsahariana, Asia Meridional y Asia Oriental y Pacífico.

Para más información, visite


Sobre el Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad

Creado por los dirigentes de los EAU en 2008 para honrar el legado de su padre fundador, el difunto jeque Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, el Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad es un galardón pionero de los EAU para la sustentabilidad y las soluciones humanitarias en todo el mundo.

El Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad reconoce y premia a las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), a las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro y a los centros de enseñanza superior de todo el mundo que se comprometen a acelerar soluciones sostenibles de impacto.

En los últimos 14 años, el Premio ha reconocido a 96 ganadores que, en total, han tenido un impacto positivo en la vida de más de 370 millones de personas en todo el mundo. Las categorías del Premio Zayed a la Sostenibilidad son Salud, Alimentación, Energía, Agua y Escuelas Secundarias Globales.

Para obtener más información, visite o visite nuestras redes sociales: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube.

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Eurekos hat mit dem Fosway 9-Grid™ für Lernsysteme 2021 sein Potenzial weiter ausgebaut

KOPENHAGEN, Dänemark, 18-Mar-2021 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Eurekos, ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Learning Management Technology, hat seine Position im renommierten Fosway 9-Grid™, einer unabhängigen Bewertung von Lernmanagement Systemen, weiter ausgebaut.

Fosway, Europas Nr. 1 der HR-Branchenanalysten, ist eine unabhängige, objektive Gruppe, die Marktrealitäten analysiert und Einblicke in die Zukunft von HR, Talent und Lernen bietet. Fosway lobte die Eurekos-Lösung für ihren starken Funktionsumfang, die benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche, das integrierte Redaktionssystem für Inhalte, die offene Architektur und den hohen Wert.

„Eurekos entwickelt sich schnell zum Lernsystem der Wahl für Organisationen, die hochwertige Lerninhalte und eine intuitive, anpassbare Plattform suchen. Wir fühlen uns sehr geehrt, im Fosway 9-Grid™ unter den besten Lernsystemen und Plattformen der Welt zu sein“, sagt Anders Willumsen, CEO von Eurekos. „Außerdem ist es bemerkenswert, dass Eurekos im gesamten 9-Grid™ das höchste Niveau an Datenschutzkonformität (ISO 27001 und 27701) sowie die niedrigsten Betriebskosten aufweist.“

„Eurekos hilft Unternehmen bei der Ausbildung auf globaler Ebene, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf dem Unternehmen und den erweiterten Unternehmensbereich. Unsere SaaS-Cloud-basierte Plattform wurde speziell für globale Schulungen entwickelt, einschließlich Kunden-, Mitarbeiter-, Vertriebs-, Compliance-, Channel-Partner-Training und mehr“, so Willumsen weiter. „Unsere Lösung unterstützt die gesamte Customer Journey von der Inhaltserstellung bis zur Verteilung, Einschreibung und Statistik, und beinhaltet wertvolle Funktionen wie E-Commerce für eine völlig neue, klassenbeste Perspektive auf das Lernen.“

Eurekos ist in mehr als 100 Sprachen verfügbar und hat eine innovative Plattform entwickelt, um die Kosten und den Zeitaufwand für die Erstellung und Pflege einer großartigen Lernerfahrung zu reduzieren. Das Eurekos-LMS bietet kostenlose native Integrationen mit wichtigen Systemen, auf die sich Unternehmen bei ihren täglichen Aktivitäten verlassen, darunter MS Teams, O365, Salesforce, Google Workspace, OneLogin, Stripe und viele mehr.

Das Fosway 9-Grid™ ist ein einzigartiges, 5-dimensionales Marktanalysemodell, das objektive Informationen von Drittanbietern über HR-, Talent- und Lernplattformen auf Basis der jeweiligen Lösungen bereitstellt:

• Potenzial, Umfang und Ausgereiftheit.
• Leistung und Kundenerfolge.
• Präsenz auf dem Markt.
• Kosten, einschließlich Akquisition, Implementierung und Betrieb.
• Zukünftige Entwicklung und ihr Einfluss auf Markttrends.

David Wilson, CEO der Fosway Group, sagte: „Eurekos hat mit dem Fosway 9-Grid™ für Lernsysteme 2021 sein Potenzial weiter ausgebaut, was sein Engagement für Produktinnovation und kontinuierliches Wachstum in Europa unter Beweis stellt.“

SOURCE: EuropaWire

JH Technologies Ships First UV Microscope Eyepiece Sanitizers

Patent-pending Optic-Clean™ is the only product of its kind worldwide

Fremont, CA, 15-Oct-2020 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — JH Technologies, leading optical and digital imaging, metallography, sample preparation and metrology solutions provider, announces that it recently shipped the first units of the company’s new Optic-Clean UV Microscope Eyepiece Sanitizer.

Until now, microscope eyepieces have typically been disinfected with a 70% alcohol solution using saturated wipes or liquid spray. JH Technologies’ new Optic-Clean™ UV Microscope Eyepiece Sanitizer uses Ultraviolet (UV) light technology. UV is a scientifically documented method of disrupting viruses, bacteria, and microorganisms to prevent transmission and spread.

Optic-Clean sanitizes each microscope eyepiece in about 60 seconds. It is also chemical-free and environmentally sound, helping users reduce their sterilizing materials costs.

“Scientific labs are one area where contact is unavoidable. We developed Optic-Clean to help customers protect their lab users as they return to work and school in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,” said JH Technologies CEO John Hubacz.

In addition to being fast, effective and eco-friendly, Optic-Clean is easy to use and verifiable with an optional radiometer. Microscope users interested in learning more can visit the company’s website at
jhtechnologies/optic-clean or download a 2-page brochure here.

About JH Technologies
JH Technologies is a major national optics and microscopy company with over 30 years of experience in optical and digital imaging, metallography, and metrology for applications in semiconductor, micro-technology, medical device, forensic, biological and materials research, and educational markets. JH Technologies supports its customers with regional offices in Northern and Southern California, the Pacific Northwest and New England.

The company serves some of the largest and most innovative companies in the world, research organizations, government labs, as well as startups and educators. JH Technologies sales staff consists of engineers and scientists who are dedicated to providing the most appropriate solutions for their customers’ unique problems. The sales staff is supported by an outstanding group of factory trained applications experts and service engineers.

Visit to learn more.


EDITOR’S NOTE: Grab a digital image here: JH Technologies Ships First UV Microscope Eyepiece Sanitizers or a high res image here.

For more information contact:
Dana Baedke
Key Marketing

John Hubacz, CEO
JH Technologies, Inc.

Second WebClip2Go video production system to be installed at TU Delft

Second WebClip2Go video production system to be installed at TU Delft

VEENENDAAL, The Netherlands, 2020-Mar-28 — /EPR Education News/ — WebClip2Go is proud to announce that it is in the process of delivering and installing a second video production system at the Delft University of Technology, just six months after delivery of their original system. This means that Delft now joins the ranks of Leuven and the Erasmus University Rotterdam as a two-unit WebClip2Go organization.

The enthusiasm with which the first system was received within the university’s audiovisual department provided clear motivation and justification for the purchase of a second system, which will be installed at its Aerospace Engineering faculty.

“Quite simply, teachers have found the WebClip2Go system very beneficial for their teaching load”, said Michel Beerens, Head of the NewMedia Centre at the Delft University of Technology. “Teachers like the system because it’s incredibly easy for them to use, the production values are exceptionally high, and it delivers a teaching resource that can be used again and again – making for more efficient content delivery.”

The WebClip2Go system is a completely unique approach to the production of presenter-based video content – turning conventional approaches to editing and filming on their head, and allowing non-professional users to create professional-level content.

Essentially, the workflow process associated with traditional production is reversed. An easy-to-use system allows for the creation of professional-level ‘templates’ – including all the transitions, animations, titles, colour grading, sound FX, and animated elements that you would expect.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Soundtrap for Education and Listenwise Partner to Offer Professional Development for Podcasting to all Teachers

End-to-end Listening and Podcast Creation Tools for the Classroom are Easily Accessible to Teachers through Personalized Professional Development

ISTE Conference, Philadelphia, PA, 2019-Jun-25 — /EPR  EDUCATION NEWS/ — Soundtrap, a Spotify company, and Listenwise, a listening skills-building company, are partnering to combine Soundtrap’s easy-to-use audio and podcast creation platform with Listenwise’s audio news resources and step-by-step teaching pedagogy to give teachers the Professional Development tools they need to help students create thought-provoking podcasts.

Listenwise curates the best of NPR programming and podcasts for the classroom, providing teachers with content that exposes students to stories and current events that can be applied across disciplines. Soundtrap, known for its ease of use and cross-platform compatibility, is an ideal vehicle to enable students to take what they learned and collaborate to create podcasts. Combining the strengths of both companies, the Podcasting Professional Development module will provide expert guidance to teachers in designing and integrating podcasting projects in their classrooms.

Soundtrap and Listenwise are offering a unique Professional Development module to teachers using the combined solution. It offers personal hand-holding throughout the entire process of creating podcasts. Teachers will get 1:1 coaching, project templates, instructional materials and assessment rubrics. Professional Development will be delivered by experts in podcasting and includes three months of free access to Soundtrap and Listenwise.

“Listening is a skill that gets overlooked in today’s classrooms, but it’s essential for a building a productive, responsive 21st century workforce,” said Monica Brady-Myerov, Listenwise CEO and host of the Listenwise podcast The Student Podcast PODCAST. “Offering both Soundtrap and Listenwise together gives teachers a way to extend the student learning process further beyond a news item and give voice to their ideas by creating podcasts around any subject they want to talk about.”

“Joining forces brings a holistic approach to finding out about the world around us. Together, we provide simple tools that support STEAM (Science, Math, Engineering, Arts and Math) education initiatives while amplifying student voices and developing essential skills such as creativity, critical thinking, communication and collaboration,” said Per Emanuelsson, Managing Director of Soundtrap at Spotify. “We hear from teachers that they sometimes feel daunted by new technology. Now, with Professional Development it’s as if there was someone there in the classroom to guide them through the whole process.”

The project-based podcasting Professional Development  is being offered for $3,500 for a cohort of six educators.  Additional participants $575/each. With the purchase of the professional development package, there is an option to buy discounted annual subscriptions to Soundtrap and Listenwise. With a minimum purchase of fifty seats/licenses the one-year discounted rate is $4 MSRP (vs. $4.98) per Soundtrap user, and $4 MSRP (vs. $5.70) per Listenwise user.  To request more information visit:  Visit Soundtrap at ISTE booth #2153, Listenwise at The Startup Pavillion  or online to find out more.

Soundtrap began bundling subscriptions as a way to offer the most comprehensive platforms possible. In April, Soundtrap for Education and Noteflight Learn, a music notation solution, began offering a discounted package that allows for easy MIDI file export between programs.

Resource Links:

Storytellers video:
Lesson Plans:
Listenwise video:


About Soundtrap

Soundtrap is the first cloud-based audio recording platform to work across all operating systems, enabling users to co-create music and podcasts anywhere in the world.  There are three Soundtrap products; Soundtrap for Storytellers, a podcasting solution, Soundtrap for Music Maker, a music creation tool and Soundtrap for Education used by the K-12  through higher-education markets. Soundtrap provides an easy-to-use, powerful and collaborative music and audio creation platform for all levels of musical interest and abilities.  Soundtrap is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.  In December 2017, it was acquired by Spotify. For more information, visit 


About Listenwise

Listenwise is an award-winning listening comprehension platform that harnesses the power of listening to advance literacy and learning in all students. Our collection of podcasts and public radio keeps teaching connected to the real world and builds student listening skills at the same time.  Listenwise also elevates student voice with the Student Podcast PODCAST. Find more information at: ​

PR for Soundtrap

Aoife Kimber
+ 1 650 773 7288

PR for Listenwise

Karen Gage
+ 1 617 304 9057

A New Podcast Creation Tool Launches Called Soundtrap for Storytellers

Stockholm, Sweden, 2019-May-16 — /EPR  EDUCATION NEWS/ — Soundtrap, a Spotify company, announced that an education version of its new Soundtrap for Storytellers podcast creation tool will be available to teachers and students for use in the classroom.  It will be equipped with a wide range of intuitive features, allowing podcasters to focus on the art of storytelling by significantly reducing the time and investment typically needed to make podcasts sound professional.  It can be accessed via desktop, and a select set of recording and editing features are available on iOS and Android. Tools available include:

  • Interactive Transcripts/Editing Studio: Soundtrap for Storytellers saves hours of time by enabling users to transcribe and edit the spoken-word audio file as you would in a text document, eliminating the need to listen to the podcast over and over again.  Automatic transcripts, at the click of a button, will differentiate instruction for all ages, abilities and individualized education plans.  This tool allows learners to see their spoken word, easily edit the  text and tell the story of their learning.
  • Communication and Collaboration: While this education version is compliant with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)  there is the ability for older  learners, outside the COPPA environment, to invite family and friends to remotely join a podcast without requiring the invitees to sign up for Soundtrap. They can also upload a podcast and English transcript directly to Spotify.
  • Creativity: Soundtrap for Education schools now have access to Soundtrap for Storytellers  added features which let students tell their story, create their personal jingles and complete the audio production process using Soundtrap’s built-in instruments and loops. Students will have access to 1,100+ classroom-appropriate sounds from that could be used to punctuate their story and adds atmospheric sound to the podcast project.

According to Per Emanuelsson, CEO of Soundtrap, “This educational tool helps teachers differentiate instruction for students of all abilities within one classroom, giving students a compelling way to channel their thoughts and perspectives. While students will be utterly engaged, teachers get an inspiring vehicle for meeting core curriculum requirements.”

Soundtrap for Storytellers was built around solving some of the biggest pain points for podcasters — editing, transcribing, remote interviewing and adding sound effects — and providing one, streamlined platform that contains every part of the podcast creation process.  Equipped with a wide range of intuitive features, the education version of Soundtrap for Storytellers allows students to focus on the art of storytelling by significantly reducing the time and investment typically needed to make podcasts sound professional. The full suite of services can be accessed ​via desktop and a select set of recording and editing features is available​ on iOS and Android.

Access to the education version of Soundtrap for Storytellers will be available June 2019 without any additional subscription cost.  Annual subscription pricing for Soundtrap for Education begins at $249 USD for 50 users

Soundtrap is the first cloud-based audio recording platform to work across all operating systems, enabling users to co-create music and podcasts anywhere in the world. The company is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden. Soundtrap provides an easy-to-use music and audio creation platform for all levels of musical interest and abilities and is being used by the K-12 through higher-education markets. On December 2017, Soundtrap was acquired by Spotify. For more information, visit

Education Video:

Photos and promo video:

Media Contacts
Ida Ståhlnacke
+46 72 249 98 11

PR for Soundtrap
Aoife Kimber
+ 1 650 773 7288

Lingvo dictionaries with new open API


Moscow, Russia, 17-Nov-2016 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — ABBYY launches Lingvo API, an open API for its trademark Lingvo dictionaries.

The new ABBYY Lingvo API gives developers an opportunity to integrate translation, definition, suggested spelling and other features into their services using high-quality bilingual Russian dictionaries by ABBYY Lingvo.

Lingvo API gives access to 140 general and specialised dictionaries in 15 European and Asian languages. It’s open for integration into educational services for individuals, organizations and corporations, travel applications, readers and a variety of other products and solutions.

In 2012 ABBYY launched an API for Lingvo Android which has been integrated into a range of popular applications: YotaReader, Moon+ Reader, Moon+ Reader Pro and others. The key difference of the new API is that it is compatible with iOS, Android and web. Besides, now there’s no need for the end user to install the Lingvo applications on their device for the API features to work.

Using Lingvo API, developers can add a variety of features to their applications: full or short translation, definition, suggested spelling, word forms, pronunciation, a part of the word list, a specific dictionary entry, full-text search across all the dictionaries and more. With the integrated translation API, after tapping or clicking on the word or phrase, the user will see a pop-up card with its translation within the chosen language pairing, morphology, examples and can listen to the pronunciation. Lingvo API works online, an Internet connection is required.

“What’s the unique value of Lingvo API? It gives access to the exceptional collection of bilingual Russian dictionaries ABBYY is known for. That’s why it is a useful tool for a lot of services in education, travel, reading and more”, comments ABBYY’s Head of Mobile Artem Kumpel.

In the future, ABBYY is planning to use the new API to develop adaptable AI algorithms which will be able to create personalized learning models depending on the user’s progress, characteristics and needs.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

PreK12 Plaza Launches Math Fluency App Mad Minute Plaza


Clifton Park, New York, September 29, 2016 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — PreK12 Plaza, a social impact enterprise working to ignite the genius in every child, today announced the launch of an updated bilingual math game app, Mad Minute Plaza for ages 6 and up.

“PreK12 Plaza is a comprehensive education platform and Mad Minute Plaza is one of multiple app offerings created by our outstanding team of developers and certified teachers to help students achieve their potential while making minute math fun,” said Ana Roca Castro, Founder and CEO of PreK12 Plaza.

Mad Minute Plaza works to improve math fluency. Research has demonstrated that the ability for students to respond automatically frees up cognitive resources that can be applied to more complex computation and concepts.

Mad Minute Plaza is a free app, available in English and Spanish, that provides students with the opportunity to respond to different level math quizzes for one minute – zapping as many space germs in the process. The game includes addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and more than 400 calculations.

The app is available for free at iTunes; Google Play and Amazon Marketplace. Additional information is available at

About PreK12 Plaza
PreK12 Plaza is a digital education platform created to ignite the genius in every child. It is the first multicultural education platform that provides culturally relevant Math and Language Arts resources combined with research-based didactic approach and state of the art parent engagement tools in eight languages.

Media contacts:
Monica Talan
Phone: 518-280-9550 Ext. 24
Cell: 917-886-5978

The Exciting Launch of a New Online Teaching Platform Concept

The Freasyway concept is simple, yet complete. Countless High Schools, universities, superior technical schools or independent teachers can share paid or free lessons on the Freasyway platform. The content is made accessible to all students or interested individuals. By posting online paid lessons, leads to certain commission fees..

In addition, various complementary services are available as following: Small national and international announcements referring to the educational field and generally anything related to areas of interest for students and educators.

“Teach in real time” thanks to the advantages brought by the Freasyway virtual class, a complex system that allows teachers to connect with their students in real time. The virtual class module enables educational institutions, represented by a teacher or an administrator, to plan and set the details of the educational content, including title, the date and hour, duration, the language used for a specific class’ interface, and, when needed, to record the lessons. Due to the implementation of functionalities such as video-conferencing for maximum 10 persons, a whiteboard, screen sharing and content sharing, the educational institutions take advantage of advanced collaboration tools in real time; such tools enable them to teach courses online in real time..

Besides the possibility to exchange documents and videos, Freasyway also provides a virtual educational library called “Box reader” that grants users full access to various and numerous resources: manuals, homework sets, graduation tests, encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc..

We have already reached success with no less than 300 educational institutions, associations and independent teachers spread across 9 countries and 3 continents (France, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, The United States, Canada, China, Germany, Russia) that currently use Freasyway. The system clearly responds to the needs of educational institutions by offering an alternative and complementary solution to the traditional system, as initially was intended and created by its conceptor.

Due to a collaboration with the MEET Organization, which promotes accessible education for every European, Freasyway was developed for offering a real and complete solution for current needs in terms of education at a national/international level. With the support of SPECo Vaud Region of Leman, Freasyway will equally benefit from the expertise generously provided by MJ Media and Thot Cursus, gained in their field of expertise.

Surpassing the physical boundaries of Europe and the United States, the goal ofFreasyway is also to develop educational systems in the disadvantaged countries, such as Africa or certain countries of South America or Asia, via new technologies. In order to achieve that, 40% from all profits generated by our system will be used for the creation of Learning Centers and a scholarship support fund.

Website access :

For students, professionals and communities:

Intranet educational institutions and independent teachers:

For all national and international ambassadors :

For investor relations :

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Comedy As A Catalyst For Science Education

The Emmy Award Winning Team at Page Turner Adventures is moving full STEAM ahead with a three-part project (videos, live shows, and web portal) that uses comedy to get kids excited about Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math.

Founded by Riley Roam and Kenny Mikey, Page Turner Adventures has always used the double whammy of comedy and story to educate and entertain. Their videos, live touring shows, and workshops have been inspiring kids across the country for over a decade. Now they’re turning their attention to STEAM with a Transmedia Storytelling project called THE STEAM TRUNK CIRCUS. It’s the story of a mysterious circus performer who incorporates the work of Edison, Einstein, Curie, and Picasso, into his act.

A project that combines juggling, unicycling, and comedy with science is sure to be fun. But to ensure that the program is also effective, the team enlisted the help of Georgette Yakman, founding researcher for STEAM and 2009 NCTC STEM Educator of the Year.

The STEAM Trunk Circus will be told through short videos that schools can also air on their morning announcements, a live multi-media touring show, and an interactive web portal with games, experiments, crafts, and activities. Each piece of the puzzle unlocks a different element of the story world. “Comedy and transmedia storytelling are great ways to interest kids in STEAM,” says Mikey. “This project is also about encouraging creativity, thinking,” agrees Roam, “using humor plus transmedia seemed like the perfect fit.”

“We also knew we had to figure out a creative way to fund it,” adds Mikey. “We’re doing an Indiegogo campaign, so people can help us develop the project as we go. In exchange, they can get all different kinds of perks including videos, tickets, shows for their school, even a starring role in the video series!”

For more information about The STEAM Trunk Circus, go to

For more info about Page Turner Adventures, please visit

Contact Riley Roam at or 561-352-0418.

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New iPad App Gets Children School-Ready

Parents are preparing to send their children off to school for the first time. An Australian Mother of two has developed a way to give children entering school in this technological age a head start by creating an educational iPad app.

Rebecca Monument said that she, like most parents were aware that basic literacy skills developed in the home long before a child starts school.

“I created the app because I wanted to give my children the best of every possible opportunity,” said Ms Monument. “I was worried as my kids weren’t learning the correct way to write the alphabet, that they would have to re-learn it when they started school.”

After the application was released in October this year Ms Monument approached a local teacher for feedback. Ms Tanya Burton from Whitehouse Primary School in Australia agrees that Writeforschool is a resourceful learning tool for young children, and that the app that will complement the introduction of iPads into the prep classrooms in 2013.

“The application combines many features that other similar writing applications fail to deliver, like a variety of accents and a choice of the writing fonts taught in Australian schools” Ms Burton notes. “The large number of fonts back up what is taught in the school curriculum; it not only includes letters and numbers but blends of letters.”

The idea came to Ms Monument and she began developing the iPad application Writeforschool after her children, aged five and six began taking great interest in playing the games on her iPad.

“I thought if I could make educational game for my children, they could begin to learn to write in the cursive they are taught at their school the correct way,” Ms Monument explained. “My children love the app and its exciting graphics that can be completely personalised.”

Ms Monument hopes that her application is able to help as many young children as possible get a head start for this school year.

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“UNDROPPABLE” High School Tour MA, CT, NYC, PA, MI, IL, IA, KS, OH

‘Undroppable’ Announces High School Election Tour The ‘Undroppable’ producing team of Scooter Braun, Adam McKay, Jason Pollock, and Sharon Chang today announced their upcoming Undroppable Election Tour, beginning in Los Angeles on October 24 and going through Election Day.

Filmmaker Jason Pollock, the creator of ‘Undroppable,’ will be touring 14 high schools in 10 states for the final two weeks leading up to Election Day. His hour- long presentation to students in auditoriums and gymnasiums across the country is comprised of a speech, ‘Undroppable’ videos clips, as well as a panel discussion with local and state leaders.

“The main message of this tour is that education is important,” said Pollock. “Most high school students can’t vote this year, but they need to know what’s going on just as much as everyone else.”

The ‘Undroppable’ team will continue their social media campaign on Youtube, Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook throughout the upcoming tour. The campaign has already been featured in Time Magazine and USA Today. ‘Undroppable’ has also received tweets from pop star Justin Bieber, as well as U.S. Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan.

“Our team is very proud of how quickly ‘Undroppable’ has grown. Regardless of who is in office, education is vitally important” said Scooter Braun, who represents pop stars including Justin Bieber, Carly Rae Jepsen, The Wanted, Cody Simpson, and Gangnam Style creator, Psy.

The ‘Undroppable’ Election Tour is a non-partisan event and will be filmed for an upcoming feature documentary that Pollock is currently directing and writing. The film is scheduled to be completed mid-2013.

“Education is such an important issue in this election cycle. This tour is a perfect way to keep this topic in the public eye as much as possible. Pollock’s energy and devotion to this project have been incredible,” said Adam McKay, writer and director of such hit films as Anchorman, Step Brothers, and The Other Guys.

‘Undroppable’ has also partnered with the Get Schooled Foundation in order to film in five high schools that are a part of the Get Schooled network. Get Schooled is affiliated with MTV-Viacom and the Gates Foundation. This month, Get Schooled launched their attendance challenge in 200+ schools nationwide.


Oct 24th – La Causa Youthbuild Charter School, Los Angeles, CA
October 26th – New Bedford High School, New Bedford, MA
October 27th – Bridgeport High Schools, Bridgeport, CT
October 28th – NYC PRESS DAY
October 29th – Palumbo Academy, Philadelphia, PA
October 30th – Edsel Ford High School, Dearborn, MI
Dearborn Magnet High School
Truman High School, Taylor, MI
October 31st – Starr Commonwealth School, Albion, MI
Bloomingdale High School, Bloomingdale, MI
November 1st – Collins Academy. Chicago, IL
November 2nd – East High School, Des Moines, IA
November 3rd – Highland Park High School,Topeka, KS
November 5th – Dohn Community High School, Cincinnati, OH
November 6th – ELECTION DAY, Cincinnati, OH

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The Learning Genome Project unveils a new solution to personalized education through crowd sourcing

Educator Kelly Tenkely invites educators, parents and investors around the world to join in personalizing education.

Due to an increased disenfranchisement with the education system, Colorado educator, Kelly Tenkely, recognized the need for a product that would honor the uniqueness of children by personalizing learning. Kelly created the Learning Genome Project to fulfill this need.

“Every child deserves to be met right where they are in learning, rather than expected to fit a one-size-fits-all solution. In our society, we have managed to customize everything from ringtones to coffee, why should learning be different?” Said the Learning Genome Project creator, Kelly Tenkely.

The Learning Genome makes personalized learning available to children around the world by:
* Gathering information about an individual child including: their unique interests/passions, learning style preferences, multiple intelligence strengths, brain dominance, and maturation level.
* Crowdsourcing the tagging of both free, as well as premium, education resources and curriculum with hundreds of learning attributes (the ‘genes’ of learning).
* Matching resources and curriculum to students, recommending the materials that best meet their needs and creating a custom learning map for each child.
* Utilizing an open API so that schools, parents, and districts can build additional functionality to meet their specific needs.

This is the Learning Genome Project’s free “hub” that makes personalized learning available to every child.

Said Kelly, “Every child, regardless of their economic situation, deserves an education that is tailored to them. Society benefits when we help kids learn how to best utilize their unique gifts and passions.”

Premium features of the Learning Genome Project will include:
* A student information system
* An e-portfolio
* A teacher and student planner
* Blogging tools
* An e-learning center
* An individual learning map for each child

The premium features will work seamlessly with the Learning Genome hub giving students, teachers, and parents a complete solution to personalized learning.

The Learning Genome Project is seeking crowd-sourced funding through Indiegogo and will use the $85,000 raised to begin programming. The project has 45 days to raise the funds and can be found here:

In addition to her work on the Learning Genome Project, Kelly Tenkely is an educator, a prolific education blogger, and created a new educational model. This model is put into practice at Anastasis Academy, a school that Kelly co-founded that is just beginning its 2nd year in operation.

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Glogster EDU is a part of App packs for Google Chromebooks for Education

GlogsterEDU has been announced as one of the applications found on the Google Chromebook’s Education App Pack: a set of apps recommended by the schools, teachers and users for a richer educational experience, at ITSE 2012!

At ITSE, new features have been introduced to make Chromebook easier to manage in all aspects (including finding, managing, installing and using apps in your school).

So what features are included?

Grade-level application packs which are groups of Chrome Web Store apps which are organized by grade level and are connected to Google’s suite of Apps for Education. These packs can be installed from the Chromebook management console. Many are free and for those that aren’t, discounts are often offered for bulk purchases.

Organization-specific web app collections in the Chrome Web Store allow administrators the ability to propose apps to teachers as well as students and other staff members. The collection is can be seen only by the school, and admins are able to pull together apps from the Chrome Web Store, application packs and web apps bought elsewhere or private apps developed by the school. (This feature is also available to Chromebook for Business customers from the control panel.)

Here are some + about Glogster EDU.
+ Proven Creative Technology : Used by more than 500 000 teachers.
+ Easy District Management : Manage multiple schools via one Dashboard.
+ Affordable 50% discount: $1 USD per seat/year (if you get at least 1001).
+ Trusted : Reviewed, Recommended, Ranked.
+ Approved : Meets national educational technology standards.

Do you want to adopt Creative Learning to your District or School? Contact us for a huge discount offer.

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Himalayan Education Systems is in talks with top publishers in various countries to sell its first product

Himalayan Education Systems Pvt. Ltd. a pioneer company, whose aim is to revolutionize the current educational system, is on target to surpass the US dollar 100 billion revenue in the first year of operations, says CEO Prashant Kangutkar.

As per the business plan of Himalayan Education Systems it has already completed their first step. In less than one week their first product ‘Learning Alphabets’ has attracted interest from several top publishers and educational products distributors for its copyrights.

Himalayan Education Systems’ CEO Prashant Kangutkar says “The company is in negotiations to sell the copyrights with several market leading publishers and the top educational products distributors from various countries”.

‘Learning Alphabets’ in English Language is the first product, it has been developed using “Permanent Impact Method”. This method also developed by Himalayan Education Systems Pvt. Ltd. is based on scientific principles of psychology and the way our mind learns.

The “Permanent Impact Method” uses the four basic principles of learning and memorizing; Visualization, Association, Repetition and Effective Listening. Like all Himalayan Education Systems Pvt. Ltd.’s products ‘Learning Alphabets’ also has a global application.

Himalayan Education Systems Pvt. Ltd. is offering worldwide rights in 164 countries for this product at 100 billion US Dollars. Copyrights can also be purchased on a country-wise basis, where price negotiations can be considered.

Following their successful launch of ‘Learning Alphabets’ Himalayan Education Systems is also ready to launch its community welfare site:

‘Learning Rhymes’ is the second product Himalayan Education Systems is developing. It is generally seen that almost all the news in newspapers or news channels are reporting negative and destructive happenings. Even in the movies, films which are like Titanic and Jurassic Park, which picturise destructive scenes are the most popular. This may be because of the fact that the rhymes that we are learning generations on generations are destructive or creating negative emotions. E.g. Jack& Jill, London Bridge is falling down, Humpty Dumpty – destructive, Johnny, Johnny – learning to say lies. If we change the rhymes from negative emotions to positive emotions, there will be marked changes and transformations in our lives.

Himalayan Education Systems Pvt. Ltd. have developed optimistic rhymes, that take into account factors to create a positive impact in the minds of kids. This is done, without compromising on the ‘fun’ of learning. These rhymes will transform the attitude of mankind.

Last but not least, Himalayan Education Systems has prepared another product called“Success Formula” which has been developed by a Himalayan master. This product will help people in knowing how to achieve success or how to achieve goals. The product will also be marketed as all other Himalayan Education Systems products; the company will be selling the copyrights of the ‘Success Formula”. Contact Details: Himalayan Education Systems Pvt. Ltd., 119, Narayan Udyog Bhavan, Lalbaug Industrial Estate, Mumbai, 400012, India.

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Children’s Book Series Combines Substance With Fun

Growing up, author and illustrator Setria James did not make the best grades, but she discovered a strong artistic ability through coloring and began excelling in art classes. She subsequently followed this passion through her college education, studying fine arts and graphic design. Setria recently tapped into her love of coloring and interest in child development by single-handedly authoring and illustrating the Doodles Coloring Fun book line under her Doodles Avenue brand.

Setria published the coloring book collection to encourage children’s artistic expression, provide a fun platform for learning, and aid in their overall development. The series delves into a variety of interesting and educational subjects, such as animals, insects, flowers, food, safety, travel destinations, and United States history. Each book is filled with Setria’s original drawings, themed facts, and activities, which address some of the biggest concerns parents face, including education, health, safety, and cultural awareness.

Ten coloring books have now been released under the Doodles Avenue brand, including the award-winning first edition of “Doodles Alphabet Coloring Fun.” According to Setria, “Coloring helped cultivate my creativity as a child and inspire my career in graphic design, which is why I wanted to produce Doodles Coloring Fun. If my books can inspire other kids to be creative and help them learn about their world in the process, then I’ve accomplished my goal. Doodles Coloring Fun has a level of substance I wish my childhood coloring books contained, with imaginative sketches and educational facts.”

Setria attended Texas Woman’s University, where she received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree and a Masters of Art degree with an emphasis in Graphic Design. Says Setria, “Coloring stimulated my career path and my passion for the arts. My lifelong love of coloring continues through the Doodles Coloring Fun collection, but now I’m paying it forward.”

The Doodles Coloring Fun series is available exclusively on

If you would like more information on this topic, or to schedule an interview with Setria James, please email High-res photos are available to the media upon request.

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Huge Demand Inspires Edulabs to Reschedule Critical Webinar Series on Tablet Buying for Education

Edulabs Learning Solutions Ltd., a leading Thai-based innovator of 21st Century electronic teaching systems (, has received overwhelmingly positive daily responses and a higher-than-anticipated demand for its “must attend” Webinar series. The Webinar cover CRUCIAL considerations that buyers of tablets for educational institutions MUST understand before buying. The Webinars became immediately over-subscribed at launch, and so Edulabs Global has decided to re-launch the Webinar series with new times and dates in order to accommodate the increased interest and demand for registered seats.

Gregory Pommerenk, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Edulabs Learning Solutions, Ltd., explains, “There is no doubt that the world-wide demand and excitement for Tablet computers and Smartphones in education is growing stronger and stronger each and every day, and has fueled this increased interest in Edulabs’ Webinar series. With this also comes the need for knowledge and information that will assist the educational communities around the world to make sure that the money they are about to collectively spend is invested wisely, effectively and accurately.”

The digital learning revolution

Schools around the world are starting to proactively adopt mobile learning programs and initiatives, establish or upgrade their broadband infrastructures and also replace traditional textbooks with digital textbooks at an unprecedented rate. Top online learning institutions such as and have created eLearning material which has revolutionized the global education industry.

It is estimated by respected research organizations that in the K-12 (Primary and Secondary) educational sector alone, there will be a need for in excess of 200 million Tablet computers and over 400 million Smartphones within the next 3-5 years. This is not including the huge need and demand in developing countries and underdeveloped areas of countries such as China, India and Brazil, which affects hundreds of millions of school-aged children and teens.

Explosion in educational demand for eLearning solutions.

In today’s interconnected and inter-dependent globalized world, the global community at large has finally awoken to the fact that having billions of uneducated and unskilled people, especially youth, affects the entire world, and is subsequently striving more proactively than ever to improve the state of education amongst youths. Edulabs Global feels that all of these additional areas are poised to soon explode in terms of demand. The countries of Africa, China, India, Brazil and many ASEAN countries have combined populations in excess of 3 billion people, of which hundreds of millions of youth desperately need much improved and affordable educational solutions.

Subsequently, more digital educational content and applications are becoming available at affordable prices and more and more verifiable studies are proving the value of digital web-based education. This in turn prompts more countries, especially developing counties, to get wired with hi-speed infrastructures that are finally including even the most remote and previously unwired areas of these countries.

New times and dates for Edulabs Webinar Series

The new Webinar times and dates will be announced via our website and a formal press release during the week of February 20th, 2012. In addition to the impressive list of guest presenters and speakers that are already confirmed to attend, Edulabs is also in the process of adding several additional Tablet and Smartphone, Cyber-safety, Edu-tech and Digital Contents and Applications (including Digital Textbooks) companies that wish to participate in the Webinar series.

Please stay tuned to the Edulabs web site and news wires for upcoming announcements regarding the new times and dates of the Webinar series, and take part in these“cannot miss” exciting events!

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Back To School Discounts From Asda, Debenhams And Staples

The coupon and discount vouchers site,, presents back to school sales from over 1000 online stores, spanning more than 30 categories, including Education, fashion, beauty and eye care, home and garden and many more. We feature the likes of Asda back to school discounts; Debenhams discount vouchers and Staple back to school offers.

It’s the time of year again that all students dread, but all parents love: the start of term. After a long summer of holidays and fun in the sun, we welcome the Autumn with a rush of pupils who cannot wait to get back to their friends. Lessons replace gaming consoles, and weeks of boredom and laziness evaporate as everyone gets back into the swing of things.

The beginning of the academic year is an exciting time for everyone, and even if you have been through it many times before, there is always a certain thrill associated with going back to school. Whether you are a student, teacher, or parent, it can be a stressful and busy period, but one that will pave the way for new beginnings. The summer holidays can easily make people lazy, so it’s important for students to be prepared to embark upon the journey of a new school year.

It is not that simple; however, as everyone knows the rate at which students go through clothes, stationery and a whole lot more. It is not only the academic tasks that lie ahead, but also the challenge of finding the best bargains for new gear. Whether it is a set of new folders to take to University, or new uniforms for primary school children, help is at hand from to find the cheapest deals available.

Debenhams offers a fantastic range of discounted rucksacks, like the highly sought after black Back-to-school Mini Backpack that has an astonishing 50% savings available. The backpack is also available in navy and pink. George at ASDA also has a grand offer on their back to school wear: spend £20 and get £5 off your purchase. They also have free home delivery on the same range of clothes.

For the tech-savvy students, is offering a 5% discount on all ebooks as their Back-to-school discount. If it is software is what you’re after, then Adobe’s Back-to-school promotion enables you a sensational saving of up to 80% on Adobe Student and Teacher Editions. Plus, they are throwing in free shipping!

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