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На саммите ООН Михаил Пелег подчеркнул роль образования в достижении Целей устойчивого развития до 2030 года

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, США, 21-Nov-2023 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Как сообщается, предприниматель и филантроп Михаил Пелег недавно присоединился к делегации мировых бизнес-лидеров на саммите ООН по Целям Устойчивого Развития (ЦУР) 2023 года в Нью-Йорке. Международное мероприятие, которое проходило 18-19 сентября, предоставило платформу для обсуждения перспективных действий, направленных на ускорение движения к Повестке дня на 2030 год и Целям устойчивого развития.

Собрание было инициировано Президентом Генеральной Ассамблеи и отметило половину пути к достижению амбициозной Повестки дня на 2030 год. Саммит стал центральным событием для ряда других значимых мероприятий, включая Саммит по климату, диалоги высокого уровня по финансированию развития, встречи по вопросам здравоохранения и министерскую встречу в подготовке к Саммиту Будущего 2024 года.

В ходе саммита Михаил Пелег подчеркнул важность генерации идей и инициатив, которые помогут преодолеть препятствия на пути к достижению ЦУР. Он выразил признательность роли саммита в развитии глобального диалога и установлении связей между коммерцией, образованием и устойчивым развитием. Помогая развивать ключевые инициативы, саммит имеет потенциал положительно влиять на жизни миллионов людей по всему миру.

Акцент Михаила Пелега на образование как ключевой компонент в достижении Целей устойчивого развития был повторно подчеркнут на недавнем мероприятии ÐœÐµÐ¶Ð´ÑƒÐ½Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ дня грамотности в штаб-квартире ЮНЕСКО в Париже 8 сентября 2023 года.

Высоко оценивая важность образования, Михаил Пелег активно ищет партнерства с некоммерческими организациями, стремящимися предоставить доступ к образованию и бороться с неграмотностью в развивающихся странах Африки и Юго-Восточной Азии. По мнению Пелега, решение глобальных образовательных диспаритетов имеет ключевое значение для установления мира, искоренения бедности и продвижения устойчивого развития.

По мнению Михаила Пелега, саммит ЦУР является важной платформой, объединяющей людей в качестве глобального сообщества для решения ключевых вопросов и инвестирования в будущее нашей планеты. Только в результате совместного сотрудничества, мы можем достичь Целей устойчивого развития и создать более справедливое и стабильное будущее для всех.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Предприниматель Михаил Пелег недавно посетил мероприятие посвящённое Международному дню грамотности в штаб-квартире ЮНЕСКО в Париже

Предприниматель Михаил Пелег недавно посетил мероприятие посвящённое Международному дню грамотности в штаб-квартире ЮНЕСКО в Париже

PARIS, 2-Nov-2023 — /EPR EDUCASTION NEWS/ — Предприниматель Михаил Пелег недавно посетил мероприятие, посвящённое Международному дню грамотности, которое прошло в штаб-квартире ЮНЕСКО в Париже 8 сентября 2023 года. Темой этого года было “Продвижение грамотности для меняющегося мира: создание основы для устойчивых и мирных обществ.” Пелег подчеркнул важность образования в современном мире и неотложную необходимость искоренения неграмотности во всем мире.

Как сообщается, в своем выступлении Михаил Пелег привлек внимание к статистике образовательного неравенства в мире. Приблизительно 244 миллиона детей и молодежи по всему миру не посещают школу, в то время как 763 миллиона взрослых не обладают базовыми навыками грамотности. По данным ЮНЕСКО, чтобы достичь универсального начального и среднего образования к 2030 году, миру потребуется оценочно 69 миллионов учителей.

Будучи успешным предпринимателем высоко-ценящим роль образования, Михаил Пелег все больше усделяет внимание благотворительности по проблеме неграмотности. Как сообщяется, недавно Пелег запустил собственныю некоммерческую инициативу, направленную на укрепление прав человека через доступ к образованию.

Во время мероприятия по случаю Международного дня грамотности Михаил Пелег выразил свое намерение сотрудничать с известными благотворительными организациями, такими как Международная Ассоциация Грамотности. Цель инициативы –  Ð¾Ð±ÐµÑÐ¿ÐµÑ‡Ð¸Ñ‚ÑŒ доступ к образованию, возможностям и ресурсам, которые будут способствовать развитию ключевых навыков чтения, письма, общения и критического мышления среди детей по всему миру.

Михаил Пелег подчеркнул чрезвычайную важность образования, особенно в регионах мира, пострадавших от кризисов. Образование служит маяком надежды для создания мирных обществ. В регионах, пострадавших от кризисов, где конфликты и нестабильность разрушают инфраструктуру и приводят к нищите, образование становится еще более важным.

Грамотность, в частности, играет ключевую роль в продвижении мира, стабильности, социальной и экономической реконструкции, а также общего развития в регионах, сталкивающихся с кризисами. Обеспечение доступного и качественного образования в этих районах – это не только вопрос укрепления прав граждан, но и решающий шаг к воспитанию устойчивого общества, способного преодолевать проблемы и двигаться к прогрессу.

Михаил Пелег выразил свою точку зрения относительно значения развития грамотности в регионах, пострадавших от конфликтов. Давая людям возможность читать, писать и получать доступ к знаниям, грамотность не только открывает двери к экономическим возможностям, но и способствует пониманию, терпимости и сочувствию среди разнообразных обществ. Она служит катализатором положительных изменений и способствует социальной связанности в периоды беспорядка.

Участие Пелега в мероприятии ЮНЕСКО продемонстрировало его неизменное стремление сделать образование основным правом, доступным для всех. Через свои благотворительные начинания в сфере образования, Михаил Пелег стремится двигать мир к светлому, более справедливому будущему для всех.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

A British Girl Creates a Special Sign for Women’s Periods to Say “No” to Period Shaming

NEW YORK, 2022-Nov-21 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — In recent years, “menstrual shame” has become one of the most searched topics on the Internet, which caused heated discussion among netizens. Some women said they had never felt ashamed of menstruation and they even could talk about it openly. Some others said they felt period-shame when they were young; however, this feeling gradually disappeared as they grew older…

It is believed that most girls feel embarrassed or even ashamed to talk about periods when they are young. They hesitate to tell others when they feel sick during the periods; they even feel uncomfortable buying sanitary essentials from shops and try to “cover up” the embarrassment with black plastic bags.

Periods shouldn’t be taboo!

Sophia McKinstry, a girl from a university in UK, has exquisitely made a “Special Sign for Women’s Periods” to call on people to break the taboo around menstruation, remove the shame and stigma, and urge the society to face women’s physiological periods squarely. The overall outline of the Special Sign for Women’s Periods is like a drop of blood. The upper part is mainly composed of rosebuds, which shows a curling-up female who is lying on her side. The hollow part showing a few bat totem elements combines with the red shadow below to express that the woman is on her period.

When talking about the chance for the creation of the Special Sign, Sophia McKinstry said that she initially just wanted to help girls with period discomfort by designing a special sign, for example, when others see a girl wearing this sign, they will know that she is on her period and may feel tired and uncomfortable. In some cases, she probably needs a little care and understanding like a hot drink for her when eating meals together or avoiding persuading her to drink wine. She saw a piece of news that Melinda Gates liked the Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui for her bravely smashing period taboo during the Rio Olympics and noticed various hot discussions triggered by the Indian film Padman. After that, she gradually realized that period shame is a common phenomenon in many countries. Menstruation is perceived as unclean or shameful by girls and other people, which can be seen in all aspects of our lives. Therefore, she began to pay more attention to the topic of menstrual shame.

Sophia McKinstry stated that she wanted to make people understand through her own way that menstruation is a normal and healthy part of life for women and the traditional idea that periods are dirty should be bravely broken. Female periods should be treated equally as other physical phenomena in the society and they should not be taboo. For this purpose, she “encourages people to abandon the traditional secular ideas such as ‘menstrual taboo’ and ‘ menstrual shame’”, and integrate “may every girl does not feel embarrassed or ashamed any more when talking about menstruation” as well as other concepts and appeals into the design concept of the Special Sign.

The Special Sign for Women’s Periods has become globally accepted to mark women’s menstruation and periods. It encourages women to break the taboo of “menstrual shame”, calls on the society to stop hating “menstruation”, and represents care and understanding for women on periods.

The small sign contains infinite power. We believe that it will promote a great spirit, end the long-standing discrimination, and arouse people’s courage to challenge the secular ideas and break taboos, just like the Olympic Rings and Red Ribbons.

Via EPR Network
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USPS Awarded USCG Nonprofit Grant for America’s Boating Channel

Raleigh, NC, USA, 2022-Oct-25 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — United States Power Squadrons® (USPS) has been awarded a new grant from the U.S. Coast Guard to substantially expand America’s Boating Channel™, USPS’s boating safety and boater education video service.

USPS, founded in 1914, is a volunteer-led nonprofit organization of more than 21,000 members dedicated to the shared mission of making boating safer through education. USPS is America’s Boating Club® – For Boaters by Boaters™. Organized locally into 320 squadrons, USPS provides boaters across the nation with the skills they need to boat with confidence and enjoy the waterways. USPS creates and teaches boating classes online, in person, and on the water, and offers free vessel safety checks (VSCs) to ensure that boaters have safe watercraft.

To advance its mission, USPS operates the America’s Boating Channel video service. Now in its seventh year of operation, America’s Boating Channel is financially supported through a series of grants from the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund administered by the U.S. Coast Guard. As part of the Fiscal Year 2023 National Nonprofit Organization Recreational Boating Safety Grant Program, USPS was awarded funding to grow and extend America’s Boating Channel from July 2023 through September 2025.

In acknowledging the grant award, USPS National Educational Officer (NEO) Vice Commander Bill McManimen, SN commented, “United States Power Squadrons’ boating safety and boater education video service, America’s Boating Channel, received awards for being the Top Marine Media Outlet in 2021 and for producing the best PSA Video Series in 2022, but its most meaningful award came in June in the form of increased support from the U.S. Coast Guard. Work on the new grant commenced in July and much has already been accomplished. The new grant will enable us to substantially expand America’s Boating Channel into a mainstream media offering over the next three years.”

America’s Boating Channel is targeting four growth areas.

1) New Video Series
Twelve new titles will be developed, produced, and distributed each year as America’s Boating Channel’s seventh through ninth seasons of boating safety and boater education videos. For Season Seven, video concepts in development since July include border crossing; preventing slips, trips, and falls; partnering in command; disembarking hazards; boating with small children; engine failure causes and cures; towed sports safety; tying dock lines; introducing automatic identification system (AIS); marine radio etiquette; navigating locks; and why wearing a life jacket is cool. Season Seven video scripts are now being written, which will be followed by field production and launch in Spring 2023.

2) Viewership Promotion
America’s Boating Channel will stimulate video viewership with a year-round campaign, including daily posts across multiple social networks and media outlets designed to creatively alert and memorably impress upon the boating public the inherent risks associated with boating, to persuade recreational boaters to adopt safe boating behaviors, and to remind them of these behaviors with creative variations on promotional campaign themes. In addition, the service’s exploration of social media platforms with youthful demographics will be rolled-out as a new promotional program. Since July, the service has promoted Season Six videos and a countdown to the public launch of Inlet Drone Videos.

3) Smart TV
America’s Boating Channel’s smart TV initiative includes the development, launch, and operation of a new free-to-the-user video-on-demand (VOD) app offering boating-themed video content in a format like leading subscription VOD services. A no-cost linear video channel, which will present boating-themed video content on a continuously playing schedule, will supplement the VOD app for a more traditional TV viewing experience. Boating news, sports, and entertainment television programs and motion pictures will incorporate boating safety and boater education videos as public service announcements (PSAs). Technology suppliers and content providers have been participating in the project since July.

4) Inlet Drone Videos
America’s Boating Channel will launch a new service offering based on the video concept tested during its prior USCG grant to prepare recreational boaters for their first sorties into harbors, rivers, and other high-traffic entrances. Inlet Drone Videos will feature low altitude aerial shots of leaving from and returning to major US waterways across the nation with narrative explanations. During the grant period, forty inlets will be covered and a training system with production technical details and processes for participants nationwide to create and submit drone footage for inclusion will be offered. The world premiere of Inlet Drone Videos covering Cape Fear, Haulover, and Columbia River will take place November 5.

About America’s Boating Channel
America’s Boating Channel™ is produced for United States Power Squadrons® (USPS) by Lafferty Media Partners (LMP) under a grant from the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund administered by the U.S. Coast Guard. The service features professionally produced high-definition safe boating and boater education videos. America’s Boating Channel has been recognized with the National Boating Industry Safety Award as the 2021 Top Marine Media Outlet and with the 2022 International Boating & Water Safety Summit Communication Award for the top Video Public Service Announcement (PSA) Series. As the premier boating organization dedicated to “Safe Boating through Education” since 1914, USPS is America’s Boating Club® – For Boaters, By Boaters™.

Via EPR Network
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An innovative educational framework to help to effectively and permanently increase the creative competence of individuals and organizations

PRAGUE, 26-Aug-2022 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — In the 21st century, creativity is a key skill that people need in business, education and to develop companies. It helps to solve complex societal, social and environmental challenges – and to date, it has not been used enough. Therefore, an international team of experts from six European countries, led by the Czech team, has created a new, innovative method that changes existing procedures in problem-solving, education and teamwork. Called the Kinetic Method, it can be used by non-governmental organizations in youth work and adult education, or to explore solutions to social problems, such as racism or social exclusion. But it can also be used by companies for team building, or by universities.

The authors presented the results of their work in a new book: The Kinetic Method – A Playbook for Solving Problems. Developing this method took them 10 years of work, and the European Union Erasmus + programme financed the publication of their results.

The Kinetic Method can be used, for example, by the managers of social or educational organizations, social and youth workers, learning facilitators or coaches working in team building – anyone dealing with developing team performance, personal and professional development, and creativity for problem solving, innovation and resilience.

The Kinetic Method aims to become a well-used and sustainable tool. The authors state that this innovative framework will help to effectively and permanently increase the creative competence of individuals and organizations – and that this creativity can be learned. They view creativity as a learning outcome rather than a characteristic or personal trait.

“The Kinetic Method allows youth workers to support not only young people to develop their creativity so that they can more easily find a life path and a job. It boosts the development of creative skills and self-confidence, offers educators a way of reaching socially excluded young people, contributes to the preventing intolerance and fights against the radicalization current in Europe,” says co-author and senior trainer, consultant Zora Csalagovits from Hungary.

What makes the Kinetic Method and the book unique?
The Kinetic Method uses functional creativity to enable groups of people to work together while pursuing their goals and progress at work. It demonstrates how to increase the value of contributions in groups and boosts the ability to solve complex tasks. It consists of a set of practices related to skills, mindset and environment. It is not merely creativity itself, but creativity that is directed towards a common purpose or goal that is meaningful to society.

Whenever you are working on something that is important to you, you need to think creatively. “We have divided the approach to learning how to be creative into skills (the basic competencies that people use in creative tasks), mindsets (attitudes that are necessary for developing persistence and good habits in creative practice) and environment (the context of creativity), which can make or break our creative endeavours and our ability to collaborate creatively). In this way, we talk about embedding creativity in how we approach new things, how we think about ourselves and how we collaborate with others,” Karolina Iwa from Poland, social innovator, intercultural psychologist and co-author, describes the method.

The book The Kinetic Method – A Playbook for Solving Problems summarizes the history of this methodology, a collection of methods and activities, and provides a description of methods in each of the nine chapters, with easy-to-follow instructions. This variety also reflects the different life experiences of the co-authors. One of the most difficult tasks was learning to ask good questions, which surprised the authors during their research. Often individuals are so driven by the search for answers that they forget the whole journey of the question itself, they say.

“This methodology supports creative action by building basic competencies in how to think and approach a problem right from the start, how to develop the necessary internal characteristics for building these skills and co-create an environment in which all participating members of the community can be creative,” confirms Mariana Marques, director of YUPI and trainer from Portugal.

Why is the method called Kinetic?
Kinetic means ‘relating to or resulting from motion’. “The word kinetic, for us, was about transforming people’s potential into a real action. Taking the creativity that is inside each of us, and finding a way to activate it. We wanted to think of creativity as something you can learn and also learn to direct or control when you need to,” explains American social scientist working in the UK, consultant and co-author Tracie Farrell. The authors, she says, wanted to demystify the idea of creativity as something that you are either born with or not, a talent you have or don’t have, and show people how it is really a collection of skills, mindsets and environmental features that make up creative action. “In a world full of very complex problems, we need everyone to contribute useful and interesting ideas. We wanted to help people gain the confidence to be able to do that,” says Tracie Farrell.

To develop the Kinetic Method, the authors collaborated with 100 users, one of whom was lecturer and manager Aneta Bednářová, director of the non-profit organization Genesis from the Czech Republic. “I have been training people who work with children and youth and management in the non-profit and private sector all over the world for many years. Their projects have a social impact. But they are often a group of enthusiasts who have not, however, mastered management or leadership skills. The Kinetic Method is an interactive form of informal education, which can be applied when working with children, team building, strengthening working relationships and solving personal problems. It binds the team together and clearly defines roles – and as a result, the team works more efficiently,” concludes Aneta Bednářová, who coordinated the entire project.

The project partners:
Genesis Czech Republic, YUPI Portugal, TE-IS Hungary, Youth Garage e. V., Associazione Interculturale NUR and MODE, move & develop foundation

About the authors:

Karolina Iwa is a social innovator, large group facilitator, intercultural psychologist and Theory U practitioner who supports systems and individuals to transform society and to face complex challenges. She is a member of many global OD communities driving positive change in the world, and the co-founder of Leadership Festival, a collective effort committed to co-emerging new paradigm(s) of leadership. She is a member of the Advisory Board of the Global Learning & Exchange Network and a researcher and author in the field of functional creativity. In her free time, she is an avid mountaineer both in summer and winter, a sailor and an explorer of intergenerational narratives.

Tracie Farrell PhD is a research fellow at the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University. Her areas of study include online social harm (such as hate speech and misinformation) and technology-enhanced learning. In 2022, she was awarded a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship, for research on queering AI and its subfields in relation to social justice. In her free time, she plays boardgames and video games, and enjoys the seaside with her dog.

Zora Csalagovits is a senior trainer and consultant with a rich history of working in learning and development, especially in the field of international youth work. A Gestalt therapist, she is skilled in individual coaching and working with groups, non-formal educational methodology, diversity & inclusion management, and graphic recording. She is passionate about creativity and visualization as supporting tools in learning; when free, she enjoys fun (board)games and outdoor gatherings with friends and family.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Hikari Sato’s journey of study overseas

WASHINGTON, 2022-Apr-12 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Born in Japan in 1993, Hikari Sato showed her talent for drawing when she was in elementary school. While other classmates used paintings to express their joys, sorrows, and childhood, she, on the other hand, liked to depict mountains, fields, streams, and animals. The snow on Mount Fuji and the deer in Nara are all objects she liked to paint.

Having grown up, Hikari Sato hoped to improve her knowledge and perspective so that she can create better arts, and then she began to travel to many countries to find inspiration for her paintings and became a wandering artist. Sometimes She painted graffiti works in the corner of the bustling streets, and other times went to dilapidated villages, painting her inspiration on the bricks and tiles that seem to have been forgotten. Obviously, she prefers to leave her works in different places than in one closed space.

By far, Hikari Sato has left her graffiti works on walls in Tokyo, Osaka, New York, Tel Aviv, Hong Kong, Toronto, Candelaria, etc. Apart from being an artist herself, she is also an avid groupie. Of course, what she likes is not pop idols, but well-known artists and their works.

“I take time out every year to appreciate other people’s street works, especially in cities that value graffiti culture, where there will be many excellent paintings, and these paintings will give me important inspiration and hints. I think as a person who loves to paint, (she wouldn’t call herself a painter or an artist), learning and thinking are important.”

In Tokyo, Hikari Sato learned how to draw a vivid anime character, and she once stood for a long time under a painting of Astro Boy on the wall just to study the structure of the character. In Europe and America, she saw more works, like caricature paintings and praise paintings, that emphasize content creation.

“Painting is a way of expressing ideas. In many cases, people can understand the author’s idea without explaining.” So she pays great attention to the content expressed in her works. She is not just a painter, she is also an environmentalist. This is because much of the beautiful scenery she could see when she was a child disappeared later. “The colors of my work are changing, and many of the landscapes I could see when I was a kid don’t exist anymore.”

She matured through years of study and street works and also gained a little fame, but she doesn’t care about it. She believes that making meaningful art is the thing that matters the most, and for this reason, she hopes to advocate environmental protection through paintings, reminding people to behave themselves and stop damaging the environment.

Via EPR Network
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Edtech Startup Zookal Launches Online Competition Zookal Challenge

SYDNEY, NSW, Australia, 2022-Mar-04 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Zookal has announced that it is celebrating the expansion of Zookal Study by hosting an online competition in which students can win numerous cash prizes. The comprehensive 24/7 study platform revealed that students who wish to participate in the Zookal Challenge (, simply need to send in a 30 words or less example of a TV or Movie quote that best describes their student life experiences, for a chance to enter the $5000 prize pool.

The competition which started on the 15th of February will run all through the month, ending on the 30th of March, after which the winner and runners-up will be announced. Students who wish to enter the competition simply need to visit the Zookal Challenge website and type in their submissions in the provided fields.

Zookal has announced that the first prize winner will take home a cash prize of $1000 while the next 40 runners-up will receive $100 each. Participants can also create a meme of their answers directly from the Zookal Challenge website to share on social media, which will improve their chances of winning.

Made for students by students, Zookal understands the unique difficulties associated with pursuing secondary and tertiary education, and its business model is structured to offer the best 24/7 online services and study tools to make learning easier.

Currently being used by over 40,000 students worldwide, Zookal’s expansion will see the company make its impressive study tools available to the country’s growing number of college students.

Anyone interested in joining the challenge for a shot at the $5000 cash prize pool can do so by clicking on the following link:

About Zookal
Zookal was born in 2011 from the creative minds of a small group of Sydney students. After personally experiencing the stress of buying expensive course textbooks, Zookal’s founders decided to come up with a better option to make education more affordable and accessible in Australia with Zookal Textbooks.

Today, Zookal is one of the fastest growing Ed-Tech startups in Asia Pacific. We’re on a mission to improve the student’s journey from high school and all the way through university. We do this by offering innovative and accessible digital solutions through our own online study platform, Zookal Study.

With 24/7 online access to student resources, over 1 million verified problem solutions, homework help, flashcards, and exam test prep features available on-demand, we’re dedicated to helping students around the world structure their study however they like, whenever they like.

Media contact:

Ahmed Haider
Co-Founder & Co-CEO, Zookal

Via EPR Network
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Dr Jason D Heap FCCT, NPQH — International Education Consultant Qualified for Leadership Performance Coach

Washington, DC, USA, 2022-Feb-16 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — On June 22, 2014, Dr Jason D Heap—a graduate of The University of Oxford, Sheffield Hallam University, Howard Payne University, and Walden University—established an international-reaching education consultancy service. As the consultancy has grown over 8 years of global service, Dr Heap is pleased to announce his new qualifications.

“I am thrilled and honoured to have recently qualified as a Leadership Performance Coach (LPC),” said Dr Heap, education consultant. “As an LPC, I have a new opportunity to be able to provide direct, one-to-one coaching to aspiring school senior leaders, and help them find practical solutions to the challenges that their organisation is facing. I look forward to assisting with the training of aspiring and standing school senior leaders, as the work towards qualifications such as NPQSL, NPSH, or even the NPQEL.”

Dr Heap added, “I’m also pleased to announce that I have been selected to work as a National NPQH Facilitator. As such, it renews my mission to improve the education and outcomes of students from all backgrounds. My previous experience as a school Principal, plus my experience working with VLEs and other online platforms is valuable in this Facilitator role, as the Covid pandemic makes it more important to meet remotely.”

Dr Heap concluded with a further description to the services he regularly provides. “I am able to provide solutions to schools for continual improvement of local education initiatives, rigorous program evaluation and consistent quality of finance and administration, fundraising, communications, HR processes and internal school systems. With my assistance, we can establish effective timelines and allocate resources to achieve strategic goals for your organisation’s Board. Together, we can engage and motivate various stakeholders: volunteers, board members, event committees, partnering organisations and investors. I can help develop, coordinate and implement curriculum plans and internal monitoring procedures for schools. I also can help expand local revenue-generating and fundraising activities to support existing and extracurricular operations. Furthermore, I am skilled at reviewing and analysing performance data, and can provide your organisation with guidance on improvement methods for staff CPD.”

# # #

Dr Jason D Heap is a compassionate and focused international educator and business professional:

  • Expert in stakeholder/client relations, staff motivation, budget management and troubleshooting.
  • Excels in teaching, developing and mentoring diverse groups of students and teachers.
  • Communicates effectively with all levels of staff, senior management and high-profile clientele.
  • Experienced in increasing performance in educational and organisational systems.

Via EPR Network
More Education press releases

El Liceo Europeo ha ganado el Premio Zayed de Sustentabilidad 2022 en la categoría de Colegios Globales para la región de Europa y Asia Central

MADRID, España, 18-Jan-2021 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — El Liceo Europeo ha ganado el Premio Zayed de Sustentabilidad 2022 en la categoría de Colegios Globales para la región de Europa y Asia Central. El centro educativo fue declarado vencedor entre tres finalistas en la 13ª ceremonia de entrega de premios celebrada durante la Semana de la Sustentabilidad de Abu Dhabi (ADSW en inglés).

A la ceremonia de entrega de premios asistieron líderes mundiales, ministros y otros altos dignatarios de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos y extranjeros, además de los finalistas de la edición 2022.

El Liceo Europeo, un colegio privado español situado en Alcobendas (Madrid), recibió la distinción por su proyecto que implementa una tecnología transformadora a base de residuos orgánicos y microorganismos (como la levadura), para generar electricidad a un coste asequible. Paralelamente, el proyecto ayuda a mitigar y afrontar el reto de la escasez de electricidad, la dependencia excesiva de recursos energéticos no renovables y la acumulación de residuos.

Para ello, la escuela utilizará la tecnología de las Pilas de Combustible Microbianas para generar energía a partir de las mascarillas de protección facial, que se han convertido en un equipo de protección personal (EPP) muy utilizado en Madrid y en todo el mundo durante la actual pandemia de COVID-19. De este modo, la escuela también aborda la gran presencia de mascarillas usadas y desechadas que contaminan las calles y el entorno de la escuela. En cuanto a la energía, toda la demanda de electricidad de la escuela podría sostenerse con sólo 13 biorreactores, transformando la escuela en un campus que funcione totalmente con energía limpia al generar 507 kWh de energía eléctrica al año.

La Dra. Lamya Fawwaz, directora del Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad, declaró: “El Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad reconoce que los jóvenes son la fuerza motriz del desarrollo sostenible y los capacita para alcanzar todo su potencial. Los jóvenes del mundo son el futuro, y su continua capacidad para introducir, impulsar e inspirar un cambio positivo originado en la comunidad será vital para permitir un desarrollo que sea sostenible e inclusivo, especialmente en vista de la aceleración de la acción a favor del clima, en la que los jóvenes son actores clave”.

“El Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad quiere felicitar al Liceo Europeo por su victoria y elogia a la escuela por su proyecto altamente creativo y pragmático, que aborda el problema actual de las máscaras faciales desechadas para hacer frente a la acumulación de residuos, al tiempo que apoya la acción climática a través de fuentes renovables para satisfacer las necesidades energéticas de su campus. También reconocemos su ambición de ampliar su foco a la protección de los océanos, los ríos y la biodiversidad para reforzar aún más su impacto y su huella de sostenibilidad”, continuó la Dra. Fawwaz.

Sobre la consecución del premio, Marcos Rois, Director del Liceo, manifestó: “El Liceo Europeo siempre ha tratado de inculcar a nuestros alumnos valores y cualidades que les permitan contribuir a forjar un futuro mejor para todos. Estimulando la curiosidad intelectual desde una edad temprana y proporcionando a nuestros alumnos una perspectiva internacional que les permita entender cómo los problemas globales requieren soluciones innovadoras, pretendemos dotarlos de los conocimientos y las herramientas necesarias para aplicar en la práctica lo que aprenden y así marcar diferencias de verdad”.

Dado que la acumulación de residuos plásticos en océanos y ríos también supone un reto para la comunidad cercana a la escuela, el Liceo Europeo tiene previsto ampliar su modelo de diseño en el futuro para extrapolar sus prototipos del proyecto del Premio Zayed de Sustentabilidad para tratar también otros residuos plásticos y ampliar su impacto. Como parte de su crecimiento, se espera que la solución degrade 19 kg de mascarillas de aguas contaminadas cada año y reutilice cerca del 91% de ellas. Para incentivar el intercambio de conocimientos y una mayor concienciación de los jóvenes y la sociedad, se ha hecho hincapié en los talleres dirigidos por estudiantes para enseñar a los más jóvenes y a los miembros de la comunidad los beneficios de las energías renovables.

Bajo la premisa de que todo el mundo debería tener las mismas oportunidades para construir un futuro mejor, el Liceo Europeo, que cuenta con 1.273 alumnos y ofrece cursos tanto en español como en inglés, involucrará a 150 niños en el proyecto y prevé beneficiar a los estudiantes y a la comunidad local durante los próximos 15 años, impactando a 1.000 estudiantes sólo en los primeros cinco años.

El Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad, dotado con 3 millones de dólares, reconoce a las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), a las entidades sin ánimo de lucro y a las escuelas secundarias de todo el mundo por sus soluciones en materia de sostenibilidad, en consonancia con los principales Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de las Naciones Unidas y, hasta la fecha, ha influido en la vida de más de 370 millones de personas en 150 países. La categoría de Escuelas Secundarias Globales, por sí sola, ha alcanzado e impactado a aproximadamente 45.144 estudiantes y a más de 425.170 personas en comunidades más amplias, y este número sigue aumentando año tras año.

El premio, que abarca las categorías de Salud, Alimentación, Energía, Agua y Escuelas Secundarias Globales, se inspira en el legado humanitario y de sustentabilidad del fundador y primer presidente de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, el difunto jeque Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, y sirve para rendirle homenaje.

En la categoría de Escuelas Secundarias Globales, seis colegios, cada uno de los cuales representa a una región del mundo, reciben hasta 100.000 dólares para llevar a cabo un proyecto dirigido por los estudiantes. A diferencia de las categorías para organizaciones, las escuelas secundarias presentan propuestas de proyectos para construir o mejorar una solución que han desarrollado para su escuela o comunidad local. El objetivo de esta categoría, introducida en el Premio en 2012, es inspirar a los jóvenes para que se conviertan en pioneros, innovadores y defensores de la sustentabilidad y que de esta manera contribuyan a un futuro más sostenible.

Las regiones mundiales para el premio a las Escuelas Secundarias Globales son: América, Europa y Asia Central, Oriente Medio y Norte de África (MENA), África Subsahariana, Asia Meridional y Asia Oriental y Pacífico.

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Sobre el Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad

Creado por los dirigentes de los EAU en 2008 para honrar el legado de su padre fundador, el difunto jeque Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, el Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad es un galardón pionero de los EAU para la sustentabilidad y las soluciones humanitarias en todo el mundo.

El Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad reconoce y premia a las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), a las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro y a los centros de enseñanza superior de todo el mundo que se comprometen a acelerar soluciones sostenibles de impacto.

En los últimos 14 años, el Premio ha reconocido a 96 ganadores que, en total, han tenido un impacto positivo en la vida de más de 370 millones de personas en todo el mundo. Las categorías del Premio Zayed a la Sostenibilidad son Salud, Alimentación, Energía, Agua y Escuelas Secundarias Globales.

Para obtener más información, visite o visite nuestras redes sociales: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube.

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Shincheonji Igreja de Jesus realizará o Seminário do “Testemunho sobre a Realidade das Parábolas, os Segredos do Céu”

LISBON, 31-Dec-2021 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Shincheonji Igreja de Jesus, o Templo do Tabernáculo do Testemunho realizará o Seminário do “Testemunho sobre a Realidade das Parábolas, os Segredos do Céu. Este seminário será transmitido ao vivo todas as segundas e quintas-feiras às 10h00 (UTC + 9) de 3 de janeiro a 28 de março, focando na compreensão das parábolas registradas no Novo Testamento.

“A parábola é a chave para entender os segredos do céu. As profecias do Antigo Testamento foram cumpridas na primeira vinda de Jesus e Jesus deixou sua profecia do Novo Testamento para ser cumprida “quando chegar a hora” (João 16:25). À medida que essa profecia do Novo Testamento é revelada, avançamos em direção ao seu verdadeiro significado”, disse um oficial da igreja.

O seminário do Apocalipse, que foi transmitido no YouTube nos últimos três meses, foi lançado em 24 idiomas e ultrapassou 7 milhões de visualizações em 136 países, incluindo a participação de 16.000 pastores. Shincheonji a Igreja de Jesus anunciou que 1.200 líderes mundiais de 57 países assinaram um MOU para cooperação internacional e intercâmbio de apoio educacional com a Igreja Shincheonji.

Sobre a assinatura do MOU, o Pastor Jerry Hagerman da Igreja Missionária Wayside na Virgínia, EUA, disse: “Eu quero crescer na palavra e ensinar nossa congregação … e quero me tornar um com o reino de Deus e me comunicar abertamente.”

De acordo com um relatório recente das pesquisas de referência de opinião pública nacional do Pew Research Center em dezembro de 2021, três em cada dez americanos adultos atualmente deixaram a sua religião. Entre os cristãos, os protestantes foram os mais afetados pelo declínio da população religiosa, que diminuiu constantemente de 52% em 2007 para 40% em 2021.

Essa tendência também é observada em outro estudo da Lifeway Research em Nashville. O instituto anunciou que, embora a maioria dos americanos vejam Jesus como um fato histórico, eles religiosamente não têm conhecimento bíblico de por que ele veio. De acordo com o relatório, apenas 9% dos 1.005 entrevistados sabiam que a missão de Jesus era pregar abertamente sobre o cumprimento do Antigo Testamento.

Do outro lado do globo, um número crescente de pessoas estão se aproximando da religião. Ao contrário do declínio nas denominações tradicionais, mais de 140.000 pessoas se juntaram à Shincheonji Igreja de Jesus após o curso de educação bíblica desde 2019 e o subsequente COVID-19.

Um oficial de Shincheonji Igreja de Jesus disse: “Devido ao COVID-19, pessoas em todo o mundo que sofrem de doenças, desastres e sofrimentos estão pensando profundamente sobre o significado da vida e do sofrimento. A religião deve ser capaz de fornecer respostas a essas pessoas. No mundo religioso, onde as atividades face a face são limitadas, a educação deve chegar a todos os indivíduos da comunidade.”

“A Igreja Shincheonji está chamando a atenção das pessoas pela explicação clara da missão de Jesus no Novo Testamento”, acrescentou.

(Você pode assistir ao seminário pesquisando “…” no YouTube ou através do link

SOURCE: EuropaWire

The autocephaly (independence of a church) of the so-called Orthodox Church of Ukraine

MOSCOW, 6-Sep-2021 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Vice-chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate shares his thoughts about the speeches made in Kiev by Patriarch Bartholomew.

The autocephaly (independence of a church) of the so-called Orthodox Church of Ukraine composed of representatives of the schismatic groups was allegedly granted quite lawfully. The supposed ‘privileges’ of the See of Constantinople, which ostensibly invest it with rights to make unilateral decisions with regard to other Orthodox Local Churches, are also alleged to be totally lawful and canonical. Constantinople ostensibly did not change anything in the traditional Orthodox ecclesiology (the teaching on the Church); on the contrary, it is changed by those who disagree today with submitting in everything to the faultless ‘spiritual leader of 250 millions of Orthodox Christians throughout the world’, as the ‘Green Patriarch’ likes to call himself. Now it is already clear to everybody that most of Orthodox Christians do not consider Patriarch Bartholomew to be their spiritual chieftain after the schismatic action he committed.

The Kiev rhetoric of Patriarch Bartholomew shows that His Holiness is perturbed by the criticism against the uncanonical invasion of the Patriarchate of Constantinople into the Ukrainian affairs – the criticism coming from hierarchs, theologians and historians of many Orthodox churches.

However, the Patriarch has failed to give convincing answers prompting other Local Churches of the Orthodox family to recognize the latter-day autocephaly of ‘the Most Holy Church of Ukraine’. He simply repeats that he is always right because the See of Constantinople is always right, that ‘the Great Church of Christ’, with which he identifies himself does not need to discuss anything with anybody because he never makes mistakes and sacrifices himself for the sake of our common good and proposes that all the Orthodox Christians take it for what it is worth. Otherwise, he says, they will no longer be Orthodox at all.

However, the point is that we, the Orthodox, have not and have never had such a doctrine of faith. The Patriarch of Constantinople is not at all the Pope of Rome. And it was not we, the Orthodox, who held the First Vatican Council. And the papal infallibilitas (inability to err) even in the conception of our Catholic brothers, with whom Fanar is getting close so fast today, has serious limits.

The patriarch complains of some ‘neologisms, new wordings and dangerous ecclesiological views’, as well as ‘attempt at an overturn in church statutes’ seeking to ‘belittle the significance of the Archbishop of Constantinople’ to almost that of ‘a museum exhibit’. He even admits that ‘many believe that the Ecumenical Patriarch sheers away from reality’. In response, apparently feeling the inadequacy of his today’s argumentation, he promises ‘in the nearest future’ to show ‘both the appropriate texts and the whole course of this (Ukrainian) issue’.

To study together the texts and the historical course of the issue by inviting for it the best scholars from various countries is something Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia proposed long ago, including in the course of this latest visit to Fanar in August 2018. At that time, Patriarch Bartholomew answered that he had no time for it, but everything was clear to him even without it. If the interest in texts has now renewed, the excellent edition “The Unification of the Metropolis of Kiev with the Russian Orthodox Church. 1676-1686. Studies and Documents” published in 2019 by ‘The Orthodox Encyclopaedia’ edited by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk is highly recommended.

It has 912 pages and 246 documents from archives. In a concise form, the principal historical material is presented in the book by Metropolitan Nikephoros of Kykkos entitled Contemporary Ukrainian Issue and Its Resolution According to Divine and Holy Canons.

Certainly, the makers of the destinies of the world from the Bosporus shores hardly will be interested in the truth of history and the truth of canons.

‘Gentlemen, do you think that you are the state? I am the state!’ Luis XIV once declared to the deputies of the French Parliament.

‘«L’église c’est moi!’ – as if it is now heard in the speeches in Kiev. The only difficulty is that for some reason not everyone believes it…

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Anna Lindh Foundation Virtual Marathon for Dialogue takes place between 19 May and 29 June

NICOSIA, 28-May-2021 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — The Cyprus Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation, a forum promoting intercultural dialogue both within the island and in the region by creating synergies and building bridges among citizens, is excited to announce the official launch of the Anna Lindh Foundation Virtual Marathon for Dialogue. The Virtual Marathon for Dialogue is taking place from the 19th of May until the 29th of June, in the framework of the Celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Barcelona Process and the “Renewed Partnership with the Southern Neighbourhood: a new agenda for the Mediterranean”. The Virtual Marathon will gather activities of ALF civil society network and partner organisations to take place during these 42 days!

The Anna Lindh Foundation Cyprus Network and its members will contribute to the programme with multiple events and activities addressing intercultural dialogue, open to participation from Cyprus, the Euro-Med region and internationally.

The NGO Support Centre and Rooftop Theatre, heads of the Cyprus Network, will host two events in the frame of the Virtual Marathon for Dialogue.

The first event called “Interculturalism in the city: How can we empower diverse urban communities?” is an online open exchange and discussion on the topic of intercultural dialogue in Mediterranean urban spaces, to take place on the 2nd of June. This event aims to inform participants about outcomes of the Anna Lindh Intercultural Trends Report (2018) relating to the urban environment and engage them in an exchange of good practices and a discussion on the importance of interculturalism and of empowering diverse communities for the sustainability of cities in the EuroMed.

The second event called “’Different Faces’: Theatre disciplines for social change” will take place on the 12th of June, with two morning sessions and two afternoon sessions. “Different Faces” is a series of workshops that explore ways to promote empathy, dialogue and understanding through different disciplines of performing arts to enhance intercultural dialogue.

Further National Network activities will include workshops on the topics of “Discord for Intercultural Dialogue”, organised by Plan Be Plan It Be It on the 1st of June, which aims to address the benefits of new online communication tools for intercultural dialogue and a workshop series on “Setting up and Managing an Organisation”, organised by the Cyprus Refugee Council and Civil Society Advocates on the 2nd, 9th and 16th of June, which aims to support initiatives of refugee-led community organisations, informal groups and NGOs working with refugees.

The Cyprus Network member Visual Voices will partner with Anadolu Kültür to host a Cross-Network conversation series called “Overlapping Circles” on the 10th and 24th of June, which will bring together circles of artists and civil society representatives from Cyprus and Turkey to focus on how the arts and past narratives can facilitate constructive dialogue.

The ALF Virtual Marathon for Dialogue is open to participation for citizens across the island and the EuroMed region to come together virtually and enhance intercultural dialogue!

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Are You Looking For A Powerful And Free Way To Increase Your Chess Rating

Adelaide, South Australia, 2021-May-10 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Mato Jelic’s Chess School of South Australia offers a free and fun way of improving your game by 500 ELO points.

Chess is a fascinating mind game which has been attracting people since ancient times. It requires a large amount of skill and practice as well as the ability to create and implement effective strategies. If in the past chess lovers used to rely on books for their training, nowadays they have a variety of modern tools for developing their skills and improving their level, including online resources. Free chess videos such as those featured on Mato Jelic’s YouTube channel can teach you how to play chess like a champion in a very short period.

Some people claim that their rating improved by 500 ELO points just by watching Mato’s videos. A couple of comments that make Mato proud of his work include: ‘I don’t usually comment, but you sir have the best chess videos on YouTube. I’ve seen dozens of other teachers, none of them can compare with your style, so you have earned my respect. Keep doing an amazing job.’ and ‘Millions of chess players have watched and benefited from MATO’s chess lectures and analysis on YouTube. His lively analysis has contributed in popularizing chess tremendously. World’s best chess coach ever.’

One of the most amazing advances in a player’s chess level comes from the follower called Rameshwar: ‘I was rated 1100 a year ago but now I am rated 1789 and still improving just by watching the games shown by Mato and analyzing them daily for 1-2 hrs. I even won 2nd place in my college blitz chess fest where some strong players rated above 2000 also participated. Thank you, Mato 🙂 you should be the most subscribed channel in chess category.’
What makes Mato’s videos different from other chess online resources is the fact they are more than chess lectures. Subscribers are pleased to find a lot of life wisdom in Mato’s videos and enjoy the best entertainment due to the Australian coach’s natural sense of humour. One of Mato’s followers recalled in a comment the funny situation when he skipped watching chess videos one day and his girlfriend said: ‘And where is Mato? … I am so much used to hear his voice that it feels he is already part of our family.”

Mato is the founder and owner of Chess School SA, a leading provider of chess coaching services in Adelaide, South Australia. His YouTube channel is the perfect place for beginner and intermediate players to watch entertaining and useful chess videos. The content includes categories such as the greatest chess games ever played, immortal chess games, the best games from the latest tournaments, old masters games, and free chess training.

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Via EPR Network
More Education press releases

Online seminar on enhancing gender equality for women from Cyprus, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan

NICOSIA, 26-Mar-2021 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Young women from Cyprus, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan came together in the online seminar “Building healthy relationships and enhancing gender equality” to discuss gender norms and explore tangible implications of human, gender, and health rights to women’s lives. “The whole journey [of the workshops] made my journey seem less lonely – having others with the same visions and aspirations – makes our work less lonely and it inspires me to do more”, a participant notably mentioned on her experience. The seminar was addressed to women aged 18-25 from Cyprus, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan, and was divided in two sessions with a series of online, regular meetings between December 2020 and March 2021.

Organised on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Barcelona Process by the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) and the heads of the ALF networks of Cyprus, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan, the seminar had the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus. “The integration of the gender dimension in the foreign policy of Cyprus and especially in the Eastern Mediterranean region is a great priority for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus”, said the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus, Mr. Nikos Christodoulides, in his opening remarks to the seminar, which contributed to strengthening relations between the countries involved through the empowerment of young women of the Eastern Mediterranean.

The seminar was coordinated by the Heads of the Anna Lindh Foundation Cyprus Network, which consists of the NGO Support Centre and Rooftop Theatre Group, and implemented by the Cyprus Family Planning Association and the Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies and their experienced trainers. The selection of participants was made through an open call, where the number of applications exceeded all expectations, with a final selection of 40 women from the countries involved. Through the use of non-formal education methodologies and interactive tools, the participating women became informed about decisions on their reproductive rights, gender stereotypes and building healthy relationships based on equality and respect and had the opportunity to engage in discussions addressing gender inequalities, assertive communication and body positivity in their societies; as one participant pointed out, “acknowledging our human rights in a deeper way in order to realize when we are harassed and to learn more things about consent is very important for our lives”. Participants also had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Samir Anouti, Regional Adviser for Youth & HIV/AIDS of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) about the programmes offered by UNFPA in the Arab region to support women’s health and rights.

Women who participated in the seminar were eager to continue working together and advocate for women’s rights and finding more opportunities to share their voices. “[We want to take this further] to promote programs like this amazing program in order to empower women…to promote more documentaries or educational movies for women’s achievements and women’s fights…In order to make womanhood stronger and make each woman love and admire each other as it should”, remarked one of the participants.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Eurekos hat mit dem Fosway 9-Grid™ für Lernsysteme 2021 sein Potenzial weiter ausgebaut

KOPENHAGEN, Dänemark, 18-Mar-2021 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Eurekos, ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Learning Management Technology, hat seine Position im renommierten Fosway 9-Grid™, einer unabhängigen Bewertung von Lernmanagement Systemen, weiter ausgebaut.

Fosway, Europas Nr. 1 der HR-Branchenanalysten, ist eine unabhängige, objektive Gruppe, die Marktrealitäten analysiert und Einblicke in die Zukunft von HR, Talent und Lernen bietet. Fosway lobte die Eurekos-Lösung für ihren starken Funktionsumfang, die benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche, das integrierte Redaktionssystem für Inhalte, die offene Architektur und den hohen Wert.

„Eurekos entwickelt sich schnell zum Lernsystem der Wahl für Organisationen, die hochwertige Lerninhalte und eine intuitive, anpassbare Plattform suchen. Wir fühlen uns sehr geehrt, im Fosway 9-Grid™ unter den besten Lernsystemen und Plattformen der Welt zu sein“, sagt Anders Willumsen, CEO von Eurekos. „Außerdem ist es bemerkenswert, dass Eurekos im gesamten 9-Grid™ das höchste Niveau an Datenschutzkonformität (ISO 27001 und 27701) sowie die niedrigsten Betriebskosten aufweist.“

„Eurekos hilft Unternehmen bei der Ausbildung auf globaler Ebene, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf dem Unternehmen und den erweiterten Unternehmensbereich. Unsere SaaS-Cloud-basierte Plattform wurde speziell für globale Schulungen entwickelt, einschließlich Kunden-, Mitarbeiter-, Vertriebs-, Compliance-, Channel-Partner-Training und mehr“, so Willumsen weiter. „Unsere Lösung unterstützt die gesamte Customer Journey von der Inhaltserstellung bis zur Verteilung, Einschreibung und Statistik, und beinhaltet wertvolle Funktionen wie E-Commerce für eine völlig neue, klassenbeste Perspektive auf das Lernen.“

Eurekos ist in mehr als 100 Sprachen verfügbar und hat eine innovative Plattform entwickelt, um die Kosten und den Zeitaufwand für die Erstellung und Pflege einer großartigen Lernerfahrung zu reduzieren. Das Eurekos-LMS bietet kostenlose native Integrationen mit wichtigen Systemen, auf die sich Unternehmen bei ihren täglichen Aktivitäten verlassen, darunter MS Teams, O365, Salesforce, Google Workspace, OneLogin, Stripe und viele mehr.

Das Fosway 9-Grid™ ist ein einzigartiges, 5-dimensionales Marktanalysemodell, das objektive Informationen von Drittanbietern über HR-, Talent- und Lernplattformen auf Basis der jeweiligen Lösungen bereitstellt:

• Potenzial, Umfang und Ausgereiftheit.
• Leistung und Kundenerfolge.
• Präsenz auf dem Markt.
• Kosten, einschließlich Akquisition, Implementierung und Betrieb.
• Zukünftige Entwicklung und ihr Einfluss auf Markttrends.

David Wilson, CEO der Fosway Group, sagte: „Eurekos hat mit dem Fosway 9-Grid™ für Lernsysteme 2021 sein Potenzial weiter ausgebaut, was sein Engagement für Produktinnovation und kontinuierliches Wachstum in Europa unter Beweis stellt.“

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Eurekos er hurtigt ved at blive det foretrukne læringssystem for organisationer

KØBENHAVN, Danmark, 18-Mar-2021 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Eurekos, en førende global udbyder af Learning Management Technology, har intensiveret sin position pÃ¥ den prestigefyldte Fosway 9-Grid™, en uafhængig vurdering af Learning Management-systemer.

Fosway, Europas #1 HR-brancheanalytiker, er en uafhængig, objektiv gruppe, der analyserer markedsvirkelighederne og yder indsigt i fremtiden for HR, talent og læring. Fosway anerkendte Eurekos-løsningen for sit stærke sæt af funktioner, brugervenlige grænseflade, integrerede værktøj til udarbejdelse af indhold, åben arkitektur og høj værdi.

”Eurekos bliver snart det foretrukne læringssystem for organisationer, der søger læringsindhold af høj værdi og en intuitiv, tilpasselig platform. Vi er meget beærede over at være pÃ¥ Fosway 9-Grid™ blandt de bedste læringssystemer og platforme i verden,” fortæller Anders Willumsen, administrerende direktør for Eurekos. “Det er ogsÃ¥ bemærkelsesværdigt, at Eurekos havde det højeste niveau for databeskyttelsesoverholdelse, ISO 27001 og 27701, i hele 9-Grid™ samt de laveste ejeromkostninger i vores 9-Grid™ -zone.”

”Eurekos hjælper virksomheder med at træne på en global målestok med fokus på det korporative og udvidede enterpriseområde. Vores SaaS-cloudbaserede platform er særligt udviklet til at udmærke sig ved global træning, herunder kunde, medarbejder, salg, overholdelse og kanalpartnertræning samt mere, ” fortsatte Willumsen. “Vores løsning understøtter den samlede kunderejse fra indholdsproduktion til distribution, tilmelding og statistik, og inkluderer værdifuld funktionalitet såsom e-handel for et helt nyt førsteklasses læringsperspektiv.”

Som tilgængelig på mere end 100 sprog har Eurekos bygget en innovativ platform til at reducere omkostningerne og tiden det kræver, at producere og vedligeholde en god læringsoplevelse. Eurekos LMS tilbyder gratis lokale integrationer med nøglesystemer, som virksomheder kan stole på til daglige aktiviteter, herunder MS Teams, O365, Salesforce, Google Workspace, OneLogin, Stripe og mange flere.

Fosway 9-Grid™ er en unik, 5-dimensionel markedsanalysemodel, der giver objektiv tredjepartsinformation om HR-, talent- og læringsplatforme, baseret pÃ¥ hver løsnings:

• Potentiale, omfang og raffinement.
• Ydeevne og kundesucces.
• Tilstedeværelse på markedet.
• Omkostninger inklusiv erhvervelse, implementering og drift.
• Fremtidig bane og dens indvirkning på markedstendenser.

David Wilson, administrerende direktør for Fosway Group siger: ‘Eurekos har yderligere forøget sit potentiale i 2021 Fosway 9-Grid™ for læringssystemer, hvilket viser dedikation til produktinnovation og fortsat vækst i Europa.’

Om Eurekos

Eurekos er hurtigt ved at blive det foretrukne læringssystem for organisationer, der søger en komplet opbygget, intuitiv og tilpasselig platform. Eurekos-platformen, der er blevet rost for dens stærke funktionssæt, den brugervenlige grænseflade, integrerede oprettelsesværktøjer til indhold, åbne arkitektur og høje værdi. Eurekos-platformen kan nemt integreres med de systemer, som virksomheder er afhængige af til daglige aktiviteter. Denne førsteklasses, udvidede virksomheds-LMS fås på mere end 100 sprog, så virksomheder globalt kan skabe og levere engagerende, interaktivt, mindeværdigt og kraftfuldt træningsindhold. For mere information, besøg

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Eurekos entwickelt sich schnell zum Lernsystem der Wahl für Unternehmen

KOPENHAGEN, Dänemark, 18-Mar-2021 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Eurekos, ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Lernmanagement-Technologie, hat seine Position im renommierten Fosway 9-Grid™, einer unabhängigen Bewertung von Lernmanagement-Systemen, weiter ausgebaut.

Fosway, Europas führender Analyst für die Personalbranche, ist eine unabhängige, objektive Gruppe, die die Gegebenheiten des Marktes analysiert und Einblicke in die Zukunft von HR, Nachwuchsgewinnung und Lernen gibt. Fosway würdigte die Lösung von Eurekos für ihren großen Funktionsumfang, die benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche, das integrierte Tool zur Erstellung von Inhalten, die offene Architektur und den hohen Nutzwert.

„Eurekos entwickelt sich schnell zum Lernsystem der Wahl für Unternehmen, die hochwertige Lerninhalte und eine intuitive, anpassbare Plattform suchen. Wir fühlen uns sehr geehrt, auf dem Fosway 9-Grid™ unter den besten Lernsystemen und -plattformen der Welt zu sein”, sagte Anders Willumsen, CEO von Eurekos. „Bemerkenswert ist auch, dass Eurekos im gesamten 9-Grid™ den höchsten Grad an Datenschutzkonformität, ISO 27001 und 27701, sowie die niedrigsten Betriebskosten in unserer 9-Grid™-Zone aufwies.”

„Eurekos unterstützt Unternehmen bei der Ausbildung auf globaler Ebene, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Unternehmens- und erweiterten Unternehmensbereichen liegt. Unsere SaaS-Cloud-basierte Plattform wurde speziell für globale Trainings entwickelt, darunter Kunden-, Mitarbeiter-, Vertriebs-, Compliance- und Channel-Partner-Trainings und mehr”, so Willumsen weiter. Unsere Lösung unterstützt den gesamten Weg der Kunden, von der Produktion von Inhalten bis zur Verteilung, Aufnahme und Statistik und beinhaltet wertvolle Funktionen wie E-Commerce für eine völlig neue, hervorragende Perspektive auf das Lernen.”

Eurekos ist in mehr als 100 Sprachen verfügbar und hat eine innovative Plattform entwickelt, um die Kosten und den Zeitaufwand für die Erstellung und Pflege einer großartigen Lernerfahrung zu senken. Das Eurekos LMS bietet kostenlose native Integrationen für die wichtigsten Systeme, auf die sich Unternehmen im Tagesgeschäft verlassen, darunter MS Teams, O365, Salesforce, Google Workspace, OneLogin, Stripe und viele andere.

Das Fosway 9-Grid™ ist ein einzigartiges, 5-dimensionales Marktanalysemodell, das objektive Informationen von Drittanbietern über HR-, Talent- und Lernplattformen auf der Grundlage der einzelnen Lösungen liefert:

• Potential, Umfang und Ausgereiftheit
• Leistung und Kundenerfolge
• Präsenz auf dem Markt
• Kosten, einschließlich Anschaffung, Implementierung und Betrieb
• Zukünftige Entwicklung und Einfluss auf Markttrends

David Wilson, CEO der Fosway Group, sagte: „Eurekos hat sein Potential mit dem Fosway 9-Grid™ für Lernsysteme 2021 weiter ausgebaut, was sein Engagement für Produktinnovation und kontinuierliches Wachstum in Europa unterstreicht.”

JH Technologies Ships First UV Microscope Eyepiece Sanitizers

Patent-pending Optic-Clean™ is the only product of its kind worldwide

Fremont, CA, 15-Oct-2020 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — JH Technologies, leading optical and digital imaging, metallography, sample preparation and metrology solutions provider, announces that it recently shipped the first units of the company’s new Optic-Clean UV Microscope Eyepiece Sanitizer.

Until now, microscope eyepieces have typically been disinfected with a 70% alcohol solution using saturated wipes or liquid spray. JH Technologies’ new Optic-Clean™ UV Microscope Eyepiece Sanitizer uses Ultraviolet (UV) light technology. UV is a scientifically documented method of disrupting viruses, bacteria, and microorganisms to prevent transmission and spread.

Optic-Clean sanitizes each microscope eyepiece in about 60 seconds. It is also chemical-free and environmentally sound, helping users reduce their sterilizing materials costs.

“Scientific labs are one area where contact is unavoidable. We developed Optic-Clean to help customers protect their lab users as they return to work and school in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,” said JH Technologies CEO John Hubacz.

In addition to being fast, effective and eco-friendly, Optic-Clean is easy to use and verifiable with an optional radiometer. Microscope users interested in learning more can visit the company’s website at
jhtechnologies/optic-clean or download a 2-page brochure here.

About JH Technologies
JH Technologies is a major national optics and microscopy company with over 30 years of experience in optical and digital imaging, metallography, and metrology for applications in semiconductor, micro-technology, medical device, forensic, biological and materials research, and educational markets. JH Technologies supports its customers with regional offices in Northern and Southern California, the Pacific Northwest and New England.

The company serves some of the largest and most innovative companies in the world, research organizations, government labs, as well as startups and educators. JH Technologies sales staff consists of engineers and scientists who are dedicated to providing the most appropriate solutions for their customers’ unique problems. The sales staff is supported by an outstanding group of factory trained applications experts and service engineers.

Visit to learn more.


EDITOR’S NOTE: Grab a digital image here: JH Technologies Ships First UV Microscope Eyepiece Sanitizers or a high res image here.

For more information contact:
Dana Baedke
Key Marketing

John Hubacz, CEO
JH Technologies, Inc.

Millionaire Life Strategy launches its new course “Advanced Sales Master Class”

Millionaire Life Strategy launches its new course “Advanced Sales Master Class”

VOORSCHOTEN, The Netherlands, 15-Oct-2020 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Millionaire Life Strategy, a business and mindset sales training and coaching organization out of Netherlands, announced today the launch of its new course “Advanced Sales Master Class,” to show left-brain, overly analytical introverts, technology gurus and shy business owners how to move past the limiting beliefs and other obstacles blocking their professional growth to become sales experts that grow businesses exponentially.

“Technology experts tend to hide behind their keyboards to change the world, while others make money from their inventions. I’m teaching the “Steve Wozniak’s” of the world how to think like the “Steve Jobs” of the world so that they can launch their business ideas with success from the day they open their doors until the day they sell their businesses for millions of dollars or more.” says Erwin Wils, business strategist, mindset coach, and the mastermind behind Millionaire Life Strategy.

Technology has changed the world and will continue to do so. Technology experts are creating these new technologies and marketing gurus position it. Now is the time to change that and let the tech experts take control of their own business.

“There are a lot of presuppositions about nerds and geeks. People tend to think they’re introvert, terrible in building relationships, can’t sell, nobody understands them, because they speak “geek”, don’t like to be in the spotlights and somehow, most technical experts tend to start acting like that image. I’m here to change that and show them it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s all about mindset,” says Wils. “The moment tech gurus start understanding how to communicate their genius in terms laymen can grasp, that’s the moment they start to become that all-round entrepreneur that will take themselves and their business to the next level.”

Wils is a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, has worked in the corporate world for over 20 years in different roles, always on the edge between technology and business. He also thought others were more successful than him, until he started working on his own mind. Now he is showing other technical experts they can change as well by means of coaching and training.

The Advanced Sales Masterclass covers:

  • Mindset strategies to uncover each participant’s unique hidden sales genius
  • The art of the sale
  • Mastering the art of objections
  • How body language can make or break your sale
  • Negotiation mastery

“All technical experts know how to sell,” say, Wils, “They just don’t recognize it as selling. This training gives them the blueprint for sales success and the confidence to become the rainmaker they always wanted to be.”

Millionaire Life Strategy also offers custom coaching programs for technical experts, ranging from 3 months to a full year, using the EMPOWERR © methodology as an umbrella.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Code A Wish Corp Hosts “AI 101” Summer Virtual Series for Teens amid Pandemic

Rockville, MD, 2020-Jul-30 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — “Code A Wish Corp” is a Maryland 501(c)3 non-profit that is run by teens and for teens. The club was started by six high schoolers that come from Montgomery, Howard, and Fairfax County in the Greater Washington DC area in the summer of 2019. They shared the same vision that public schools nationwide have an educational gap on teaching the latest technology such as AI, especially to those that are under privileged. The founder of the non-profit Faith Cheung, a senior from Richard Montgomery High School first started a school chapter of “Girls who Code” and realized the need for technology education is unmet by the public school curriculum. After teaching coding at local libraries and even foster homes in Taiwan, she founded the non-profit at the end of the summer of 2019. A team of six like-minded high school students swiftly was formed and the idea of running a tech conference called “the Future Summit” began. With months of extensive planning and coordination, the tech conference went live on November 16th, 2019 at the Hilton in Gaithersburg, MD. The “Future Summit” proved to be a huge success. More than 200 teens from the East Coast were in attendance to hear prominent entrepreneurs and computer scientists give cutting edge speeches on machine learning, voice technology AI and the fourth industrial revolution.

To continue the outreach to even more teens amid the pandemic in 2020, the group has kicked off a new virtual summer series called “AI 101”. The learning gap in the tech field is evident when we asked such basic questions regarding AI in our AI Virtual interactive webinars. Unfortunately, not many could actually answer. The organization aims to fill a huge gap to the school system in hope to provide much needed education to teens so that they can be better equipped with foundational knowledge in AI and other emerging technology.

On July 3rd, 2020, “Code A Wish” hosted their first summer 2020 AI 101 webinar where over a hundred students enthusiastically participated. The first webinar was also published on youtube for those that could not join the live session:

Since then, a weekly live session has been running and hundreds of students have signed up to join the interactive webinars. Topics so far generated interest from nearly 300 elementary and middle schoolers. The topics have also been carefully chosen to reflect the latest affairs. For example, the second episode was dedicated to the use of AI in Covid-19 research. The team is striving for reaching even more students this summer and providing an easy to follow virtual platform to engage teens. The next virtual webinar will be hosted on Friday July 31st, 2020 at 5 pm Eastern Standard Time. To register, please use the following link:

Via EPR Network
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