Category Archives: School Leaders

На саммите ООН Михаил Пелег подчеркнул роль образования в достижении Целей устойчивого развития до 2030 года

НЬЮ-ЙОРК, США, 21-Nov-2023 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Как сообщается, предприниматель и филантроп Михаил Пелег недавно присоединился к делегации мировых бизнес-лидеров на саммите ООН по Целям Устойчивого Развития (ЦУР) 2023 года в Нью-Йорке. Международное мероприятие, которое проходило 18-19 сентября, предоставило платформу для обсуждения перспективных действий, направленных на ускорение движения к Повестке дня на 2030 год и Целям устойчивого развития.

Собрание было инициировано Президентом Генеральной Ассамблеи и отметило половину пути к достижению амбициозной Повестки дня на 2030 год. Саммит стал центральным событием для ряда других значимых мероприятий, включая Саммит по климату, диалоги высокого уровня по финансированию развития, встречи по вопросам здравоохранения и министерскую встречу в подготовке к Саммиту Будущего 2024 года.

В ходе саммита Михаил Пелег подчеркнул важность генерации идей и инициатив, которые помогут преодолеть препятствия на пути к достижению ЦУР. Он выразил признательность роли саммита в развитии глобального диалога и установлении связей между коммерцией, образованием и устойчивым развитием. Помогая развивать ключевые инициативы, саммит имеет потенциал положительно влиять на жизни миллионов людей по всему миру.

Акцент Михаила Пелега на образование как ключевой компонент в достижении Целей устойчивого развития был повторно подчеркнут на недавнем мероприятии ÐœÐµÐ¶Ð´ÑƒÐ½Ð°Ñ€Ð¾Ð´Ð½Ð¾Ð³Ð¾ дня грамотности в штаб-квартире ЮНЕСКО в Париже 8 сентября 2023 года.

Высоко оценивая важность образования, Михаил Пелег активно ищет партнерства с некоммерческими организациями, стремящимися предоставить доступ к образованию и бороться с неграмотностью в развивающихся странах Африки и Юго-Восточной Азии. По мнению Пелега, решение глобальных образовательных диспаритетов имеет ключевое значение для установления мира, искоренения бедности и продвижения устойчивого развития.

По мнению Михаила Пелега, саммит ЦУР является важной платформой, объединяющей людей в качестве глобального сообщества для решения ключевых вопросов и инвестирования в будущее нашей планеты. Только в результате совместного сотрудничества, мы можем достичь Целей устойчивого развития и создать более справедливое и стабильное будущее для всех.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Предприниматель Михаил Пелег недавно посетил мероприятие посвящённое Международному дню грамотности в штаб-квартире ЮНЕСКО в Париже

Предприниматель Михаил Пелег недавно посетил мероприятие посвящённое Международному дню грамотности в штаб-квартире ЮНЕСКО в Париже

PARIS, 2-Nov-2023 — /EPR EDUCASTION NEWS/ — Предприниматель Михаил Пелег недавно посетил мероприятие, посвящённое Международному дню грамотности, которое прошло в штаб-квартире ЮНЕСКО в Париже 8 сентября 2023 года. Темой этого года было “Продвижение грамотности для меняющегося мира: создание основы для устойчивых и мирных обществ.” Пелег подчеркнул важность образования в современном мире и неотложную необходимость искоренения неграмотности во всем мире.

Как сообщается, в своем выступлении Михаил Пелег привлек внимание к статистике образовательного неравенства в мире. Приблизительно 244 миллиона детей и молодежи по всему миру не посещают школу, в то время как 763 миллиона взрослых не обладают базовыми навыками грамотности. По данным ЮНЕСКО, чтобы достичь универсального начального и среднего образования к 2030 году, миру потребуется оценочно 69 миллионов учителей.

Будучи успешным предпринимателем высоко-ценящим роль образования, Михаил Пелег все больше усделяет внимание благотворительности по проблеме неграмотности. Как сообщяется, недавно Пелег запустил собственныю некоммерческую инициативу, направленную на укрепление прав человека через доступ к образованию.

Во время мероприятия по случаю Международного дня грамотности Михаил Пелег выразил свое намерение сотрудничать с известными благотворительными организациями, такими как Международная Ассоциация Грамотности. Цель инициативы –  Ð¾Ð±ÐµÑÐ¿ÐµÑ‡Ð¸Ñ‚ÑŒ доступ к образованию, возможностям и ресурсам, которые будут способствовать развитию ключевых навыков чтения, письма, общения и критического мышления среди детей по всему миру.

Михаил Пелег подчеркнул чрезвычайную важность образования, особенно в регионах мира, пострадавших от кризисов. Образование служит маяком надежды для создания мирных обществ. В регионах, пострадавших от кризисов, где конфликты и нестабильность разрушают инфраструктуру и приводят к нищите, образование становится еще более важным.

Грамотность, в частности, играет ключевую роль в продвижении мира, стабильности, социальной и экономической реконструкции, а также общего развития в регионах, сталкивающихся с кризисами. Обеспечение доступного и качественного образования в этих районах – это не только вопрос укрепления прав граждан, но и решающий шаг к воспитанию устойчивого общества, способного преодолевать проблемы и двигаться к прогрессу.

Михаил Пелег выразил свою точку зрения относительно значения развития грамотности в регионах, пострадавших от конфликтов. Давая людям возможность читать, писать и получать доступ к знаниям, грамотность не только открывает двери к экономическим возможностям, но и способствует пониманию, терпимости и сочувствию среди разнообразных обществ. Она служит катализатором положительных изменений и способствует социальной связанности в периоды беспорядка.

Участие Пелега в мероприятии ЮНЕСКО продемонстрировало его неизменное стремление сделать образование основным правом, доступным для всех. Через свои благотворительные начинания в сфере образования, Михаил Пелег стремится двигать мир к светлому, более справедливому будущему для всех.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

El Liceo Europeo ha ganado el Premio Zayed de Sustentabilidad 2022 en la categoría de Colegios Globales para la región de Europa y Asia Central

MADRID, España, 18-Jan-2021 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — El Liceo Europeo ha ganado el Premio Zayed de Sustentabilidad 2022 en la categoría de Colegios Globales para la región de Europa y Asia Central. El centro educativo fue declarado vencedor entre tres finalistas en la 13ª ceremonia de entrega de premios celebrada durante la Semana de la Sustentabilidad de Abu Dhabi (ADSW en inglés).

A la ceremonia de entrega de premios asistieron líderes mundiales, ministros y otros altos dignatarios de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos y extranjeros, además de los finalistas de la edición 2022.

El Liceo Europeo, un colegio privado español situado en Alcobendas (Madrid), recibió la distinción por su proyecto que implementa una tecnología transformadora a base de residuos orgánicos y microorganismos (como la levadura), para generar electricidad a un coste asequible. Paralelamente, el proyecto ayuda a mitigar y afrontar el reto de la escasez de electricidad, la dependencia excesiva de recursos energéticos no renovables y la acumulación de residuos.

Para ello, la escuela utilizará la tecnología de las Pilas de Combustible Microbianas para generar energía a partir de las mascarillas de protección facial, que se han convertido en un equipo de protección personal (EPP) muy utilizado en Madrid y en todo el mundo durante la actual pandemia de COVID-19. De este modo, la escuela también aborda la gran presencia de mascarillas usadas y desechadas que contaminan las calles y el entorno de la escuela. En cuanto a la energía, toda la demanda de electricidad de la escuela podría sostenerse con sólo 13 biorreactores, transformando la escuela en un campus que funcione totalmente con energía limpia al generar 507 kWh de energía eléctrica al año.

La Dra. Lamya Fawwaz, directora del Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad, declaró: “El Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad reconoce que los jóvenes son la fuerza motriz del desarrollo sostenible y los capacita para alcanzar todo su potencial. Los jóvenes del mundo son el futuro, y su continua capacidad para introducir, impulsar e inspirar un cambio positivo originado en la comunidad será vital para permitir un desarrollo que sea sostenible e inclusivo, especialmente en vista de la aceleración de la acción a favor del clima, en la que los jóvenes son actores clave”.

“El Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad quiere felicitar al Liceo Europeo por su victoria y elogia a la escuela por su proyecto altamente creativo y pragmático, que aborda el problema actual de las máscaras faciales desechadas para hacer frente a la acumulación de residuos, al tiempo que apoya la acción climática a través de fuentes renovables para satisfacer las necesidades energéticas de su campus. También reconocemos su ambición de ampliar su foco a la protección de los océanos, los ríos y la biodiversidad para reforzar aún más su impacto y su huella de sostenibilidad”, continuó la Dra. Fawwaz.

Sobre la consecución del premio, Marcos Rois, Director del Liceo, manifestó: “El Liceo Europeo siempre ha tratado de inculcar a nuestros alumnos valores y cualidades que les permitan contribuir a forjar un futuro mejor para todos. Estimulando la curiosidad intelectual desde una edad temprana y proporcionando a nuestros alumnos una perspectiva internacional que les permita entender cómo los problemas globales requieren soluciones innovadoras, pretendemos dotarlos de los conocimientos y las herramientas necesarias para aplicar en la práctica lo que aprenden y así marcar diferencias de verdad”.

Dado que la acumulación de residuos plásticos en océanos y ríos también supone un reto para la comunidad cercana a la escuela, el Liceo Europeo tiene previsto ampliar su modelo de diseño en el futuro para extrapolar sus prototipos del proyecto del Premio Zayed de Sustentabilidad para tratar también otros residuos plásticos y ampliar su impacto. Como parte de su crecimiento, se espera que la solución degrade 19 kg de mascarillas de aguas contaminadas cada año y reutilice cerca del 91% de ellas. Para incentivar el intercambio de conocimientos y una mayor concienciación de los jóvenes y la sociedad, se ha hecho hincapié en los talleres dirigidos por estudiantes para enseñar a los más jóvenes y a los miembros de la comunidad los beneficios de las energías renovables.

Bajo la premisa de que todo el mundo debería tener las mismas oportunidades para construir un futuro mejor, el Liceo Europeo, que cuenta con 1.273 alumnos y ofrece cursos tanto en español como en inglés, involucrará a 150 niños en el proyecto y prevé beneficiar a los estudiantes y a la comunidad local durante los próximos 15 años, impactando a 1.000 estudiantes sólo en los primeros cinco años.

El Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad, dotado con 3 millones de dólares, reconoce a las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), a las entidades sin ánimo de lucro y a las escuelas secundarias de todo el mundo por sus soluciones en materia de sostenibilidad, en consonancia con los principales Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) de las Naciones Unidas y, hasta la fecha, ha influido en la vida de más de 370 millones de personas en 150 países. La categoría de Escuelas Secundarias Globales, por sí sola, ha alcanzado e impactado a aproximadamente 45.144 estudiantes y a más de 425.170 personas en comunidades más amplias, y este número sigue aumentando año tras año.

El premio, que abarca las categorías de Salud, Alimentación, Energía, Agua y Escuelas Secundarias Globales, se inspira en el legado humanitario y de sustentabilidad del fundador y primer presidente de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, el difunto jeque Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, y sirve para rendirle homenaje.

En la categoría de Escuelas Secundarias Globales, seis colegios, cada uno de los cuales representa a una región del mundo, reciben hasta 100.000 dólares para llevar a cabo un proyecto dirigido por los estudiantes. A diferencia de las categorías para organizaciones, las escuelas secundarias presentan propuestas de proyectos para construir o mejorar una solución que han desarrollado para su escuela o comunidad local. El objetivo de esta categoría, introducida en el Premio en 2012, es inspirar a los jóvenes para que se conviertan en pioneros, innovadores y defensores de la sustentabilidad y que de esta manera contribuyan a un futuro más sostenible.

Las regiones mundiales para el premio a las Escuelas Secundarias Globales son: América, Europa y Asia Central, Oriente Medio y Norte de África (MENA), África Subsahariana, Asia Meridional y Asia Oriental y Pacífico.

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Sobre el Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad

Creado por los dirigentes de los EAU en 2008 para honrar el legado de su padre fundador, el difunto jeque Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, el Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad es un galardón pionero de los EAU para la sustentabilidad y las soluciones humanitarias en todo el mundo.

El Premio Zayed a la Sustentabilidad reconoce y premia a las pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), a las organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro y a los centros de enseñanza superior de todo el mundo que se comprometen a acelerar soluciones sostenibles de impacto.

En los últimos 14 años, el Premio ha reconocido a 96 ganadores que, en total, han tenido un impacto positivo en la vida de más de 370 millones de personas en todo el mundo. Las categorías del Premio Zayed a la Sostenibilidad son Salud, Alimentación, Energía, Agua y Escuelas Secundarias Globales.

Para obtener más información, visite o visite nuestras redes sociales: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube.

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Special education: Wuhan City School for the Blind helped over 500 children pursue their dreams

Beijing, China, Jul-19-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Wuhan School for The Blind is the only school of its kind in Hubei province, central China. Not only does it cater to pupils who face enormous challenges because of their disabilities, but it is also proud to have a star teacher who has given new hope to the pupils.

China, with its huge population, has a large number of blind people. More than 5.5 million people are registered blind, among them, some 120,000 children. Though there are more than 50 special schools in major cities catering to the needs of these individuals, the task is never easy. Special facilities and teacher training is hard to come by and the children often feel alienated from society and lack ambition.

Zhang Long, born in 1975, volunteered to teach at Wuhan City School for the Blind in 2011. Though she had no experience teaching children with visual impairment, after seeing the difficulties faced by pupils there, she decided to change the course of her life and accept the challenge of making a difference to their future.

It wasn’t long before the gravity of the situation sunk in. As a music teacher she discovered many pupils at the school of 150 lacked the motivation to even turn up to class, believing their only career option would be to become a massage therapist, a common occupation for blind people in China.

Persevering, Zhang Long established a school radio station, a rock band for the most talented children, and invited performances from other schools. Eventually, the children responded to this new approach revealing both passion for music and hidden talent. One student, Gan Wenjun, proved gifted at piano, for which he won several national awards and even played with famous pianist Richard Clayderman in concert.

Among other successes, Zhang Long was awarded titles such as “Most Admirable Teacher in Wuhan” and a national honor “The Most Beautiful Teacher of China”,“I’ve never treated them as blind children,” says Zhang of the pupils. “It doesn’t matter that those kids can’t see. They can use their own ways to express themselves. I’ve never lowered my standards for them because they are blind, because to me they are just children.” Her approach seems to have worked and now pupils harbor ambitions such as to become a teacher, a professional singer and even an astronaut.

Wuhan City School for the Blind holds the belief that blind children are perfectly capable of the same achievements as sighted kids, given the right guidance and a little courage. Since its establishment, it has helped over 500 children pursue their dreams and been a cradle of many rising stars in music, sports, teaching and other fields. It aims to keep making contribution to China’s endeavors in special education.

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Book Trust Welcomes Nationally Recognized Literacy Experts to Academic Advisory Board

Nell Duke, Linda Gambrell, and others join Academic Advisory Board

Denver, CO, Mar-21-2017 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — National literacy nonprofit Book Trust announces the establishment of an Academic Advisory Board, formed to ensure that ongoing enhancements and expansion of its national literacy program are informed by the latest research and best practices in literacy education. Members of the Book Trust Advisory Board include several nationally recognized leaders in the field.

“We are honored and delighted to welcome these esteemed literacy experts to our Academic Advisory Board,” said Book Trust CEO Amy Friedman. “Benefitting from the collective experience and wisdom of this panel is going to have an enormously positive effect on our ability to continually refine and improve our program. Our collaboration will ensure that Book Trust is an evidence-based model, designed to produce positive reading outcomes for kids.”

Book Trust Advisory Board members include Nell Duke, Professor in Literacy, Language and Culture and and in the Combined Program in Education and Psychology, the University of Michigan, KaiLonnie Dunsmore, Principal Research Scientist, NROC at the University of Chicago, Linda Gambrell, Distinguished Professor of Education, Clemson University, Ernest Morrell, Macy Professor of English Education and Director of the Institute for Urban and Minority Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, D. Ray Ruetzel, Dean College of Education, University of Wyoming, and facilitator Darren Cambridge, President of Cambridge Learning Group.

“Collectively, these experts bring innovative and research-based thinking to the core components of the Book Trust program: Choice, Celebration and Consistency,” adds Book Trust Board Chair Ron Lowy. “Our mutual goal is to create engaged independent readers, and this advisory team will bring considerable knowledge to bear on that mission.”

Members of the advisory group will convene twice a year and will also be available informally as needed to make recommendations to the Book Trust team. Each member will serve a one-year, renewable term.

“Book Trust’s program is innovative and robust, and as they continue to expand nationally, folding the latest research into their program strategy will help them continue to deliver impact and value to students. I am pleased to be invited to help in this role,” says Nell Duke, whose work focuses on early literacy development, particularly among children living in poverty.

About Book Trust
Book Trust is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower children from low-income families to choose and own books, inspiring a passion for reading that leads to cultivating increased literacy skills and life-long learning. Book Trust currently serves 50,000 students in 19 U.S. states. Since 2001, Book Trust has facilitated over 6 million book choices, and placed them in the hands of students in need.


Amy Friedman, CEO

Une équipe de l’ISA Lille en France le lauréat du 3ème Prix Farming by Satellite

BERLIN, 2017-Jan-25 — /EPR EDUCATION NEWS/ — Le lauréat du 3ème Prix Farming by Satellite visant à promouvoir le recours aux technologies satellitaires dans le domaine de l’agriculture, a été désigné le lundi 23 janvier à l’occasion de l’International Green Week de Berlin. La gagnante toutes catégories confondues des 5 000 € est une équipe de l’ISA Lille, en France. Son idée consiste à utiliser les données satellitaires, pour associer la gestion des niveaux d’azote à la résolution du problème du compactage des terres. Elle suggère également de recourir aux cultures de couverture pour traiter la question de manière respectueuse de l’environnement. Le Prix Spécial Afrique de 4 000 € a été décerné à l’équipe « Shamballite » du Kenya, pour son idée innovante et parfaitement documentée de Système d’informations agricoles par satellite.

Les gagnants ont eu affaire à l’âpre concurrence de 76 autres jeunes candidats de 13 pays d’Europe et 8 pays d’Afrique. Les membres du jury ont sélectionné 7 équipes d’Europe pour la finale en « live », ainsi que 3 équipes d’Afrique dont les présentations ont été transmises par liaison vidéo. Le Portugal a pu faire passer deux équipes en finale, aux côtés de finalistes de Belgique, République Tchèque, France, d’Allemagne et d’Italie. Avec deux des trois finalistes, la participation du Kenya au prix Spécial Afrique a été tout particulièrement remarquée. Le troisième était du Maroc.

Le deuxième prix de 3 000 € et le troisième prix de 1 000 € ont été remis à la République Tchèque et à l’Italie respectivement.

Le Prix Farming by Satellite est une initiative de l’Agence du GNSS européen (GSA) et de l’Agence européenne pour l’environnement (AEE). Elle est parrainée par CLAAS, fabricant de référence d’équipements de génie agricole et les experts de la protection des cultures, Bayer CropScience.

Invité à évaluer les lauréats, Reinhard Blasi, membre du jury de cette année a déclaré :
« Les membres du jury ont été particulièrement impressionnés par l’évolution de la qualité et du professionnalisme des candidats depuis le début, surtout de la part des participants africains. Associée à leur approche holistique tournée vers un vrai défi pour les agriculteurs du Kenya, elle a contribué à la décision d’attribuer la première place à « Shamballite ». L’idée consiste à envoyer de simples messages pour aider les agriculteurs à prendre leurs décisions, en comblant des manques d’informations spécifiques.

Interrogé sur l’aspect environnemental des candidatures, Hans Dufourmont de l’AEE a ajouté : C’est clair, la politique de données publiques de l’Union européenne exprimée à travers le programme Copernicus change réellement la donne, en multipliant l’adoption de l’imagerie satellitaire pour améliorer les aspects environnementaux des pratiques agricoles : nous l’avons constaté, un tas de propositions tirent parti de l’accès libre aux données des satellites Sentinel.

Et pour Christian Radons, CLAAS : « Au fur et à mesure que l’agriculture renforce sa place parmi les activités à forte intensité de connaissances, notre rôle dépasse la conception et la fabrication de machines et s’oriente également vers le recours à la science, à l’innovation et à la technologie, pour faire une vraie différence sur l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur. Nous tenons vraiment à encourager les innovateurs de demain à puiser dans leurs talents, au profit de l’agriculture. C’est la raison pour laquelle nous soutenons le Prix Farming by Satellite depuis sa première édition, en 2012. À chaque nouvelle édition de ce Prix, nous constatons combien les candidatures s’améliorent non seulement en termes de qualité, mais d’applicabilité également. C’est bon signe pour l’avenir de l’agriculture et de la production alimentaire. »

Comme le dit Alex Melnitchouck, Bayer CropScience : « Suite à l’expansion des moyens de communication, l’agriculteur moderne a de vastes connaissances au bout des doigts. Associez ces vastes connaissances aux toutes dernières variétés de semences, à des données météorologiques détaillées et à des outils d’analyse des cultures et vous leur donnez une meilleure chance d’augmenter la production, tout en faisant face au changement climatique. Des moyens réels existent pour aider les agriculteurs à prendre leurs décisions et à recourir simplement aux technologies de pointe, pour mieux gérer leur activité et diminuer leurs coûts. Le Prix Farming by Satellite est une plate-forme de sensibilisation à ces moyens. C’est un tremplin d’accès aux talents des jeunes, pour concrétiser les projets dans ce domaine.

Et comme le disent les gagnants en guise de dernier mot : « Nous sommes tous excités et fiers depuis cette décision. L’expérience a été sensationnelle et nous espérons pouvoir concrétiser notre idée. »
Les candidats doivent être âgés d’au moins 32 ans. La participation peut être à titre individuelle ou collective, en équipe. Ils peuvent soumettre leurs études de cas consécutifs à des essais, de nouvelles idées et innovations, surtout si elles sont basées sur le Système européen de navigation par recouvrement géostationnaire (EGNOS), le prochain système européen de navigation par satellite GALILEO et le programme de coopération COPERNICUS (Programme de l’Union pour l’observation et la surveillance de la Terre). Pour de plus amples détails, rendez-vous sur : ou contactez Marie Menard à l’adresse ou Koji Fukuhara à l’adresse

SOURCE: EuropaWire

Online Certificate in Criminal Behavior By Portland State University

Beginning Fall 2009, Portland State University (PSU) will begin offering an online Certificate in Criminal Behavior, further augmenting its portfolio of online coursework. PSU’s Division of Criminology & Criminal Justice, part of the Mark O. Hatfield School of Government, is launching the Certificate in Criminal Behavior to fill a growing interest in this area of study.

Online Certificate in Criminal Behavior

Kris Henning, Program Director of Criminology & Criminal Justice Online said, “We’re very excited about the new Certificate in Criminal Behavior. Popular culture has been driving public interest in this area for some time and we believe this is an offering that laymen and Criminal Justice professionals alike will find informative, helpful and relevant.”

The Certificate in Criminal Behavior will explore a variety of criminal typologies, ranging from juvenile offenders to white collar criminals. Coursework will also focus on psychological and social factors that lead to aggressive behavior. Additionally, students will learn about various rehabilitative techniques that are used with offender populations.

The Division of Criminology & Criminal Justice already offers an online bachelor’s program in Criminology & Criminal Justice as well as certificates in Advanced Crime Analysis, the American Justice System and a post-baccalaureate certificate in Criminology & Criminal Justice online.

The Certificate in Criminal Behavior will only be available online.

For more information visit

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New MSc In Coaching And Behavioural Change By Henley Business School

Henley Business School has launched a new MSc in Coaching & Behavioural Change as part of its executive education programme. Aimed at those who are using or intend to develop a coaching approach in either a line management role or as a professional freelance executive coach, the programme will help develop both coaching skills and the business acumen to apply them appropriately.

Henley Business School

The MSc in Coaching & Behavioural Change will help successful participants understand how to align coaching objectives with business objectives, equipping them to help executives work through challenging leadership issues: developing authentic leadership skills or creating behavioural change to support a new organisational direction.

Dr Patricia Bossons, programme director, said: “This is a unique programme. We already have an outstanding record with our ‘Henley Certificate in Coaching’ and this programme enables coaching professionals to go further and proactively support effective leadership by emphasising the organisational context for coaching and including a business management MBA-style challenge as an integral part of the course.”

The part-time programme includes a number of residential workshops, complemented by written assignments and including modules on ‘Advanced Coaching Practice’, ‘Group Dynamics and Systems Thinking’, ‘Becoming a Reflective Practitioner’ and ‘Manager as Investigator’; together with a management challenge and a personal leadership development project. Participants will progress through a Postgraduate Certificate (including the Henley Certificate of Coaching) and accredited NLP Practitioner training provided by ITS, a Postgraduate Diploma in Coaching and Behavioural Change and culminating in the MSc in Coaching & Behavioural Change. They will build mastery and confidence in leadership coaching and develop their ability to use coaching to drive business objectives.

The MSc in Coaching & Behavioural Change programme is part of the highly successful range of programmes and services offered by Henley Coaching Services.

The programme is the newest addition to Henley Business School’s executive education offering, which includes both customised and tailored qualification programmes. These management courses and leadership courses are highly practical, designed to create immediate impact and make a real difference back in the work environment.

About Henley Business School
Henley Business School was formed on 01 August 2008 from the merger of Henley Management College, itself founded in 1945, and the Business School at the University of Reading. It is one of the longest established Business Schools and the world’s third largest supplier of MBA education. It delivers business management training to managers in more than 112 countries worldwide with in excess of 5400 people studying at any one time.

Henley Business School is one of Europe’s largest full service business schools and offers a comprehensive range of management programmes from undergraduate to board level.

Encompassing the world-ranked Henley MBA, executive and distance learning MBAs, DBAs, PhDs, MScs, BScs, BAs and its internationally renowned open and tailored executive education, it provides learning and development opportunities from the start of a career through to senior executive levels, from developing strategy to managing change and achieving sustainable, responsible success. With expertise in the development and delivery of solutions to the management and leadership challenges of our times, it is also one of the very few international business schools to hold triple accredited status (AMBA, EQUIS, AACSB).

Via EPR Network
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New Advanced HR Business Partner Programme By Henley Business School

Henley Business School has launched a new Advanced Human Resources Business Partner programme as part of its executive education programme. Aimed at senior HR business partners, the programme will help them focus on aligning the HR agenda with the strategic business imperatives of their organisations, on deriving competitive advantage for the business through delivery of that agenda and on developing their own strategic leadership skills.

The Advanced HR Business Partner programme is intended to provide HR professionals looking to move to more senior roles with the necessary leadership skills to understand and contribute to overall business management. Typically participants will have been charged by their organisations to set an HR agenda that is aligned to, and supports, the overall business agenda – rather than being responsible for a discrete area of HR.

Henley Business School

The programme is based on real-world business research by the Henley Human Resources Centre of Excellence into what is required from HR today.

Nick Holley, Programme Director, said: “Great human resources people need to understand what drives the business and focus on HR’s contribution as part of overall business leadership. One HR Director commented to me that there are many people with strong HR knowledge but few with the business acumen or personal strength to challenge and influence their peers. Our research with many leading international businesses has revealed what a good HR leader looks like and this programme will enable participants who work as part of a senior team to develop those commercial and influencing skills.”

The ‘Advanced HR Business Partner’ programme is part of Henley Business School’s new portfolio of executive development programmes aimed at helping organisations to develop effective leadership and the right calibre of managers to survive and thrive in today’s turbulent economic times.

As part of an extensive executive education offering, which also includes both customised and tailored qualification programmes, these management courses and leadership courses are highly practical, designed to create immediate impact and make a real difference back in the work environment.

About Henley Business School:
Henley Business School was formed in August 2008 from the merger of Henley Management College, itself founded in 1945, and the Business School at the University of Reading. It is one of the longest established Business Schools and the world’s third largest supplier of MBA education. It delivers business management training to managers in more than 112 countries worldwide with in excess of 5,400 people studying at any one time.

Henley Business School is one of Europe’s largest full service business schools and offers a comprehensive range of management programmes from undergraduate to board level.

Encompassing the world-ranked Henley MBA, executive and distance learning MBAs, DBAs, PhDs, MScs, BScs, BAs and its internationally renowned open and tailored executive education, it provides learning and development opportunities from the start of a career through to senior executive levels, from developing strategy to managing change and achieving sustainable, responsible success. With expertise in the development and delivery of solutions to the management and leadership challenges of our times, it is also one of the very few international business schools to hold triple accredited status (AMBA, EQUIS, AACSB).

Via EPR Network
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Portland State University Honors University Of Cincinnati Professor Edward J. Latessa With Hatfield Scholar Award

The Mark O. Hatfield School of Government honored Dr. Edward J. Latessa with the Hatfield Scholar Award. Dr. Latessa has led a distinguished career in the field of Criminal Justice and is currently a Professor and Head of the Division of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati. He has co-authored seven books including Corrections in the Community and Corrections in America. Additionally, Dr. Latessa has directed over 100 funded research projects, including studies of juvenile justice programs, drug courts, and intensive supervision programs.

Senator Mark O. Hatfield, for whom the award is named, said “I admire [Dr. Latessa’s] dedication to public service. Oregon is a state that values new ideas that serve the cause of social justice and consequently, we are proud that he would accept this award.”

Dr. Latessa’s intrepid perspective on academic practice has inspired the creation of two highly reputable online Criminal Justice degree programs. In 2001, the University of Cincinnati launched a Master of Science in Criminal Justice to great success. When approached about the possibility of launching a Bachelor’s degree Dr. Latessa recommended Portland State University’s own Division of Criminology and Criminal Justice as the ideal candidate and in 2005 this recommendation came to fruition.

At the award ceremony, Dr. Latessa said “I have dedicated most of my career to trying to improve programs, trying to make us a little more effective. I am happy if I can get one program, make it more effective, and change a few peoples’ lives. Many times the difference between us and the people that are incarcerated is a very small, thin line. It’s important that we understand that they are human beings, they are citizens, they are our neighbors that are incarcerated. It’s important to work hard to see that what we know works its way into the field.”

About the Hatfield Scholar Award
The Hatfield Scholar Award, named after the distinguished former Governor and Senator from Oregon, Mark O. Hatfield is offered to exceptional scholars whose careers best exemplify the Hatfield ideals of public interest, scholarship, public service, civil and human rights, social justice, and peace. The award is given annually by the combined faculties within the Hatfield School of Government at Portland State University.

About Portland State University
PSU was founded in 1946 to help educate returning World War II veterans, and continues this tradition of adapting to changing social and educational circumstances. PSU’s Criminology and Criminal Justice division, part of the Hatfield School of Government, has been awarding bachelor degrees for nearly 40 years. The online learning program enables distance learners to interact with an interesting, passionate group of fellow students and learn with the same distinguished faculty that teach the on-campus program.

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Henley Business School Has Launched Its New Programme Of Executive Development Courses Aimed At Helping Organisations To Develop Effective Leadership And The Right Calibre Of Managers To Survive And Thrive In Today’s Turbulent Economic Times

Henley Business School launches new programme of executive development courses. Henley’s executive development courses are focused on building and enhancing leadership quality and management capability.

Evidence suggests that organisations which invest in management training and leadership development are able to operate more effectively both in the current difficult economic times as well as being better placed to take advantage when the economy returns to a period of growth.

Informed by the latest business research and ongoing feedback from clients, Henley’s programmes have been strengthened and extended to provide even more relevance and applicability to those charged with delivering effective leadership. New programmes being offered include ‘Profiting with Sustainability’ and ‘The Advanced HR Business Partner Programme’.

As part of an extensive executive education offering, which also includes both customised and tailored qualification programmes, these management courses and leadership courses are designed to create immediate impact back in the working environment and make a real difference to an organisation.

As well as a comprehensive range of leadership programmes, Henley is able to offer an innovative and cost-effective way for organisations to share ideas on business leadership through its Thought Leadership Groups. These forums allow clients to explore their key issues in a confidential and pragmatic manner to develop and understand good practices with real business benefits. Linda Irwin, Executive Director, Corporate Development at Henley Business School, said: “Our agenda is driven bottom-up from clients who tell us what’s keeping them awake at night. In today’s environment this client intimacy allows us to provide a unique offering with significant tangible benefits to them.”

In addition to their executive education and leadership development courses, Henley Business School also holds a series of invitation-only keynote addresses by top business leaders throughout the year.

About Henley Business School
Henley Business School was formed on 01 August 2008 from the merger of Henley Management College, itself founded in 1945, and the Business School at the University of Reading. It is one of the longest established and the world’s third largest supplier of MBA education, delivering business management training to managers in more than 112 countries worldwide with in excess of 5,400 people studying at any one time.

Henley Business School is one of Europe’s largest full service business schools and offers a comprehensive range of management programmes from undergraduate to board level. Encompassing the world-ranked Henley MBA, executive and distance learning MBAs, DBAs, PhDs, MScs, BScs, BAs and its internationally renowned open and tailored executive education, it provides learning and development opportunities from the start of a career through to senior executive levels, from developing strategy to managing change and achieving sustainable, responsible success. With expertise in the development and delivery of solutions to the management and leadership challenges of our times, it is also one of the very few international business schools to hold triple accredited status (AMBA, EQUIS, AACSB).

Via EPR Network
More Education press releases

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EPR Education News is a new blog, part of EPR Network, that is going to be focused on and will be covering the education news and stories from press releases published on EPR Network.

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