Category Archives: Science

El Liceo Europeo ha ganado el Premio Zayed de Sustentabilidad 2022 en la categoría de Colegios Globales para la región de Europa y Asia Central

MADRID, España, 18-Jan-2021 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — El Liceo Europeo ha ganado el Premio Zayed de Sustentabilidad 2022 en la categoría de Colegios Globales para la región de Europa y Asia Central. El centro educativo fue declarado vencedor entre tres finalistas en la 13ª ceremonia de entrega de premios celebrada durante la Semana de la Sustentabilidad de Abu Dhabi (ADSW en inglés).

A la ceremonia de entrega de premios asistieron líderes mundiales, ministros y otros altos dignatarios de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos y extranjeros, además de los finalistas de la edición 2022.

El Liceo Europeo, un colegio privado español situado en Alcobendas (Madrid), recibió la distinción por su proyecto que implementa una tecnología transformadora a base de residuos orgánicos y microorganismos (como la levadura), para generar electricidad a un coste asequible. Paralelamente, el proyecto ayuda a mitigar y afrontar el reto de la escasez de electricidad, la dependencia excesiva de recursos energéticos no renovables y la acumulación de residuos.

Para ello, la escuela utilizará la tecnología de las Pilas de Combustible Microbianas para generar energía a partir de las mascarillas de protección facial, que se han convertido en un equipo de protección personal (EPP) muy utilizado en Madrid y en todo el mundo durante la actual pandemia de COVID-19. De este modo, la escuela también aborda la gran presencia de mascarillas usadas y desechadas que contaminan las calles y el entorno de la escuela. En cuanto a la energía, toda la demanda de electricidad de la escuela podría sostenerse con sólo 13 biorreactores, transformando la escuela en un campus que funcione totalmente con energía limpia al generar 507 kWh de energía eléctrica al año.

La Dra. Lamya Fawwaz, directora del Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad, declaró: “El Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad reconoce que los jóvenes son la fuerza motriz del desarrollo sostenible y los capacita para alcanzar todo su potencial. Los jóvenes del mundo son el futuro, y su continua capacidad para introducir, impulsar e inspirar un cambio positivo originado en la comunidad será vital para permitir un desarrollo que sea sostenible e inclusivo, especialmente en vista de la aceleración de la acción a favor del clima, en la que los jóvenes son actores clave”.

“El Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad quiere felicitar al Liceo Europeo por su victoria y elogia a la escuela por su proyecto altamente creativo y pragmático, que aborda el problema actual de las máscaras faciales desechadas para hacer frente a la acumulación de residuos, al tiempo que apoya la acción climática a través de fuentes renovables para satisfacer las necesidades energéticas de su campus. También reconocemos su ambición de ampliar su foco a la protección de los océanos, los ríos y la biodiversidad para reforzar aún más su impacto y su huella de sostenibilidad”, continuó la Dra. Fawwaz.

Sobre la consecución del premio, Marcos Rois, Director del Liceo, manifestó: “El Liceo Europeo siempre ha tratado de inculcar a nuestros alumnos valores y cualidades que les permitan contribuir a forjar un futuro mejor para todos. Estimulando la curiosidad intelectual desde una edad temprana y proporcionando a nuestros alumnos una perspectiva internacional que les permita entender cómo los problemas globales requieren soluciones innovadoras, pretendemos dotarlos de los conocimientos y las herramientas necesarias para aplicar en la práctica lo que aprenden y así marcar diferencias de verdad”.

Dado que la acumulación de residuos plásticos en océanos y ríos también supone un reto para la comunidad cercana a la escuela, el Liceo Europeo tiene previsto ampliar su modelo de diseño en el futuro para extrapolar sus prototipos del proyecto del Premio Zayed de Sustentabilidad para tratar también otros residuos plásticos y ampliar su impacto. Como parte de su crecimiento, se espera que la solución degrade 19 kg de mascarillas de aguas contaminadas cada año y reutilice cerca del 91% de ellas. Para incentivar el intercambio de conocimientos y una mayor concienciación de los jóvenes y la sociedad, se ha hecho hincapié en los talleres dirigidos por estudiantes para enseñar a los más jóvenes y a los miembros de la comunidad los beneficios de las energías renovables.

Bajo la premisa de que todo el mundo debería tener las mismas oportunidades para construir un futuro mejor, el Liceo Europeo, que cuenta con 1.273 alumnos y ofrece cursos tanto en español como en inglés, involucrará a 150 niños en el proyecto y prevé beneficiar a los estudiantes y a la comunidad local durante los próximos 15 años, impactando a 1.000 estudiantes sólo en los primeros cinco años.

El Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad, dotado con 3 millones de dólares, reconoce a las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), a las entidades sin ánimo de lucro y a las escuelas secundarias de todo el mundo por sus soluciones en materia de sostenibilidad, en consonancia con los principales Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de las Naciones Unidas y, hasta la fecha, ha influido en la vida de más de 370 millones de personas en 150 países. La categoría de Escuelas Secundarias Globales, por sí sola, ha alcanzado e impactado a aproximadamente 45.144 estudiantes y a más de 425.170 personas en comunidades más amplias, y este número sigue aumentando año tras año.

El premio, que abarca las categorías de Salud, Alimentación, Energía, Agua y Escuelas Secundarias Globales, se inspira en el legado humanitario y de sustentabilidad del fundador y primer presidente de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, el difunto jeque Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, y sirve para rendirle homenaje.

En la categoría de Escuelas Secundarias Globales, seis colegios, cada uno de los cuales representa a una región del mundo, reciben hasta 100.000 dólares para llevar a cabo un proyecto dirigido por los estudiantes. A diferencia de las categorías para organizaciones, las escuelas secundarias presentan propuestas de proyectos para construir o mejorar una solución que han desarrollado para su escuela o comunidad local. El objetivo de esta categoría, introducida en el Premio en 2012, es inspirar a los jóvenes para que se conviertan en pioneros, innovadores y defensores de la sustentabilidad y que de esta manera contribuyan a un futuro más sostenible.

Las regiones mundiales para el premio a las Escuelas Secundarias Globales son: América, Europa y Asia Central, Oriente Medio y Norte de África (MENA), África Subsahariana, Asia Meridional y Asia Oriental y Pacífico.

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Sobre el Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad

Creado por los dirigentes de los EAU en 2008 para honrar el legado de su padre fundador, el difunto jeque Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, el Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad es un galardón pionero de los EAU para la sustentabilidad y las soluciones humanitarias en todo el mundo.

El Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad reconoce y premia a las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), a las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro y a los centros de enseñanza superior de todo el mundo que se comprometen a acelerar soluciones sostenibles de impacto.

En los últimos 14 años, el Premio ha reconocido a 96 ganadores que, en total, han tenido un impacto positivo en la vida de más de 370 millones de personas en todo el mundo. Las categorías del Premio Zayed a la Sostenibilidad son Salud, Alimentación, Energía, Agua y Escuelas Secundarias Globales.

Para obtener más información, visite o visite nuestras redes sociales: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube.

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JH Technologies Ships First UV Microscope Eyepiece Sanitizers

Patent-pending Optic-Clean™ is the only product of its kind worldwide

Fremont, CA, 15-Oct-2020 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — JH Technologies, leading optical and digital imaging, metallography, sample preparation and metrology solutions provider, announces that it recently shipped the first units of the company’s new Optic-Clean UV Microscope Eyepiece Sanitizer.

Until now, microscope eyepieces have typically been disinfected with a 70% alcohol solution using saturated wipes or liquid spray. JH Technologies’ new Optic-Clean™ UV Microscope Eyepiece Sanitizer uses Ultraviolet (UV) light technology. UV is a scientifically documented method of disrupting viruses, bacteria, and microorganisms to prevent transmission and spread.

Optic-Clean sanitizes each microscope eyepiece in about 60 seconds. It is also chemical-free and environmentally sound, helping users reduce their sterilizing materials costs.

“Scientific labs are one area where contact is unavoidable. We developed Optic-Clean to help customers protect their lab users as they return to work and school in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,” said JH Technologies CEO John Hubacz.

In addition to being fast, effective and eco-friendly, Optic-Clean is easy to use and verifiable with an optional radiometer. Microscope users interested in learning more can visit the company’s website at
jhtechnologies/optic-clean or download a 2-page brochure here.

About JH Technologies
JH Technologies is a major national optics and microscopy company with over 30 years of experience in optical and digital imaging, metallography, and metrology for applications in semiconductor, micro-technology, medical device, forensic, biological and materials research, and educational markets. JH Technologies supports its customers with regional offices in Northern and Southern California, the Pacific Northwest and New England.

The company serves some of the largest and most innovative companies in the world, research organizations, government labs, as well as startups and educators. JH Technologies sales staff consists of engineers and scientists who are dedicated to providing the most appropriate solutions for their customers’ unique problems. The sales staff is supported by an outstanding group of factory trained applications experts and service engineers.

Visit to learn more.


EDITOR’S NOTE: Grab a digital image here: JH Technologies Ships First UV Microscope Eyepiece Sanitizers or a high res image here.

For more information contact:
Dana Baedke
Key Marketing

John Hubacz, CEO
JH Technologies, Inc.

Une équipe de l’ISA Lille en France le lauréat du 3ème Prix Farming by Satellite

BERLIN, 2017-Jan-25 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Le lauréat du 3ème Prix Farming by Satellite visant à promouvoir le recours aux technologies satellitaires dans le domaine de l’agriculture, a été désigné le lundi 23 janvier à l’occasion de l’International Green Week de Berlin. La gagnante toutes catégories confondues des 5 000 € est une équipe de l’ISA Lille, en France. Son idée consiste à utiliser les données satellitaires, pour associer la gestion des niveaux d’azote à la résolution du problème du compactage des terres. Elle suggère également de recourir aux cultures de couverture pour traiter la question de manière respectueuse de l’environnement. Le Prix Spécial Afrique de 4 000 € a été décerné à l’équipe « Shamballite » du Kenya, pour son idée innovante et parfaitement documentée de Système d’informations agricoles par satellite.

Les gagnants ont eu affaire à l’âpre concurrence de 76 autres jeunes candidats de 13 pays d’Europe et 8 pays d’Afrique. Les membres du jury ont sélectionné 7 équipes d’Europe pour la finale en « live », ainsi que 3 équipes d’Afrique dont les présentations ont été transmises par liaison vidéo. Le Portugal a pu faire passer deux équipes en finale, aux côtés de finalistes de Belgique, République Tchèque, France, d’Allemagne et d’Italie. Avec deux des trois finalistes, la participation du Kenya au prix Spécial Afrique a été tout particulièrement remarquée. Le troisième était du Maroc.

Le deuxième prix de 3 000 € et le troisième prix de 1 000 € ont été remis à la République Tchèque et à l’Italie respectivement.

Le Prix Farming by Satellite est une initiative de l’Agence du GNSS européen (GSA) et de l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE). Elle est parrainée par CLAAS, fabricant de référence d’équipements de génie agricole et les experts de la protection des cultures, Bayer CropScience.

Invité à évaluer les lauréats, Reinhard Blasi, membre du jury de cette année a déclaré :
« Les membres du jury ont été particulièrement impressionnés par l’évolution de la qualité et du professionnalisme des candidats depuis le début, surtout de la part des participants africains. Associée à leur approche holistique tournée vers un vrai défi pour les agriculteurs du Kenya, elle a contribué à la décision d’attribuer la première place à « Shamballite ». L’idée consiste à envoyer de simples messages pour aider les agriculteurs à prendre leurs décisions, en comblant des manques d’informations spécifiques.

Interrogé sur l’aspect environnemental des candidatures, Hans Dufourmont de l’AEE a ajouté : C’est clair, la politique de données publiques de l’Union européenne exprimée à travers le programme Copernicus change réellement la donne, en multipliant l’adoption de l’imagerie satellitaire pour améliorer les aspects environnementaux des pratiques agricoles : nous l’avons constaté, un tas de propositions tirent parti de l’accès libre aux données des satellites Sentinel.

Et pour Christian Radons, CLAAS : « Au fur et à mesure que l’agriculture renforce sa place parmi les activités à forte intensité de connaissances, notre rôle dépasse la conception et la fabrication de machines et s’oriente également vers le recours à la science, à l’innovation et à la technologie, pour faire une vraie différence sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur. Nous tenons vraiment à encourager les innovateurs de demain à puiser dans leurs talents, au profit de l’agriculture. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous soutenons le Prix Farming by Satellite depuis sa première édition, en 2012. À chaque nouvelle édition de ce Prix, nous constatons combien les candidatures s’améliorent non seulement en termes de qualité, mais d’applicabilité également. C’est bon signe pour l’avenir de l’agriculture et de la production alimentaire. »

Comme le dit Alex Melnitchouck, Bayer CropScience : « Suite à l’expansion des moyens de communication, l’agriculteur moderne a de vastes connaissances au bout des doigts. Associez ces vastes connaissances aux toutes dernières variétés de semences, à des données météorologiques détaillées et à des outils d’analyse des cultures et vous leur donnez une meilleure chance d’augmenter la production, tout en faisant face au changement climatique. Des moyens réels existent pour aider les agriculteurs à prendre leurs décisions et à recourir simplement aux technologies de pointe, pour mieux gérer leur activité et diminuer leurs coûts. Le Prix Farming by Satellite est une plate-forme de sensibilisation à ces moyens. C’est un tremplin d’accès aux talents des jeunes, pour concrétiser les projets dans ce domaine.

Et comme le disent les gagnants en guise de dernier mot : « Nous sommes tous excités et fiers depuis cette décision. L’expérience a été sensationnelle et nous espérons pouvoir concrétiser notre idée. »
Les candidats doivent être âgés d’au moins 32 ans. La participation peut être à titre individuelle ou collective, en équipe. Ils peuvent soumettre leurs études de cas consécutifs à des essais, de nouvelles idées et innovations, surtout si elles sont basées sur le Système européen de navigation par recouvrement géostationnaire (EGNOS), le prochain système européen de navigation par satellite GALILEO et le programme de coopération COPERNICUS (Programme de l’Union pour l’observation et la surveillance de la Terre). Pour de plus amples détails, rendez-vous sur : ou contactez Marie Menard à l’adresse ou Koji Fukuhara à l’adresse

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Lingvo dictionaries with new open API


Moscow, Russia, 17-Nov-2016 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — ABBYY launches Lingvo API, an open API for its trademark Lingvo dictionaries.

The new ABBYY Lingvo API gives developers an opportunity to integrate translation, definition, suggested spelling and other features into their services using high-quality bilingual Russian dictionaries by ABBYY Lingvo.

Lingvo API gives access to 140 general and specialised dictionaries in 15 European and Asian languages. It’s open for integration into educational services for individuals, organizations and corporations, travel applications, readers and a variety of other products and solutions.

In 2012 ABBYY launched an API for Lingvo Android which has been integrated into a range of popular applications: YotaReader, Moon+ Reader, Moon+ Reader Pro and others. The key difference of the new API is that it is compatible with iOS, Android and web. Besides, now there’s no need for the end user to install the Lingvo applications on their device for the API features to work.

Using Lingvo API, developers can add a variety of features to their applications: full or short translation, definition, suggested spelling, word forms, pronunciation, a part of the word list, a specific dictionary entry, full-text search across all the dictionaries and more. With the integrated translation API, after tapping or clicking on the word or phrase, the user will see a pop-up card with its translation within the chosen language pairing, morphology, examples and can listen to the pronunciation. Lingvo API works online, an Internet connection is required.

“What’s the unique value of Lingvo API? It gives access to the exceptional collection of bilingual Russian dictionaries ABBYY is known for. That’s why it is a useful tool for a lot of services in education, travel, reading and more”, comments ABBYY’s Head of Mobile Artem Kumpel.

In the future, ABBYY is planning to use the new API to develop adaptable AI algorithms which will be able to create personalized learning models depending on the user’s progress, characteristics and needs.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

PreK12 Plaza Launches Math Fluency App Mad Minute Plaza


Clifton Park, New York, September 29, 2016 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — PreK12 Plaza, a social impact enterprise working to ignite the genius in every child, today announced the launch of an updated bilingual math game app, Mad Minute Plaza for ages 6 and up.

“PreK12 Plaza is a comprehensive education platform and Mad Minute Plaza is one of multiple app offerings created by our outstanding team of developers and certified teachers to help students achieve their potential while making minute math fun,” said Ana Roca Castro, Founder and CEO of PreK12 Plaza.

Mad Minute Plaza works to improve math fluency. Research has demonstrated that the ability for students to respond automatically frees up cognitive resources that can be applied to more complex computation and concepts.

Mad Minute Plaza is a free app, available in English and Spanish, that provides students with the opportunity to respond to different level math quizzes for one minute – zapping as many space germs in the process. The game includes addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and more than 400 calculations.

The app is available for free at iTunes; Google Play and Amazon Marketplace. Additional information is available at

About PreK12 Plaza
PreK12 Plaza is a digital education platform created to ignite the genius in every child. It is the first multicultural education platform that provides culturally relevant Math and Language Arts resources combined with research-based didactic approach and state of the art parent engagement tools in eight languages.

Media contacts:
Monica Talan
Phone: 518-280-9550 Ext. 24
Cell: 917-886-5978


LOS ANGELES, CA, October 6, 2015 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — XPRIZE, the global leader in incentivized prize competitions, and Google today announced Moonshot, cousins ages 10 and 12 from Brooklyn, New York, and Naples, Italy, is a grand prize winner in the 2015 MOONBOTS Challenge, also considered the “Google Lunar XPRIZE for Kids.” MOONBOTS is an international competition that encourages the next generation of space explorers and innovators by inviting kids ages 8-17 to design, create and program their own lunar rover, based on a legend or theory that inspires them about the moon.

Moonshot team members Sasha Cipani, 10, who lives in Naples, Italy; and Dario Cipani, 12, who lives in Brooklyn, N.Y., with his mom and team captain Sara Cipani; didn’t let distance and time zones get in the way of their shared love of the moon. They worked together online to create their video submission, and then built and programmed their one-of-a-kind simulated lunar mission together using the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 robotic platform during Dario’s family vacation to Italy last summer. Their inspiration was Luna, Dario’s sister and Sasha’s cousin, and the idea that the moon we all share can bring people together — just as it brought their family together.

Later this month, the cousins will take a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Japan together to meet the official teams competing for a $30 million dollar Google Lunar XPRIZE, a global competition to land a privately funded robot on the moon.

“Team Moonshot showed ingenuity and innovation in their robotic building and programming, and were creative and imaginative in the way they interpreted their moon ‘tale,’” said Chanda Gonzales, senior director, Google Lunar XPRIZE. “Dario and Sasha were incredibly engaging, and their mission will provide inspiration for kids all over the world.”

In addition to developing their lunar rover, the cousins contributed to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education by sharing their innovation with underprivileged children through Associazione Quartieri Spagnoli Onlus – a nonprofit organization in Italy.
The kids’ competition attracted 235 teams from 29 countries, who entered phase one by submitting a written or video entry about what inspires them about the moon.

Teams are comprised of 2-4 members (ages 8-17) and one team captain at least 18 years old. A panel of judges selected 30 teams to qualify for phase two, each of which was provided one of three platform systems (LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3, VEX IQ, MECCANO Meccanoid G15 KS) to build and program a unique simulated robotic mission based on the moon tale they submitted in phase one. In addition, they were asked to contribute to STEM education by sharing their innovation with children and adults in their community.

Along with Moonshot, other grand prize winners are: Mecaliks of Cuautitlan Izcalli, Mexico; Team GalacTECHs of Tustin, Calif.; and Linked Lunas of Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

Since 2010, MOONBOTS has challenged thousands of young people from around the world. In addition to XPRIZE and Google, competition partners include FIRST® LEGO® League, Cogmation Robotics, VEX Robotics Inc., Spin-Master Ltd., the Robotics Education and Competition Foundation (RECF), GeekDad, GeekMom, Robomatter Incorporated and Dexter Industries. More information, including the full list of finalists, can be found at

About the Google Lunar XPRIZE
The $30M Google Lunar XPRIZE is an unprecedented competition to challenge and inspire engineers and entrepreneurs from around the world to develop low-cost methods of robotic space exploration. To win the Google Lunar XPRIZE, a privately funded team must successfully place a robot on the moon’s surface that explores at least 500 meters and transmits high-definition video and images back to Earth. For more information, visit

Founded in 1995, XPRIZE is the leading organization solving the world’s Grand Challenges by creating and managing large-scale, high-profile, incentivized prizes in five areas: Learning; Exploration; Energy & Environment; Global Development; and Life Sciences. Active prizes include the $30M Google Lunar XPRIZE, the $15M Global Learning XPRIZE, $10M Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE, and the $7M Adult Literacy XPRIZE. For more information, visit


Media Contact:
Eric Desatnik

Via EPR Network
More Education press releases

Comedy As A Catalyst For Science Education

The Emmy Award Winning Team at Page Turner Adventures is moving full STEAM ahead with a three-part project (videos, live shows, and web portal) that uses comedy to get kids excited about Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math.

Founded by Riley Roam and Kenny Mikey, Page Turner Adventures has always used the double whammy of comedy and story to educate and entertain. Their videos, live touring shows, and workshops have been inspiring kids across the country for over a decade. Now they’re turning their attention to STEAM with a Transmedia Storytelling project called THE STEAM TRUNK CIRCUS. It’s the story of a mysterious circus performer who incorporates the work of Edison, Einstein, Curie, and Picasso, into his act.

A project that combines juggling, unicycling, and comedy with science is sure to be fun. But to ensure that the program is also effective, the team enlisted the help of Georgette Yakman, founding researcher for STEAM and 2009 NCTC STEM Educator of the Year.

The STEAM Trunk Circus will be told through short videos that schools can also air on their morning announcements, a live multi-media touring show, and an interactive web portal with games, experiments, crafts, and activities. Each piece of the puzzle unlocks a different element of the story world. “Comedy and transmedia storytelling are great ways to interest kids in STEAM,” says Mikey. “This project is also about encouraging creativity, thinking,” agrees Roam, “using humor plus transmedia seemed like the perfect fit.”

“We also knew we had to figure out a creative way to fund it,” adds Mikey. “We’re doing an Indiegogo campaign, so people can help us develop the project as we go. In exchange, they can get all different kinds of perks including videos, tickets, shows for their school, even a starring role in the video series!”

For more information about The STEAM Trunk Circus, go to

For more info about Page Turner Adventures, please visit

Contact Riley Roam at or 561-352-0418.

Via EPR Network
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ASPIRA of PA Hosts Summer of Innovation Camp

ASPIRA, Inc. of Pennsylvania (ASPIRA of PA) was selected by Immaculata University to host a week-long Summer of Innovation (SOI) camp, from July 22nd – 26th. The camp is part of NASA’s nation-wide campaign aimed at engaging middle school students across the United States to share in the excitement of scientific discovery and space exploration through unique, NASA-related STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) opportunities. The SOI program seeks to leverage the expertise and reach of NASA’s 10 field centers, national academic and industry partners and smaller, non-traditional collaborators to keep students engaged in STEM activities during the summer school break.

The camp took place at Pantoja Charter (a K-8 bilingual charter school managed by ASPIRA of PA), and in addition to providing facility space, ASPIRA of PA also provided teachers and staff to help facilitate the camp. The teachers participating at the camp are also part of a development program hosted by NASA to improve Science/STEM instruction. Over 80, 4 th – 9 th grade students attended the camp, with 80% of students coming from schools managed by ASPIRA of PA. Throughout the camp, students learned about robotics, computer programming, aeronautics, and in a culminating event on the last day, they launched rockets that they built earlier in the week. Students and parents alike praised the camp, with the only complaint being that they wished it was longer. ASPIRA of PA is already beginning to make plans for next year’s SOI camp, with hopes of extending the length of the camp and offering it to more students.

Via EPR Network
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Center for Scholastic Inquiry Offers Cost-Free Research Publication to Conference Presenters

The Center for Scholastic Inquiry announced promotional pricing for its upcoming international academic research conference and peer-reviewed academic journals. Professionals and practitioners in the fields of education, business and behavioral sciences who present their academic or action research at CSI’s Scottsdale conference are able to publish the research in one of the company’s refereed journals at no cost.

When behavioral science, education and business practitioners and professionals register to attend and present their research at the Center for Scholastic Inquiry’s InternationalAcademic Research Conference, CSI will waive all submission review and preprocess fees for their corresponding paper to be published. This is a $475.00 savings for those who take advantage of the offer.

“This offer makes presenting and publishing academic and action research achievable and very cost effective,” said Dr. Tanya Yerigan, CEO of the Center for Scholastic Inquiry, “By packaging our conference and publication offering together, we make meaningful professional development manageable for our attendees,”

The academic research conference will be held in Scottsdale, Arizona, on April 17, 18 and 19. Attendees can join the conference eve reception, attend the two-day keynote address, and present and hear contemporary research of interest to them during multi-format breakout sessions in four tracks: multidisciplinary, education, behavioral sciences and business. The keynote topic is leadership and will provide action principles and strategies applicable in any education, business or behavioral science field. Read more about full conference details.

Education, behavioral science and business professionals who register for the conference by October 3, 2012, will be eligible for this promotional offer. In addition to cost-free publishing, attendees will promote scholarly research, advance best practice and elevate their professional authority and expertise. Promotion details are available.

Professionals and practitioners interested in attending or presenting can learn more about the conference by visiting CSI’s website ( or contacting the company.

Via EPR Network
More Education press releases

The Center for Scholastic Inquiry International Academic Research Conference Call for Papers Now Open

The Center for Scholastic Inquiry is pleased to announce its inaugural academic research conference on April 17-19, 2013, in Scottsdale, Arizona. The conference highlights academic research in education, business and behavioral sciences to support superior, break through scholarship and establish a platform to recognize and celebrate luminaries, pioneers and practitioners in the professions of education, business and behavioral sciences.

The conference, which is being held at a luxury desert resort, will be preceded by a conference-eve reception followed by three days of education, business and behavioral sciences track breakout sessions, morning keynote addresses, and networking gatherings. This inquiry-focused conference, centered on leading edge academic research, is a stimulating and dynamic event aimed at identifying and advancing best practice and promising innovative methods.

The conference call for papers is now open and will close March 15, 2013. Individuals are encouraged to submit proposals that focus on landmark scientific findings, promotion of best practice, advancement of evidence-based practice, ground-breaking research, revolutionary theory or innovative technique in the fields of education, business or behavioral sciences. Guidelines for submissions are available for review.
Early registration for conference attendance is currently open.  Standard registration for conference attendance begins November 1, 2012.  Individuals are welcome to review conference details or take advantage of early registration rates.

About the Center for Scholastic Inquiry
The Center for Scholastic Inquiry was established to provide education, business and behavioral science professionals with a scholarly forum for exploring and sharing the latest academic research in their respective fields.

Via EPR Network
More Education press releases

Complete University Guide 2013 ranks Lancaster University ninth in the UK

The Complete University Guide for 2013 has finished its research into the best universities in the UK and on 24th April 2012 released the new University League Table, in which Lancaster University ranks in ninth place.

By coming in ninth position Lancaster University is now grouped with the top universities in the UK alongside many prestigious higher education institutions. This leading group has Cambridge University in first place, with the rest of the top 10 including, in order of rank, the London School of Economics, Oxford University, the Imperial College of London, Durham University, the University of St Andrews, the University of Warwick, University College London, Lancaster University and the University of Bath.

A total of nine attributes were used to measure the University League Table’s rankings, including student satisfaction, research funding, entry standards, the ratio of students to staff, academic services spending, overall quality of student facilities, degree results, graduate prospects, and levels of degree completion.

Apart from gaining high scores overall, Lancaster University also achieved exceptional results for its individual dress subjects. Social work came in first place, art and design in second, linguistics in third, drama, dance and cinema in fifth, biological science, geography and environmental science all ranked eighth, and accounting and finance, business studies, general engineering and social policy placed ninth.

All universities were judged on four attributes for degree subjects, which were – student satisfaction, research (including doctoral and postgraduate research), entry standards and graduate prospects.

Lancaster University has recently ranked highly in a number of publications. For instance, the university was ranked ninth in The Times Good University Guide 2012 and seventh out of 120 UK universities in The Guardian’s University Guide 2012. Also, the UK Government’s latest Assessment of Research in 2008 revealed that more than 90 per cent of Lancaster University’s research work can be classed as world leading and that the University has some of the best research subjects in the UK.

Of the University’s latest achievement in the University League Table Professor Mark E. Smith, the Vice-Chancellor of Lancaster University, said: “Lancaster University is consistently highly ranked in the UK league tables and is established as a world player in research and teaching, which is reflected in our rising global league table position.

“Students who come to Lancaster can be confident of receiving a first class education at an internationally diverse campus.”

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Student Accommodation At Lancaster University Ranks Second In The UK

Following the annual Times Higher Education Student Experience survey, Lancaster University’s student accommodation has been ranked second in the whole of the UK.

The Times Higher Education Student Experience survey was conducted by the University of Cambridge and a total of 105 different universities were ranked. All universities were scored on 21 attributes, such as the overall quality of lectures, social life, facilities, the student’s union and many others. For each attribute universities were scored out of seven by its own students, with the total for every university being calculated from these results.

191 students from Lancaster University participated the university’s scoring this year and the university ranked at number 19 for the second year running. The university has received its greatest accolade in recent years, now being set in joint second place for the best student accommodation in the UK, alongside the University of Dundee and the University of Oxford.

And it’s easy to see why the university’s students chose such a high score for its accommodation, as the students’ halls of residence is of a much higher quality than many others in the UK. Students living there can benefit from eco-friendly and energy-efficient technologies that encourage them to live more sustainably, which is a key skill they can then take into later life.

For example, students can refer to real-time energy monitors to keep energy wastage at a minimum. The halls have also been fitted with roof-mounted thermal solar panels that preheat hot water, Passive Infra-Red (PIR) units to control lighting in the halls, and high-end insulation.

“It’s not like a first-year halls of residence,” said Hilary Simmons, the Head of Colleges and Student Life at Lancaster University. “You have this huge vibrancy of second- and third-years organising lots of activities and social events. Keeping these smaller communities within the overall huge university community is really important to us.”

Lancaster University has pioneered an Eco-Residences model that has received much recognition and many awards since its creation. The university uses this model for around 12 per cent of its accommodation stock, which is one of the many reasons why its students are so pleased with their housing.

To find out more about Lancaster University, visit now.

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New York City PE And Health Professionals Support The Inclusion Of Physical Education And Health Education As ‘Core Academic Subjects’

Perhaps in response to a package of five Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) bills introduced on September 15 the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee (HELP) has scheduled a ‘mark up’ of ESEA reauthorization language for Tuesday, October 18. This means the full Committee will meet to offer and vote on amendments and then vote the bill out of Committee.

“The introduction of legislative language will certainly help to direct the discussion of what issues and language should be included in any ESEA reauthorization package and could fuel discussion during the Oct. HELP Committee‘mark up’. We expect our legislators to support the bill that will improve current status of physical education and health education. I want to mention that most New York City public schools administrators have very positive perceptions of physical education. Research paper ‘Principals’ Physical Education Perception in New York City Public Schools’ (Howard Z. Zeng, Brooklyn College) published in the Supplement to Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport (March 2011) reflects that principals truly view physical education as an academic discipline. They also agree that without PE, our students will not be fully developed. Parents’ perceptions of physical education are positive as well. According to a 2002 study by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE), 84% of parents had a positive perception of physical education in general, and 81% of parents believed that daily PE should be mandatory. Additionally, research has shown that 79.3% of parents revealed that their child’s physical education grade was as important as grades earned in academics (James, Griffin and France, 2005),” said Srecko Mavrek, President of Exercise Science/Sports Medicine Section of the New York State Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (NYS AHPERD).

Many New York State PE and health professionals have contacted their federal legislators – to work to finalize the language. In their letters to Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Charles E. Schumer, they urge them to support the inclusion of physical education and health education as ‘core academic subjects’ during the ESEA reauthorization process. A copy of the letter was sent to the U.S. Congressman Jose E. Serrano. This important recognition would have a significant impact on students’ educational outcomes and help them to develop healthy and active lifestyles.

Both quality physical education and health education are critical components of educating the whole child, helping students to become health literate, understand the benefits of a physically active lifestyle, model and practice healthful behaviors, and adopt a lifelong commitment to healthy living. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) 2006 School Health Policies and Programs Study (SHPPS), only 6.4% of elementary schools, 20.6% of middle schools and 35% of high schools required instruction in all 14 essential health topics. In fact, most students receive only about 4 hours per year of health education. At a time when one-third of our nation’s children are overweight or obese, we must take advantage of every strategy to encourage schools to provide quality physical education, which increases physical competence, physical activity participation and health-related fitness. Moreover, a recent CDC recent report provides evidence that physical education and physical activity can help improve academic achievement, including grades and standardized test scores. It also positively affects cognitive skills and behavior, and enhances concentration and memory.

“Accordingly, New York City PE and health professionals strongly urge their federal legislators to support the inclusion of physical education and health education as‘core subjects’ during the ESEA reauthorization process to improve both the health and academic achievement of our nation’s youth,” said Mavrek.

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Texas Students To Receive State-Of-The-Art Supplemental Science Learning Materials

Students from 5th through 12th grade will, this school year, have internet learning assistance to improve their science grades.

In June, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) had panels of assessors reviewing internet learning submissions from a number of companies. The subject matter review experts on these panels determined which submissions were compliant with the new science Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) statements, which include 5th through 8th grade as well as high school Biology, Chemistry, Physics and IPC. Following the reviews the Commissioner, Robert Scott, recommended a list for adoption by the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE). On July 22, 2011 the SBOE voted to adopt a number of submissions. From the adopted list, schools can elect to purchase access to the software that they feel will suit their students best.

For students, these interactive learning programs will include; virtual experiments, animated simulations and instantly marked assessments, all designed to motivate students to explore the world of science.

In the present economic climate it must be good news that this dynamic learning material is available to Texas students at a fraction of the cost of traditional textbooks.

One of the systems adopted has been created by Texas entrepreneur, Tim Brown.

Tim, the President of Technical Laboratory Systems, has funded a partnership between his Texas-based team and a world leading company in the design of e-learning materials, to produce learning programs for all eight grade levels that are totally compliant with the new science TEKS*.

It is Tim’s opinion that this new TEA initiative creates a real possibility that more Texas students will succeed in school science and then choose to follow careers in science, technology or engineering.

Tim says;

“As a provider of technical education equipment to Texas schools and colleges for more than thirty years, I have been saddened to see the decline in the number of quality students opting for careers in technology and engineering. Middle and High School science is the bedrock for college studies in science, technology and engineering. Science teachers, who do their utmost to motivate students, will find that difficult task so much easier with this software. It was a logical step for me to invest in new technology to improve the prospects of our young students. Here in Texas we have world leading companies in all the technological areas, if we cannot provide them with the skilled and innovative workforce that they require, they will be forced to go elsewhere.”

Academics have lobbied hard for our policymakers to address the state’s declining SAT scores and maybe their message is being heard. Perhaps this new initiative by the TEA will go some way to ease the concerns of many in Texas, that the present financial constraints will damage the prospects for our schoolchildren.

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Eastern Kentucky University Launches Online Bachelor Of Science In Occupational Safety

- Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) is proud to announce the new online Bachelor of Science in Occupational Safety Degree Program, with classes starting in January 2011.

EKU’s online Bachelor’s in Occupational Safety arms current safety professionals and those interested in pursuing a safety career with the skills and knowledge to succeed within this evolving industry. The program’s comprehensive curriculum provides students with a solid safety foundation including: OSHA inspections, education and training, workers compensation, and auditing.

The new EKU occupational safety program provides students with relevant, real- world learning applications, from industry-leading faculty members. EKU’s faculty members have many years of safety experience. They incorporate that experience into the courses by directly applying theories to practice. Additionally, the professors use cutting-edge teaching tactics in the courses. For example, they have incorporated videos of construction safety and OSHA inspections into coursework for online students.

“The faculty truly makes this degree program stand out. They give a strong foundation and enhance the curriculum with their industry experiences, which makes our graduates untouchable,” said Program Coordinator, Dr. Michael Schumann.

In addition to the traditional Occupational Safety Curriculum, the EKU Online Bachelor’s in Occupational Safety program offers a minor in Fire and Safety Engineering Technology, which keeps EKU students at the forefront of the safety industry and makes them more valuable candidates to employers. Due to EKU’s strong reputation, employers actively seek EKU graduates to fill safety jobs.

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Eastern Kentucky University Launches Website For The College Of Justice And Safety Online Programs

Eastern Kentucky University (EKU),, is proud to announce the launch of a new website hosting all of the online degree programs available through the College of Justice and Safety. The new website will be a resource of information for current and prospective students, as well as industry professionals. Vital information on a suite of online programs including Bachelor’s programs in Fire Protection Administration, Fire Protection and Safety Engineering Technology, and Occupational Safety and a Master’s program in Safety, Security and Emergency Management is presented throughout the website. Working professionals within the fire and safety industries will also benefit from the information on this website, including fire resources, safety resources, and a collection of course videos.

In conjunction with the new website, EKU will also launch social media. Check for updates and current news on:

• Twitter:
• Facebook:

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Google Earth Contents ‘Nagasaki Archive’ That Told The Real State Of Affairs Of The Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Damage Was Released

Nagasaki Archive Committee and Hidenori Watanave Laboratory at Tokyo Metropolitan University released Google Earth contents “Nagasaki Archive” that told the real state of affairs of the Nagasaki atomic bomb damage. This project synchronizes with Twitter and Second Life.

Google Earth Contents 'Nagasaki Archive' That Told The Real State Of Affairs Of The Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Damage Was Released

– Official Website:

– Project concept:

The following contents are available.

1) Nagasaki Archive

Nagasaki Archive is the web content to tell the world the reality of the atomic bomb on interactive archive of the digital globe.

Nagasaki Archive provides a lot of photos and experiences of survivors in 3D using with digital globe “Google Earth”. You can see photos from the same angle they were taken 65 years ago, and also you click the portrait of survivors to read their experiences and wishes assosiated with the actual location they were exposed to A – bomb. (The experience stories of six people are translated into English now. Other stories are displayed in Japanese.) In addition, we displays photos of the current Nagasaki so that you intuitively understand how this city subsequently achieved the reconstruction across time and space. Nagasaki Archive is long-term project to proceed. We will work on this project continuously with collecting data, and now we will cover A-bomb of Hiroshima In the near future.

2) Message Cloud

Message Cloud is a project to map thoughts on peace via E-mail and Twitter. Please e-mail us or tweet your thought on peace, and it will float on the sky of Nagasaki on 3D digital globe “Google Earth”. We are now asking for your message about this project through Twitter and Email. More detailed information is in above-mentioned URL.

3) Online Event

The space that exhibits contents of the Nagasaki atomic bomb and peace on Second Life is constructed. The demonstration play of Second Life and an image movie concerning the atomic bomb will be delivered with Ustream. More detailed information is in above-mentioned URL.

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EKU Launches a New Video Blog for its Fire & Safety Engineering Technology Online Bachelor’s Degree Program

Eastern Kentucky University’s College of Justice & Safety is proud to announce the official launch of its new video blog, specifically for the Fire & Safety Engineering Technology Online Bachelor’s Degree Program. In addition to providing prospective students and working professionals with video content pertaining to the fire industry, the Vlog also features course lectures from the EKU fire science program.

EKU Launches a New Video Blog for its Fire & Safety Engineering Technology Online Bachelor's Degree Program

“Our degree program at EKU has always offered the sophisticated technical knowledge and skills needed to excel in the emergency services field, and now we are able to use this same sophistication to share our program information through the Vlog,” said James Pharr, program director.

This video blog, which will be updated regularly with additional video content, is a dynamic resource for the entire fire industry. Visitors will be able to access video based on categories that align with the EKU Fire & Safety Engineering Technology degree program courses, and they will also be able to add their comments about the videos to spurn discussion among industry professionals.

EKU will also use the launch of the video blog ( as its forte into social media, sending Vlog updates to followers through:
• Twitter:
• Facebook:
• YouTube:

EKU’s Fire & Safety Engineering Technology Online Bachelor’s Degree Program prepares fire industry professionals for future advancement in their careers. This degree program includes two critical concentrations: Fire Administration and Fire Protection Engineering Technology. Eastern Kentucky University is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) and enjoys many national rankings, including the top 10 percent of universities by Forbes Magazine and as a Tier I institution by US News and World Report.

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The Swedish National Encyclopedia (NE) Presents For Free The Largest Swedish Educative Quiz With Over 6,000 Questions

Millions of Swedes find a question like this amusing. This is why the Swedish National Encyclopedia (NE) presents for free the largest Swedish educative quiz with over 6,000 questions. You can find all the answers on the website

The Swedish National Encyclopedia (NE) Presents For Free The Largest Swedish Educative Quiz With Over 6,000 Questions

In our digital world, people ask for knowledge through new channels. Therefore, the Swedish National Encyclopedia has gone from being a traditional printed encyclopedia to acting in several ways on the Internet and in mobile phones. Our aim is, wherever you may be, to provide answers and inspiration for you to learn new things. This new quiz is the largest Internet quiz in Sweden , and our aim is to attract people who are eager to acquire factual information. Players can test their knowledge in areas such as history, geography, science and sports. Excellent results will appear in a top-ranking list.

Anders Hansson, quiz editor and developer at NE, says:

“Our aim has been to develop a quiz that is both entertaining and challenging for people to learn more. The aim of a quiz should be to arouse interest, not to discourage. ”

On the Internet there are three versions of

•  The free section which gives everybody access to 64,000 entries which are more concise than the entries to be found in the subscription section of These entries are also available on mobile phones.

•  The main section of includes some 530,000 verified articles. With its new design, additional functions and regularly updated content, the main section has become a website offering rapid answers and easy access to in-depth information. Also, there are smart add-on features, such as maps, illustrations and crosswords.

•  NE school is a section of the website which primarily addresses teachers and students. You will, for example, find theme packages, study questions and learner packages. A learner package is a function which enables you as a teacher to create your own theme packages or materials to form part of a lesson.

In addition, NE has its own social networking sites on Facebook and Twitter. Also, NE publishes the blog, which is a way for us to communicate with our subscribers as well as other people searching for knowledge.

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Borenson And Associates, Inc., With Headquarters In Allentown, PA Will Be Training Additional Instructors To Conduct The Making Algebra Child’s Play Workshops Nationwide

Since 1990 Borenson and Associates has conducted more than 2500 Making Algebra Child’s Play workshops showing teachers how the visual and kinesthetic approach of Hands-On Equations enables even 4th and 5th graders to succeed with algebraic equations not normally presented until the 8th or 9th grade.


The instructor candidates, coming from five different states, will be receiving their training at the Holiday Inn in downtown Allentown. The training will take place each day from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. It is expected that a student demonstration will take place each day from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.

All of the candidates have used Hands-On Equations in their classrooms for several years and are now coming to learn how to present the program to teachers.

Leading the training program will be Dr. Henry Borenson, who received a U.S. Patent for Hands-On Equations. With this group, the company will have about three dozen certified instructors. Borenson anticipates the need for 100 instructors within the next two years to meet the growing interest in his approaching to simplifying the abstract nature of algebra.

Recently, the company received their first order from Educational Opportunities, Inc. who have set a goal of introducing the program to 1,000 classroom in Africa, Asia and India.

“There is no reason for young students to be intimated by algebra,” says Borenson. “Through this visual and kinesthetic approach algebraic concepts become intuitive and are much easier to understand than division of fractions or long division– and much more fun!”

Borenson believes that when young students are successful with algebra their sense of self-esteem is enhanced. “There is no doubt about the effectiveness of this program,” he says. We have almost ten research studies posted at to prove it.

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