Category Archives: Training

USPS Awarded USCG Nonprofit Grant for America’s Boating Channel

Raleigh, NC, USA, 2022-Oct-25 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — United States Power Squadrons® (USPS) has been awarded a new grant from the U.S. Coast Guard to substantially expand America’s Boating Channel™, USPS’s boating safety and boater education video service.

USPS, founded in 1914, is a volunteer-led nonprofit organization of more than 21,000 members dedicated to the shared mission of making boating safer through education. USPS is America’s Boating Club® – For Boaters by Boaters™. Organized locally into 320 squadrons, USPS provides boaters across the nation with the skills they need to boat with confidence and enjoy the waterways. USPS creates and teaches boating classes online, in person, and on the water, and offers free vessel safety checks (VSCs) to ensure that boaters have safe watercraft.

To advance its mission, USPS operates the America’s Boating Channel video service. Now in its seventh year of operation, America’s Boating Channel is financially supported through a series of grants from the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund administered by the U.S. Coast Guard. As part of the Fiscal Year 2023 National Nonprofit Organization Recreational Boating Safety Grant Program, USPS was awarded funding to grow and extend America’s Boating Channel from July 2023 through September 2025.

In acknowledging the grant award, USPS National Educational Officer (NEO) Vice Commander Bill McManimen, SN commented, “United States Power Squadrons’ boating safety and boater education video service, America’s Boating Channel, received awards for being the Top Marine Media Outlet in 2021 and for producing the best PSA Video Series in 2022, but its most meaningful award came in June in the form of increased support from the U.S. Coast Guard. Work on the new grant commenced in July and much has already been accomplished. The new grant will enable us to substantially expand America’s Boating Channel into a mainstream media offering over the next three years.”

America’s Boating Channel is targeting four growth areas.

1) New Video Series
Twelve new titles will be developed, produced, and distributed each year as America’s Boating Channel’s seventh through ninth seasons of boating safety and boater education videos. For Season Seven, video concepts in development since July include border crossing; preventing slips, trips, and falls; partnering in command; disembarking hazards; boating with small children; engine failure causes and cures; towed sports safety; tying dock lines; introducing automatic identification system (AIS); marine radio etiquette; navigating locks; and why wearing a life jacket is cool. Season Seven video scripts are now being written, which will be followed by field production and launch in Spring 2023.

2) Viewership Promotion
America’s Boating Channel will stimulate video viewership with a year-round campaign, including daily posts across multiple social networks and media outlets designed to creatively alert and memorably impress upon the boating public the inherent risks associated with boating, to persuade recreational boaters to adopt safe boating behaviors, and to remind them of these behaviors with creative variations on promotional campaign themes. In addition, the service’s exploration of social media platforms with youthful demographics will be rolled-out as a new promotional program. Since July, the service has promoted Season Six videos and a countdown to the public launch of Inlet Drone Videos.

3) Smart TV
America’s Boating Channel’s smart TV initiative includes the development, launch, and operation of a new free-to-the-user video-on-demand (VOD) app offering boating-themed video content in a format like leading subscription VOD services. A no-cost linear video channel, which will present boating-themed video content on a continuously playing schedule, will supplement the VOD app for a more traditional TV viewing experience. Boating news, sports, and entertainment television programs and motion pictures will incorporate boating safety and boater education videos as public service announcements (PSAs). Technology suppliers and content providers have been participating in the project since July.

4) Inlet Drone Videos
America’s Boating Channel will launch a new service offering based on the video concept tested during its prior USCG grant to prepare recreational boaters for their first sorties into harbors, rivers, and other high-traffic entrances. Inlet Drone Videos will feature low altitude aerial shots of leaving from and returning to major US waterways across the nation with narrative explanations. During the grant period, forty inlets will be covered and a training system with production technical details and processes for participants nationwide to create and submit drone footage for inclusion will be offered. The world premiere of Inlet Drone Videos covering Cape Fear, Haulover, and Columbia River will take place November 5.

About America’s Boating Channel
America’s Boating Channel™ is produced for United States Power Squadrons® (USPS) by Lafferty Media Partners (LMP) under a grant from the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund administered by the U.S. Coast Guard. The service features professionally produced high-definition safe boating and boater education videos. America’s Boating Channel has been recognized with the National Boating Industry Safety Award as the 2021 Top Marine Media Outlet and with the 2022 International Boating & Water Safety Summit Communication Award for the top Video Public Service Announcement (PSA) Series. As the premier boating organization dedicated to “Safe Boating through Education” since 1914, USPS is America’s Boating Club® – For Boaters, By Boaters™.

Via EPR Network
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Eurekos er hurtigt ved at blive det foretrukne læringssystem for organisationer

KØBENHAVN, Danmark, 18-Mar-2021 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Eurekos, en førende global udbyder af Learning Management Technology, har intensiveret sin position pÃ¥ den prestigefyldte Fosway 9-Grid™, en uafhængig vurdering af Learning Management-systemer.

Fosway, Europas #1 HR-brancheanalytiker, er en uafhængig, objektiv gruppe, der analyserer markedsvirkelighederne og yder indsigt i fremtiden for HR, talent og læring. Fosway anerkendte Eurekos-løsningen for sit stærke sæt af funktioner, brugervenlige grænseflade, integrerede værktøj til udarbejdelse af indhold, åben arkitektur og høj værdi.

”Eurekos bliver snart det foretrukne læringssystem for organisationer, der søger læringsindhold af høj værdi og en intuitiv, tilpasselig platform. Vi er meget beærede over at være pÃ¥ Fosway 9-Grid™ blandt de bedste læringssystemer og platforme i verden,” fortæller Anders Willumsen, administrerende direktør for Eurekos. “Det er ogsÃ¥ bemærkelsesværdigt, at Eurekos havde det højeste niveau for databeskyttelsesoverholdelse, ISO 27001 og 27701, i hele 9-Grid™ samt de laveste ejeromkostninger i vores 9-Grid™ -zone.”

”Eurekos hjælper virksomheder med at træne på en global målestok med fokus på det korporative og udvidede enterpriseområde. Vores SaaS-cloudbaserede platform er særligt udviklet til at udmærke sig ved global træning, herunder kunde, medarbejder, salg, overholdelse og kanalpartnertræning samt mere, ” fortsatte Willumsen. “Vores løsning understøtter den samlede kunderejse fra indholdsproduktion til distribution, tilmelding og statistik, og inkluderer værdifuld funktionalitet såsom e-handel for et helt nyt førsteklasses læringsperspektiv.”

Som tilgængelig på mere end 100 sprog har Eurekos bygget en innovativ platform til at reducere omkostningerne og tiden det kræver, at producere og vedligeholde en god læringsoplevelse. Eurekos LMS tilbyder gratis lokale integrationer med nøglesystemer, som virksomheder kan stole på til daglige aktiviteter, herunder MS Teams, O365, Salesforce, Google Workspace, OneLogin, Stripe og mange flere.

Fosway 9-Grid™ er en unik, 5-dimensionel markedsanalysemodel, der giver objektiv tredjepartsinformation om HR-, talent- og læringsplatforme, baseret pÃ¥ hver løsnings:

• Potentiale, omfang og raffinement.
• Ydeevne og kundesucces.
• Tilstedeværelse på markedet.
• Omkostninger inklusiv erhvervelse, implementering og drift.
• Fremtidig bane og dens indvirkning på markedstendenser.

David Wilson, administrerende direktør for Fosway Group siger: ‘Eurekos har yderligere forøget sit potentiale i 2021 Fosway 9-Grid™ for læringssystemer, hvilket viser dedikation til produktinnovation og fortsat vækst i Europa.’

Om Eurekos

Eurekos er hurtigt ved at blive det foretrukne læringssystem for organisationer, der søger en komplet opbygget, intuitiv og tilpasselig platform. Eurekos-platformen, der er blevet rost for dens stærke funktionssæt, den brugervenlige grænseflade, integrerede oprettelsesværktøjer til indhold, åbne arkitektur og høje værdi. Eurekos-platformen kan nemt integreres med de systemer, som virksomheder er afhængige af til daglige aktiviteter. Denne førsteklasses, udvidede virksomheds-LMS fås på mere end 100 sprog, så virksomheder globalt kan skabe og levere engagerende, interaktivt, mindeværdigt og kraftfuldt træningsindhold. For mere information, besøg

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Eurekos entwickelt sich schnell zum Lernsystem der Wahl für Unternehmen

KOPENHAGEN, Dänemark, 18-Mar-2021 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Eurekos, ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Lernmanagement-Technologie, hat seine Position im renommierten Fosway 9-Grid™, einer unabhängigen Bewertung von Lernmanagement-Systemen, weiter ausgebaut.

Fosway, Europas führender Analyst für die Personalbranche, ist eine unabhängige, objektive Gruppe, die die Gegebenheiten des Marktes analysiert und Einblicke in die Zukunft von HR, Nachwuchsgewinnung und Lernen gibt. Fosway würdigte die Lösung von Eurekos für ihren großen Funktionsumfang, die benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche, das integrierte Tool zur Erstellung von Inhalten, die offene Architektur und den hohen Nutzwert.

„Eurekos entwickelt sich schnell zum Lernsystem der Wahl für Unternehmen, die hochwertige Lerninhalte und eine intuitive, anpassbare Plattform suchen. Wir fühlen uns sehr geehrt, auf dem Fosway 9-Grid™ unter den besten Lernsystemen und -plattformen der Welt zu sein”, sagte Anders Willumsen, CEO von Eurekos. „Bemerkenswert ist auch, dass Eurekos im gesamten 9-Grid™ den höchsten Grad an Datenschutzkonformität, ISO 27001 und 27701, sowie die niedrigsten Betriebskosten in unserer 9-Grid™-Zone aufwies.”

„Eurekos unterstützt Unternehmen bei der Ausbildung auf globaler Ebene, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Unternehmens- und erweiterten Unternehmensbereichen liegt. Unsere SaaS-Cloud-basierte Plattform wurde speziell für globale Trainings entwickelt, darunter Kunden-, Mitarbeiter-, Vertriebs-, Compliance- und Channel-Partner-Trainings und mehr”, so Willumsen weiter. Unsere Lösung unterstützt den gesamten Weg der Kunden, von der Produktion von Inhalten bis zur Verteilung, Aufnahme und Statistik und beinhaltet wertvolle Funktionen wie E-Commerce für eine völlig neue, hervorragende Perspektive auf das Lernen.”

Eurekos ist in mehr als 100 Sprachen verfügbar und hat eine innovative Plattform entwickelt, um die Kosten und den Zeitaufwand für die Erstellung und Pflege einer großartigen Lernerfahrung zu senken. Das Eurekos LMS bietet kostenlose native Integrationen für die wichtigsten Systeme, auf die sich Unternehmen im Tagesgeschäft verlassen, darunter MS Teams, O365, Salesforce, Google Workspace, OneLogin, Stripe und viele andere.

Das Fosway 9-Grid™ ist ein einzigartiges, 5-dimensionales Marktanalysemodell, das objektive Informationen von Drittanbietern über HR-, Talent- und Lernplattformen auf der Grundlage der einzelnen Lösungen liefert:

• Potential, Umfang und Ausgereiftheit
• Leistung und Kundenerfolge
• Präsenz auf dem Markt
• Kosten, einschließlich Anschaffung, Implementierung und Betrieb
• Zukünftige Entwicklung und Einfluss auf Markttrends

David Wilson, CEO der Fosway Group, sagte: „Eurekos hat sein Potential mit dem Fosway 9-Grid™ für Lernsysteme 2021 weiter ausgebaut, was sein Engagement für Produktinnovation und kontinuierliches Wachstum in Europa unterstreicht.”

Millionaire Life Strategy launches its new course “Advanced Sales Master Class”

Millionaire Life Strategy launches its new course “Advanced Sales Master Class”

VOORSCHOTEN, The Netherlands, 15-Oct-2020 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Millionaire Life Strategy, a business and mindset sales training and coaching organization out of Netherlands, announced today the launch of its new course “Advanced Sales Master Class,” to show left-brain, overly analytical introverts, technology gurus and shy business owners how to move past the limiting beliefs and other obstacles blocking their professional growth to become sales experts that grow businesses exponentially.

“Technology experts tend to hide behind their keyboards to change the world, while others make money from their inventions. I’m teaching the “Steve Wozniak’s” of the world how to think like the “Steve Jobs” of the world so that they can launch their business ideas with success from the day they open their doors until the day they sell their businesses for millions of dollars or more.” says Erwin Wils, business strategist, mindset coach, and the mastermind behind Millionaire Life Strategy.

Technology has changed the world and will continue to do so. Technology experts are creating these new technologies and marketing gurus position it. Now is the time to change that and let the tech experts take control of their own business.

“There are a lot of presuppositions about nerds and geeks. People tend to think they’re introvert, terrible in building relationships, can’t sell, nobody understands them, because they speak “geek”, don’t like to be in the spotlights and somehow, most technical experts tend to start acting like that image. I’m here to change that and show them it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s all about mindset,” says Wils. “The moment tech gurus start understanding how to communicate their genius in terms laymen can grasp, that’s the moment they start to become that all-round entrepreneur that will take themselves and their business to the next level.”

Wils is a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, has worked in the corporate world for over 20 years in different roles, always on the edge between technology and business. He also thought others were more successful than him, until he started working on his own mind. Now he is showing other technical experts they can change as well by means of coaching and training.

The Advanced Sales Masterclass covers:

  • Mindset strategies to uncover each participant’s unique hidden sales genius
  • The art of the sale
  • Mastering the art of objections
  • How body language can make or break your sale
  • Negotiation mastery

“All technical experts know how to sell,” say, Wils, “They just don’t recognize it as selling. This training gives them the blueprint for sales success and the confidence to become the rainmaker they always wanted to be.”

Millionaire Life Strategy also offers custom coaching programs for technical experts, ranging from 3 months to a full year, using the EMPOWERR © methodology as an umbrella.

SOURCE: EuropaWire


Adelaide, South Australia, 2018-May-29 — /EPR Education News/ — Chess is a universal activity that many individuals of all ages love to play. Not only does it stimulate the brain cells, but it also helps improve necessary skills. This is why many parents let their children learn to play chess at an early age. However, it is not as easy as it sounds because chess entails techniques and strategies learned through the basics. Chess School SA provides chess coaching services to children in Adelaide, SA.

Chess School SA is a chess coaching service that also provides useful tips on how to improve playing chess. Their TOP 10 TIPS FOR CHESS IMPROVEMENT post explains in detail what to do and what not to do when trying to improve in chess.


  1. Play often and play against opponents who are good enough to beat you at least half of the time. Free Chess training is available here:
  2. Review the games of great players. When reviewing a game, pause for a little while and try to guess what the Grandmaster played.
  3. Read chess books. Find a book on the specific opening that you wish to play. We recommend: FROM CHESS NOVICE TO ADVANCED PLAYER IN 7 DAYS and THE KING HUNT.
  4. Study endings. Free endgame training:
  5. Work on tactics. One can use a chess book with tactics or one can do it online.
  6. After every game ask your opponent if he would like to go over the game with you. Try to determine critical moments and specific moves where the loser went wrong.
  7. Attend local chess tournaments.
  8. A chess coach will save one time in achieving their goal of rapid improvement. For private chess coaching visit this site:
  9. Watch free online lectures on YouTube:
  10. Play, play, play.

Via EPR Network
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Preply: Identifiez le professeur de votre choix grâce à un site dédié

PARIS, May-16-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Si auparavant, il fallait opter pour un service à domicile, ce n’est désormais plus le cas grâce à l’émergence du Web et de plateformes en ligne comme Avec Internet, vous êtes en mesure de faire appel à des professeurs qui ne seront pas contraints de se déplacer. Il suffit de taper cherche prof pour obtenir une multitude de réponses.

Identifiez le professeur de votre choix grâce à un site dédié

Les cours à domicile existent depuis une multitude d’années, mais le concept a largement évolué ces dernières années. Les parents ou les étudiants qui avaient l’intention d’améliorer leurs connaissances devaient se focaliser sur des petites annonces ou des agences spécialisées. La recherche était à la fois laborieuse, complexe et le rendu n’était pas toujours celui escompté.

Lorsque le Web a commencé à prendre une telle ampleur, certains professeurs ont décidé de partager leurs connaissances en ligne avec deux formats très différents. Le premier est relativement simple puisqu’il consiste à prendre un rendez-vous avec un enseignant de qualité afin de suivre un cours via une messagerie comme Skype.

Avec une consultation via une Webcam, vous pouvez suivre un cours n’importe quand

Votre professeur est de l’autre côté de votre écran et il a les moyens de vous corriger grâce à sa caméra. C’est un concept très intéressant qui permet de supprimer les déplacements tout en optimisant le planning des élèves. Ces derniers ne sont pas contraints d’être à leur domicile pour améliorer leurs compétences. Pendant leur pause déjeuner, ils ont la possibilité de contacter un enseignant qui sera à disposition.

Dans un autre cas de figure, le Web a permis à tous ces professionnels dispatchés dans une multitude de domaines de partager des annonces beaucoup plus facilement. Ils se déplacent donc chez vous, mais ils ont gagné en visibilité. Il suffit généralement de s’inscrire sur une plateforme spécialisée afin de rechercher un tuteur.

Des enseignants qualifiés et propriétaires de vrais diplômes

Généralement, trois étapes sont nécessaires. La première concerne la sélection du tuteur. Une liste est à votre disposition, mais il est tout à fait envisageable de la trier grâce aux nombreux filtres. Par la suite, le professeur identifié reçoit une demande et s’il l’accepte vous serez en mesure de planifier une leçon.

Trouver un bon enseignant sur le Web, c’est donc très facile, il est judicieux de s’attarder sur plusieurs aspects à savoir un site internet sérieux qui a vérifié les compétences des tuteurs. Ces derniers doivent posséder les diplômes nécessaires ou un niveau d’études suffisant pour vous épauler dans cette aventure.

Attention à toutes ces offres gratuites!

Grâce à Internet, il est également possible d’avoir quelques avis ou témoignages laissés par les précédents clients. C’est un concept appréciable notamment pour vous faire une idée concernant les qualités de ce professionnel. Cela vous donne les moyens de cibler rapidement celui susceptible de combler vos attentes.

Sachez qu’il existe bien sûr des formules gratuites sur la toile, mais soyez très vigilant, car ces internautes qui proposent leurs services sur diverses plateformes de vidéo n’ont pas été testés en amont. Vous ne pouvez donc pas être certain que leurs compétences seront suffisantes pour répondre à vos questions et vous aider à progresser.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

The Science of Stillness 2017 meditation masterclasses series by Kamlesh D. Patel (Daaji)

A series of introductory & advanced online classes on Heartfulness meditation 

Austin, Texas, 2017-Apr-20 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — On 29 and 30 April and 1 May 2017, the global guide of Heartfulness meditation, Kamlesh D. Patel (Daaji), will offer online meditation masterclasses that can be accessed globally. The Science of Stillness masterclasses are a continuation of the free offering, since January of this year, of the highly effective Heartfulness meditation and relaxation techniques that anyone over 15 years of age can practice.

Since January, over 1 million people, including educational, corporate and professional institutions worldwide, have accessed Daaji’s online classes, said the organizer, Heartfulness Institute, a United States non-profit. The 2017 meditation masterclasses series is offered at no cost.

In the Science of Stillness, Daaji will walk the participants through the core practices of Heartfulness relaxation, meditation, cleaning, and inner connection, techniques that are easily integrated in the midst of hectic living. Each class runs between 35 and 45 minutes.

“Through meditation, consciousness becomes the mirror that reflects your innate nature,” said Daaji. “All answers ultimately will only come from the heart. Whether to listen or not to listen, to change or not to change ourselves—all these signals come from the heart. If the heart is misguided, what can you do? So when we meditate, this misguidance disappears. You face yourself as you are.”

Victor Kannan, Director of Heartfulness Institute in North America, said, “Our goal is to ensure that people anywhere around the world must access and try evaluating for themselves Heartfulness meditation. There is no dogma. These are self-development tools appropriate for modern life-styles and people from all walks of life. As ever, we are delighted to offer the Science of Stillness meditation as part of our online masterclasses through 2017.”

Friday, 28 April: Relax. Expand Consciousness
In the first class, learn the Heartfulness relaxation for physical well-being and the Heartfulness guided meditation on the source of light within your own heart.

Saturday, 29 April: Rejuvenate. Simplify
In the second class, be guided through a simple technique of rejuvenation or cleaning to unwind the mind at the end of the day, to let go of stress and emotions and simplify your life.

Sunday, 1 May: Connect. With Your Inner Self
In the third class, learn to connect with your inner self by listening to the heart’s voice. Observe your deepest feelings, make wise choices, and weave your destiny.
Heartfulness: Origins and Global Presence
Heartfulness is an approach to the Raja Yoga system of meditation called Sahaj Marg, founded at the turn of the 20th century and formalized into an organization in 1945. More than seventy years later, Heartfulness has been adopted globally by groups across civil society, government departments, schools and colleges and the corporate world. More at

In 130 countries, supported by 7,000 certified volunteer trainers, over a million people are practicing Heartfulness. This number continues to grow globally through hundreds of Heartfulness Centres worldwide.

About Kamlesh D. Patel
Known to many as Daaji, Kamlesh D. Patel is the fourth guide in the Heartfulness tradition of meditation. He is a prolific speaker and writer, and you can read his latest writings at

About Heartfulness Institute
Heartfulness Institute is a non-profit organization that promotes well-being and self-development through meditation, research and training. The Institute offers programs for individuals, corporates, government departments and the armed services, schools and colleges, rural communities and civil society groups worldwide, supported by certified trainers who are volunteers and who offer their time and expertise in this social cause.

Durga Nagarajan
Live Chat:

Via EPR Network
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Sur Preply, 47 000 tuteurs offrent leurs services à plus de 110 000 élèves : 27 langues, 13 matières scolaires

PARIS, 09-Feb-2017 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Preply, plateforme internationale de tutorat et d’études, annonce l’opportunité pour les étudiants et les enseignants français de développer leur carrière dans un monde en constante mutation. Le site aide les utilisateurs à trouver les meilleurs enseignants venus des quatre coins du monde – de Pékin à Paris en passant par Los Angeles – pour se perfectionner en langues étrangères, biologie, sciences humaines et autres sujets. C’est la variété de matières proposées (anglais, poésie et même comédie) qui rend Preply unique. Chaque cours s’articule autour d’étapes progressives visant à aider l’élève à atteindre son objectif principal.

Créé en avril 2013, Preply fonctionne aux États-Unis, en Pologne, en Ukraine, en Russie, au Brésil, et prépare son lancement en France. La société a été fondée par Semyon Dukach, un business angel à la tête de Techstars Boston, et a eu le privilège de figurer parmi les finalistes de Techstars Berlin 2015. En juin 2016, Preply a récolté 1,3 millions de dollars (940 000 euros) lors d’une levée de fonds initiale menée par des investisseurs européens, parmi lesquels Arthur Kosten (co-fondateur de, Mariusz Gralewski (co-fondateur de DocPlanner), Hedgehog Fund et RTAventures VC. Cet investissement a permis de créer une plateforme de qualité, conviviale et facile d’utilisation.

Sur Preply, 47 000 tuteurs offrent leurs services à plus de 110 000 élèves : 27 langues, 13 matières scolaires, mais également des cours de théâtre, de musique, et d’arts plastiques. Les cours de français et d’anglais comptent parmi les plus populaires sur la plateforme. Le tarif des cours sur Preply varie entre 2 et 100 euros de l’heure. Chaque mois, grâce à Preply, les tuteurs inscrits sur la plateforme donnent environ 30 000 heures de cours.

Selon Kirill Bigai, co-fondateur et PDG, “Preply permet un apprentissage flexible organisé par les tuteurs pour répondre aux besoins individuels de chaque étudiant. aide aussi les enseignants, qu’ils soient auto-entrepreneurs, employés à temps partiel ou à temps plein, à trouver de nouveaux étudiants et à créer des processus d’apprentissage continu. Les cours en ligne traditionnels ne sont pas adaptés aux besoins spécifiques de chaque élève et génèrent rarement les résultats escomptés. Cependant, faire appel à un tuteur ‘hors ligne’ s’avère souvent à la fois coûteux et chronophage. est en phase avec la transformation du travail : nos tuteurs sont capables d’enseigner des compétences plus spécialisées et plus fragmentées. Nous croyons véritablement qu’une amélioration continue peut aider qui que ce soit à trouver son rôle dans l’économie moderne.”

SOURCE: EuropaWire

PreK12 Plaza Launches Math Fluency App Mad Minute Plaza


Clifton Park, New York, September 29, 2016 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — PreK12 Plaza, a social impact enterprise working to ignite the genius in every child, today announced the launch of an updated bilingual math game app, Mad Minute Plaza for ages 6 and up.

“PreK12 Plaza is a comprehensive education platform and Mad Minute Plaza is one of multiple app offerings created by our outstanding team of developers and certified teachers to help students achieve their potential while making minute math fun,” said Ana Roca Castro, Founder and CEO of PreK12 Plaza.

Mad Minute Plaza works to improve math fluency. Research has demonstrated that the ability for students to respond automatically frees up cognitive resources that can be applied to more complex computation and concepts.

Mad Minute Plaza is a free app, available in English and Spanish, that provides students with the opportunity to respond to different level math quizzes for one minute – zapping as many space germs in the process. The game includes addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and more than 400 calculations.

The app is available for free at iTunes; Google Play and Amazon Marketplace. Additional information is available at

About PreK12 Plaza
PreK12 Plaza is a digital education platform created to ignite the genius in every child. It is the first multicultural education platform that provides culturally relevant Math and Language Arts resources combined with research-based didactic approach and state of the art parent engagement tools in eight languages.

Media contacts:
Monica Talan
Phone: 518-280-9550 Ext. 24
Cell: 917-886-5978

Learning management and collaboration platform for educators and trainers LiberCloud announces integration with Microsoft Office Online

SAN FRANCISCO, 12-Jul-2016 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — LiberCloud, the cloud-based learning management system for instructors, trainers and educators, announces integration with Microsoft Office Online to better enable Microsoft PowerPoint slideshows as a delivery method for blended learning materials and to give the ability to incorporate existing PowerPoint content in new ways. Microsoft Corp. is making this possible with their Cloud Storage Partner Program, which enables cloud solution partners, such as LiberCloud, to create seamless integration with Office Online.

What’s New

LiberCloud’s existing learning content management solutions combine the best of instructor-led engagement, blended learning, and interactivity between instructors and students. This new release makes its platform even more flexible via seamless integration with PowerPoint Online so that users can create and store PowerPoint content directly within their existing LiberCloud authoring tools.

“We are very excited about LiberCloud’s integration with PowerPoint Online”, said Felice Curcelli, LiberCloud’s Co-founder & CEO. “It makes perfect sense because of the amount of content that teachers and trainers have already developed using either PowerPoint or PowerPoint look-alikes. It’s another step in our mission to make trainers and teachers more effective and students more engaged.”

How It Works

A slideshow in LiberCloud is a collection of learning assets that an author can combine in a slideshow for use in coursework and training classes. It helps instructors go beyond traditional slide decks and get more creative by incorporating other assets such as canvas slides, interactive tutorials, videos, assessments and polls.

An author typically embeds the slideshow in a LiberPage which is the building block within the platform for lesson plans, coursework and assignments.


‘Blended Learning’ techniques are the trend for educators whether in school systems or corporate training environments, and LiberCloud’s enhancements are built to meet this demand. LiberCloud Slideshows with PowerPoint is an example of blended learning enablement and gives teachers and instructors flexibility to:

1. Share and reuse individual slides with ease. For example, if instructors want to incorporate PowerPoint charts or diagrams they’ve created in various lesson plans, they can add those native PowerPoint slides to new learning or instructional content. LiberCloud makes it easy to find individual slides and reuse them without duplicating content.

2. Brainstorm ideas with canvas-based slides via LiberCanvas, an app that lets users write and draw on a shared canvas as well as record content that can then be shared as videos. For example, instructors can give an individual or group assignment with a slideshow containing read-only background information along with canvas slides that they can write on and collaborate in real-time.

3. Engage students by combining PowerPoint slide decks with polls and assessments, to deliver during a slideshow and capture the results in real-time.

4. Make communication and feedback more personal and more effective by creating audio-visual annotations on individual slides.

“The integration of LiberCloud with PowerPoint Online creates new opportunities for teaching and learning for our joint users”, said Rob Howard, Director of Ecosystem, Microsoft. “Teachers will be able to leverage the native real-time co-authoring capabilities of PowerPoint Online and LiberCloud’s canvas-based collaboration and polls to increase student engagement.”

Integration with PowerPoint Online is a continuation of LiberCloud’s mission to give educators control and flexibility to deliver instruction material and assessments in a coherent and cohesive fashion. Visit their website for more information or to download the white paper Using LiberCloud Slideshows with PowerPoint in Instruction Materials.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Middle School Students Unplug from Electronics for A Week-Long Montessori School Retreat

Baltimore, MD, September 18, 2015 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — During their second week of school, Greenspring Montessori School adolescent students lived unplugged from cell phones, television, and computers for a truly immersive outdoor learning experience. The Adolescent Community – a group of 8 students ages 12 to 14 – traveled to Echo Hill Camp on the banks of the Chesapeake Bay for a week-long school retreat. They built campfires in a survival class, explored the Chesapeake Bay ecosystem by boat, participated in team-building challenges, and slept outdoors under canvas tents. Accompanied by their instructors, Christina Soares-Heffner and Elliot Dickson, the students learned so much about the natural environment and about themselves.

Christina emphasized, “Each activity, including no flushing toilets and outside showers, challenged and stretched our adolescents into growing and learning in new ways.”

Outdoor learning is a key element of Montessori education, and a major focus at Greenspring Montessori School. The Adolescents’ retreat is a key part of the upcoming year-long study of the natural environment. As part of their Occupations and Humanities studies, the Adolescents have also established a relationship with Oregon Ridge Park in Cockeysville, MD. Several days a week, the class travels to the park to conduct field experiments, hold naturalist seminars, and partner with naturalists to learn more about the area.

About Greenspring Montessori School

Greenspring Montessori School serves children ages 18 months to 14 years old, igniting students’ passion and curiosity for lifelong learning using an authentic Montessori model. Montessori classrooms facilitate hands-on learning, extended periods of concentration, and collaborative experiences. For over 50 years, Greenspring Montessori School has been serving the Baltimore community. Discover more about Greenspring Montessori School on our website at


Greenspring Montessori School
10807 Tony Drive, Lutherville-Timonium, MD 21093
Telephone: 410-321-8555


Bay Studies with Captain Annie
Bay Studies with Captain Annie
Outdoor learning is a key element of Montessori education
Outdoor learning is a key element of Montessori education

From Luca: Scanoeing, swamp canoeing, was my favorite activity even though I fell in up to my knee in mud! Luckily I was wearing a pair of rubber boots! When putting on our live vests, we spotted several frogs, which we observed. We also saw a rare ribbon snake who had just shed. It was a gorgeous day on the canoe. One of my favorite activities was seeing the beaver lodges, which Seth, one of our guides, told us about. There were also many beautiful American lotus flowers that everyone thought was cool.

From Zoe: I think that the sleeping situation at Echo Hill was fun and exciting. We got to sleep on tent platforms with canvas to really experience what it is like to sleep outside. We had mosquito netting over our beds and got to ensure the sound of a rainstorm one night. It was nice being able to bond and get closer to the people in my tent. The bathrooms and showers were interesting. I have never taken an outdoor shower before, and I definitely prefer to shower indoors with curtains. Not having flushing toilets was unique, however next year, I’m bringing Febreeze.

From Augie: Echo Hill’s survival class taught me how to control myself in a survival situation. I learned how to construct a fire and and gather the right materials for a shelter. I also learned the importance of food and water and how to scavenge for it. Overall it was an exceptional experience. Even though everything is a challenge, moving forward I feel more confident in a survival situation!

From Franklin: During our great four days at Echo Hill, we were challenged by the pathfinder. The pathfinder is a rock wall with a cargo net and a rope that you have to climb to reach the trapezes at the top. The pathfinder allowed us to overcome our fears of height, tested our strength, and helped us work as a team. To make us work more as a team, we all had to belay each other. It was amazing to see everybody attempt to reach the top. Some of us were scared, and would get stuck in certain spots, but we all helped each other reach our goals. Another thing that the pathfinder taught us was to create goals. Everyone created and accomplished goals, and even created new ones for next year when we return. Overall the pathfinder was a great and really fun learning experience.

From Willow: The bay studies class was fun and informative. We learned a lot about the water and how it is being polluted. We learned about all the types of creatures that live in the bay. For example the eel. We learned about the different parts of fish. We also got to kiss a rockfish which was pretty cool and funny. We got a chance to touch the eel, and learn about how they nest and reproduce. It was really cool touching the eel. It felt kind of like a snake, but slimy. We learned about the water’s colors and how we see different shades of blue, green, and brown. Captain Annie took a clear glass and asked us what color we see in the water. Some of us said brown, and some of us said green. She filled the clear glass up with water and we all saw clear water. We also learned about the blue crab. We learned that a crab can last 48 hours out of water, how it gets oxygen, and how it can detach its claws from its body when in danger.

From Garrick: Orienteering at Echo Hill was very fun. We started talking about the parts of a compass and how to find north. Next, we were given a specific bearing, a direction, and then had to align our compasses correctly. Finally, we got to make our own maps of any any we wanted and each map included a key, compass, and legend. Overall, I had a really great time in my orienteering class, hosted by Mr. Cole, and am looking forward to going back to Echo Hill next fall.


AMCM is Changing How Students are Fundraising

Oklahoma City, OK, June 26, 2015 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Association Motor Club Marketing (AMCM) just announced they will launch their new mobile application, AMCM Presentation, during the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA-PBL) National Leadership Conference in Chicago June 25- July 1, 2015. The app was designed specifically for Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) participating in the AMCM Fundraising Program.

AMCM is one of the only organizations at the FBLA Conference giving students the opportunity to learn technologically advanced business skills by fundraising through their smartphones and tablets. It is also one of the only fundraising options providing students with recurring revenue, another learning opportunity for students.

AMCM partnered with Victory Info Services to utilize Victory’s 360’s mobile platform. This provides students with the necessary tools on their phones to successfully present and complete the sale of AMCM’s roadside assistance and travel discount programs. These tools include a sales presentation and video, plus a communication feature allowing chapter Advisors to connect with their members. Other features of the app include the fundraising FAQs, a gas price finder, weather, roadside assistance demo, and support.

Regarding the inspiration behind the new app, Mark Muncey, Director of Fundraising, explained, “Traditional fundraising efforts have been made with sales of food and candy. Chapter Advisors were frustrated with those options which are labor-intensive as they demand collection and storage of inventory, extensive bookkeeping, and delivery of the product.”

“Our platform is designed to make the fundraising process easier on both students and Advisors,” he pointed out. “The ability for students to participate by using their smartphones to generate a recurring revenue stream is a real homerun for any chapter. We are excited to introduce this program at the FBLA Conference in Chicago.”

“Victory is honored to be working with AMCM, an organization that not only takes a part in helping students build important business skills, but also fundraises for good causes,” stated Mark Burns, Vice President Business Development and General Manager of Victory Info Services. “Because technology will continue to revolutionize how the world does business, it’s more important than ever to equip students with the necessary skills to succeed.”

For information on Association Motor Club Marketing and the new AMCM app, visit or email AMCM will be giving away a $500 cash prize during the FBLA National Leadership Conference. Visit booth #126 at the FBLA National Leadership Conference for more information or sneak peek of the new AMCM app.

Association Motor Club Marketing specializes in providing roadside assistance services and fundraising programs tailored to fit the needs of any association. AMCM has offices located in Oklahoma City, South Dakota, Virginia, & South Carolina.

Victory Info Services provides mobile services and applications for clients in various industries. Victory has offices located in Las Vegas, NV and Jacksonville, FL. For more information on Victory, please visit or email

Contact-Details: Jessica Lamore, Lamore Marketing & PR,,

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The Center for Scholastic Inquiry International Academic Research Conference Call for Papers Now Open

The Center for Scholastic Inquiry is pleased to announce its academic research conference on April 10-11, 2014, in San Francisco, California. The conference highlights academic research in education, business and behavioral sciences to support superior, break through scholarship and establish a platform to recognize and celebrate luminaries, pioneers and practitioners in the professions of education, business and behavioral sciences.

The conference, which is being held at the Sheraton Fisherman’s Wharf Hotel, will be preceded by a conference-eve reception followed by two days of education, business and behavioral sciences track breakout sessions, a morning keynote address, and networking gatherings. This inquiry-focused conference, centered on leading edge academic research, is a stimulating and dynamic event aimed at identifying and advancing best practice and promising innovative methods.

The conference call for papers is now open and will close March 14, 2014. Individuals are encouraged to submit proposals that focus on landmark scientific findings, promotion of best practice, advancement of evidence-based practice, ground-breaking research, revolutionary theory or innovative technique in the fields of education, business or behavioral sciences. Guidelines for submissions are available for review.
Early registration for conference attendance is currently open. Standard registration for conference attendance begins October 31, 2013. Individuals are welcome to review registration details or take advantage of early registration rates.

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Train Aid Ltd.’s Paediatric First Aid Training Set To Include Bonus Module

Train Aid Ltd has decided to launch an anaphylactic shock training course as a bonus on its 12 hour paediatric first aid courses. The move is set to take effect the Saturday July 13th, whereby the scheme will be piloted at the company’s open course in Selhurst (South London). The company is set to include the training on the 12 hour syllabus, which is good news for candidates as some of the bigger companies charge an extra fee.

Anaphylaxis otherwise known as anaphylactic shock is a condition whereby a person will suffer an extreme allergic reaction to a particular trigger. The reaction can be life threating as the condition has the potential to disable the respiratory system if left untreated. Anaphylactic shock training aims to teach learners how to spot the symptoms of the condition, and then moves on to showing them how to administer the lifesaving medication that is required to save someone.

The anaphylaxis module is often expected to last in duration from anywhere between 30 mins and two hours; however this can vary depending on the size of the class. The Early Years Foundation Stage actually reference the module on all 12 hour paediatric first aid courses, but their recommendation is that candidates take on extra training, in order to fully learn how to administer the lifesaving medication. This comes in the form of a universal safe syringe, and candidates get the opportunity to practice with a training device.

Train Aid’s Ellie Hayward was on hand to tell us why this is considered so important:

“It goes without saying that lives could be saved if there were more people trained in how to spot the signs and then treat anaphylaxis. Little ones are extra sensitive to the effects of the condition as they often haven’t discovered what they are allergic to yet, which means they would not have any adrenaline (medication) to save themselves.

Train Aid has reworked the 12 hour syllabus by including anaphylactic shock through an extra 30 minutes of training. This means that candidates do not have to take an extra day out of their busy schedules. Nannies and Child Minders may also benefit from the news that the company has frozen prices, which will effectively give child care workers two certificates for the price of one.

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DIRECT2TV $1,000 Scholarship Contest Ending June 1, 2013!

The deadline for entries to’s first ever scholarship contest, the “Media and Technology Blogging Scholarship” is quickly approaching. The scholarship, focusing on the connection between media and technology, ends on Saturday, June 1 at 5 p.m.

The “Media and Technology Blogging Scholarship” is a $1,000 scholarship open to all high school seniors graduating or earning a GED between May 1, 2013 and August 1, 2013. Applicants must be enrolled as a freshman in an accredited 2-year or 4-year college or university in the fall 2013 semester.

To apply before the June 1, 2013 deadline, applicants must write a blog post that answers the following questions:
• What draws you to various types of technology?
• What do you take away from them?
• Are you driven by social, academic, technological or other interests?
Students should write a 300-1,000 word blog entry detailing how they interact with technology and how that applies to their interaction with society. Students can share their entries on a blog or website and should then fill out the entry form on the application site at, including a link to their post.
The winner will be announced on or around July 1, 2013 and they will be notified directly by The winning entry will be shared on For more details about the scholarship, visit the Media and Technology Blogging Scholarship page.

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eMaint Hires New eLearning Manager, Taking ‘eMaint University’ Online Learning Portal to the Next Level

eMaint Enterprises’ segment-leading online learning portal, “eMaint University”, is about to become more interactive with the addition of Tim Wilson as Senior Manager of eLearning. eMaint University is the online learning platform for X3, eMaint’s Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS). Wilson will leverage his more than 13 years of experience in eLearning and professional development to further drive the enhancement of eMaint University, which will allow eMaint to maintain their position as a leader in providing online learning to their X3 user base.

“Research demonstrates that learning accelerates when users interact with content,” says Jon Hollander, Executive Vice President of Operations for eMaint, adding that interactive content also enables better measurement by supervisors of participants’ progress. “Tim’s skillset and extensive experience will allow us to extend those benefits to our customers — not only when they first implement X3, but also as an ongoing resource for improvement.”

Wilson comes to eMaint from ARAMARK, a global provider of food service, facilities management and professional apparel. As a Learning Services Program Manager for ARAMARK’s food safety and production division, Wilson assisted both domestic and international units, consulting with executives at all levels — including business unit presidents, human resource directors and line managers. Prior to ARAMARK, Wilson managed learning and development for a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, where he helped drive a “digital transformation.”

In his new capacity, Wilson will manage eMaint University, which offers subscription-based training programs and best practice tutorials, both live instructor-led web-based training as well as self-paced courses. Provided as a subscription service to users since 2007, eMaint University boasts a retention rate of over 90 percent. Although many software companies offer training at the time of software implementation, eMaint recognizes the need for an ongoing resource that assists customers in getting the most out of their CMMS and supporting their ongoing continuous improvement efforts.

“eMaint University is designed to provide clients with highly flexible, on-demand learning opportunities,” says Brian Samelson, eMaint founder and CEO. “Our goal is to help companies be successful and use their training budget more effectively for all maintenance and operations personnel – from line staff working different shifts to those in management and leadership roles. We offer training not only on our software but also on industry best practices. When we say ‘Your Mission is Our Success,’ we mean it.”

About eMaint Enterprises LLC: eMaint, the leader in on-demand CMMS solutions, has been providing maintenance management software solutions since 1986 and was one of the first CMMS providers to develop a completely web-based “Software as a Service” (SaaS) model for more rapid implementation at a lower total cost of ownership. eMaint’s client base consists of over 16,000 users worldwide across 1000 sites ranging from small & medium sized organizations to Fortune 500 corporations including manufacturers, service providers, fleet operators, energy and utility companies, health care facilities, universities, municipalities, and facility and property managers. For more information on eMaint products and services, please visit the eMaint English site at, the Spanish site at, the UK site at or the Brazil site at

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GK First Aid Training Offers First aid Courses for People With Diabetes

While diabetes for the majority of diabetics is generally well managed through diet, medication and/or insulin injections, emergencies can occur for a number of reasons. It is vital that work colleagues, teachers and caregivers have the first aid skills to cope with an extreme situation such as a diabetic coma or insulin shock. Ideally, every workplace and childcare or educational institution should have a number of personnel with specialised first-aid training for these kinds of emergencies.

Insulin shock occurs when the body has too little sugar (hypoglycemia), generally due to too much insulin being taken, a diabetic misses meals or possibly after exercise if the blood sugar level is not monitored closely. A diabetic coma, on the other hand, results from too much sugar (hyperglycemia); victims may be confused or completely lose consciousness. A diabetic coma can occur when blood-sugar levels are extremely high, this condition in diabestes is generally most common in diabetics who are not even aware that they have the disease. High blood sugar is often accompanied by frequent urination, which – in turn – can also cause dehydration, leading to confusion, allied with persistent low energy levels. GK First Aid Training will prepare participants to deal with any of these emergency medical situations.

GK First Aid Training delivers first aid training courses throughout the UK. Courses cover a wide range of issues from first aid to health and safety and can be tailored to each client’s requirements.The main aim of first aid training is to ensure the quality of the course, but you will also find the pricing is also competitive . Affordable open courses are offered on a regular basis in London, Birmingham and Manchester. Dates for these courses can be found on the company’s website. Additionally, the company offers in-house training for schools, colleges and businesses. One of the advantages of on site training is that you as the client, can select the date that any training course is delivered. This allows several employees to receive training at the same time – up to 12 can be accommodated. These courses can be one or three days in length, depending on an organisation’s needs. GK First Aid Training’s courses are Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and comply with the syllabus for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).

As a footnote the number of diabetics in the United Kingdom (UK) diagnosed with the condition has just gone through the 3 million mark for the first time.

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Training Provider Links With Lawn Specialist Company

Train Aid Ltd has formed a partnership with the London Lawn Turf Company (LLTC) in order to look out for all their Health & Safety needs. Train Aid will be running annual courses to ensure that all employees are up to date with their manual handling training. The company has always been at the forefront of safety, but has struggled to find a provider that could tailor courses around their individual business needs. Train Aid has stepped in to certify all company employees across their four depots in the South East of England.

LLTC are the largest supplier of lawn turf to the trade and retail sectors in the South East of England. They presently operate five depots, each of which houses a minimum of ten staff. The company distributes rolls of turf to a wide geographical audience using a combination of light and heavy goods vehicles. This in itself can sometimes prove dangerous and often requires complete concentration. Both first aid and manual handling skills are essential in the event of an accident.

Each depot can sometimes be required to manually lift hundreds of rolls of turf each day. For this reason manual handling training can prove hugely beneficial, and can help protect the overall health of all employees. Train Aid will be contracted to tailor its manual handling training course specifically around the needs of yard workers, who lift only one object (turf). This helps ensure that a strong practical relevance can be made between the training and the workplace, and could have a subsequent effect on the amount of injuries that are sustained.

Yards are notoriously hazardous environments, where there are a wide range of heavy, sharp and powerful objects. Standards within the industry are very high, whereby accidents rarely even occur. However the industry is still considered high risk, and things pop up time from time that requires the administration of treatment. This has resulted in Train Aid providing first aid training courses for all of the staff across the five depots. They are now all prepared and certified to step in and help in the event of an accident. A spokesman from the company summed up his feelings on the matter:

“We are generally pleased that all of our staff members are in the process of becoming fully certified in the field of Health & Safety. This has been a lengthy process, but we feel that it is more than worthwhile in the long run.

The partnership means that Train Aid will provide a series of refresher courses for all staff members at the expiration of their certificates.

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Train Aid Set To Launch Paediatric First Aid Courses In North London

Train Aid Ltd is set to launch its popular range of paediatric first aid courses in a new Location within London. The new open course will be held in Highgate (North London) and will run alongside the ever popular Selhurst (South London) course. The first instalment of the new training course will start on Saturday March 2nd and finish on Saturday March 9th 2013. The training follows government guidelines and covers child workers to administer first aid treatment. This latest edition from Train Aid should enable more candidates to access affordable training. Currently many child workers living in North London have been cut off by long journey times and the associated costs.

The move has been partly initiated because of the overwhelming response of its South London equivalent. The training appears to be pitched at an affordable price that many nannies, nursery workers and carers feel they can afford. The course appears to sell out each week, and has received good reviews. The only negative is that some candidates have complained about having to make long journeys South of the River.

This latest open course could well enable more candidates to access Train Aid’s portfolio of paediatric first aid courses. Those who live in North London may now feel more suited to the training, and this could extend as far out as the Northern Home Counties. The knock on effect could be lower journey times, reduced costs and more free time for the thousands of childcare workers who live north of the river. The venue is accessible from any part of London, and even connects to London Bridge, which is a major transport hub for the capital.

This latest edition to the line-up will run over two consecutive weekends, starting on the first Saturday in March. Courses like these suit childcare workers who are busy at work during the week, and only get free time at the weekends. Weekday courses potentially restrict these workers, and can cause them to lose valuable holiday time. Train Aid’s Ellie Hayward was available to give her own thoughts on the matter:

“This latest move makes sense as I myself know that many people were travelling long distances to our courses. It seemed a bit unnecessary as the company also has a presence in North London. I am glad there is now a course running monthly in North London and expect it to prove as popular as the others”.

Overall this latest training edition should add competition to the marketplace, which should help consumers and lower their costs.

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CSI Reduces Registration Rate for 2013 Academic Research Conference

On April 17-19, 2013,The Center for Scholastic Inquiry will host an international academic research conference in Scottsdale, Arizona — an event to inspire, encourage, and unite thought leaders and new thinkers in the fields of education, business and behavioral sciences. For a limited time, CSI has reduced the standard registration rate by 50%. According to Dr. Tanya Yerigan, CEO, “The Center for Scholastic Inquiry wants as many attendees as possible to take advantage of this unique opportunity that fuses pure research with powerful professional development. People who register during the 50% off promotion will also be offered a 50% discount on an advance manuscript review in the event that they would like to publish their research in one of CSI’s academic journals.”

The academic research conference is a forum to connect, educate, and motivate attendees towards discovery and evidence-based professional practice. Hosted and sponsored by CSI, the research and professional development event will bring together diverse and promising perspectives on best practice while providing a platform for emerging scholars, practitioners, and professors in the fields of business, behavioral sciences and education to come together and take action. Yerigan said, “Our goal at the Center for Scholastic Inquiry is to elevate professionalism and evidence-based practice by fostering academic research, stimulating scholarship and endorsing thought leadership.”

The conference presenters include professors, private sector practitioners, doctoral-level learners, and higher education administrators who will be sharing insights into contemporary research, practical implementation strategies, operationalization of findings, and new trends in education, business and behavioral sciences.

The keynote address for the conference will be given by Dr. Bruce Locklear, a preeminent authority on a broad range of issues including leadership, evidence-based practice, technology initiatives and change agency. Dr. Locklear is a nationally recognized, award-winning leader whose expertise is evident in his willingness to champion innovation and ability to inspire organization-wide change.

The conference will be host to over 100 presenters from more than 50 institutions. An example of some of the diverse research topics being presented during the three days of breakout sessions include media choices and teaching experience in online courses, after-school tutorial programs for urban students, an examination of the turtle trading system, using applied research to develop innovative undergraduate curriculum, understanding of corrective feedback on speech production in English, strategies to improve math achievement of academically deficient students in an urban school, the impact of cyber learning technologies and curriculum, instructional impact on achievement of economically and learning disadvantaged students, and China’s gradualism approach to systemic transformation.

The conference will also include a variety of networking and training events, allowing attendees to boost collegiality, connectedness and professional development. There is a conference-eve reception on Tuesday, April 16, a campfire evening event on Wednesday, April 17, a members-only supper event on Thursday, April 18, and an afternoon awards ceremony for Best Presentations and Best Papers on Friday, April 19. There is also a coaching clinic lunch session on Thursday and a round-table intensive lunch event on Friday. Attendees will be able to sign-up at the conference to participate in these special sessions offered to enhance their skills regarding navigating the academic research publication process and exploring the ramifications of effective leadership skills.

Center for Scholastic Inquiry International Academic Research Conference Details:

April 17-19, 2013
The Scottsdale Cottonwoods Resort & Suites
Scottsdale, Arizona
7:30 am – 4:30 pm, daily

To take advantage of the 50% reduction rate for standard registration, please visit the registration page. Full conference information is available by visiting the conference webpage. The conference Call for Papers is available by viewing the Call for Papers. Full details about the promotional pricing is available by viewing the Promotion Details.

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