A great deal of controversy surrounds the model academic custom-writing industry. Are the companies which provide academic custom writing services legitimate or not and do they support plagiarism? There is no single, clear-cut answer to these questions as the custom writing industry, as the case with any other, has the good and the bad, the honest and the dishonest. The question is how can potential customers separate the wheat from the chaff, distinguish between the good and the bad? This is an important concern among new customers, not to mention those who have previously had a less than `positive experience.’

There is no one answer to the question of whether custom writing companies are legitimate or not. The popular hype surrounding the illegitimacy of the majority aside, there are numerous model custom writing companies which enjoy extremely solid and well-earned reputations for providing customers with non-plagiarised, quality work which more than lives up to their stated guarantees. We, at Oxbridge Researchers Ltd., know that our network of model custom written academic essays, dissertations, thesis and research papers, is legitimate.
Whether you place your order through thessayist.com, ukessayist.com, dissertationist.com or any one of our websites, you can count on the following: 1) you will be assigned an academically-qualified and experienced researcher-writer; 2) while we employ both EFL and ESL writers, customers can always request that their work be handled by an EFL writer – we give you this option despite our complete faith in and absolute knowledge of our ESL writers’ linguistic expertise, linguistic proficiency and fluency; 3) your confidentiality is always guaranteed and your writer, despite the option of direct communication and messaging between the both of you, is never privy to your name or contact details; 4) the work you receive is always fully compliant with your instructions; 5) we never leave you hanging but immediately inform you whether or not your work can be completed within the deadline you specified; 6) you may rest assured that before you receive your work, it has been thoroughly vetted by our Quality Assurance Department for both quality and plagiarism; 7) we will never ignore your messages and customers can always get in touch, not only with the Operations Manager of the website through which they placed their order but with any of Oxbridge Researchers’ partners and top management people; and 8 ) we are a legitimate, UK-registered organization, with a presence in the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia and Egypt – so wherever you are, you have the option of physically meeting with one of our managers or partners.
Naturally, Oxbridge Researchers Ltd is completely biased in favour of the academic custom writing services it offers through thessayist.com, ukessayist.com, hdessays.com, dissertationist.com, phdessayist.com, aussiessayist.com, usessayist.com and phdessayist.com. We are a legitimate company which offers flawless academic model custom writing services. Our very natural partiality towards ourselves and our services, however, does not blind us to the presence of several other excellent companies in this industry. Academic Answers, for example, is a UK-based company which, through ukessays.com, oxbridgewriters.com and several other websites, offers customers a truly remarkable service. Both the service they extend and the work they provide customers is distinguished by their excellent, plagiarism-free and professional nature. As a matter of fact, despite Oxbridge Researchers’’ partiality towards its own services, it cannot deny that Academic Answers is one of the industry’s most important leaders.
Some readers may assume that Oxbridge Researchers identified Academic Answers as a fully legitimate and excellent company because we share a nationality – British. This is not at all true as despite the popular hype regarding the inherently dishonest nature of non-Western academic custom writing companies, there are some truly excellent ones, with Brownie Freelance Ltd standing out as a case in point. One of the most successful companies in the academic custom writing industry, Brownie Freelance is a UK registered company with a physical presence in London. The Director, a Ukrainian gentleman, adheres to a strategy of honesty. Hence, through customwritings.com, one of the several websites owned by Brownie Freelance, they openly admit that they originate from the Ukraine and operate their call centre there. They further acknowledge that they hire ESL writers, as well EFL ones. That they make these declarations is a clear indication of their respect for customers and potential customers, whereby they provide them with honest information as opposed to false advertising claims. That they make these admissions quite clearly shows that they are fully confident that they will provide customers with an excellent service and even better paper, irrespective of whether they are British or Ukrainian or whether your writer is ESL or EFL. They neither need to lie about who they hire and who they are as they know that they will provide you with nothing short of excellence.
That Oxbridge Researchers should devote so much space to acknowledging competitors, rather than promote its own model custom writing network, thessayist.com, hdessays.com, dissertationist.com, aussiessayist.com, ukessayist.com, usessayist.com and phdessayist.com, is nothing other than an expression of the ethics to which we are determine to adhere to. We will not slam our competitors, as others do, nor will we dismiss them as scammers. Our competitors are just that – competitors and not enemies. Besides, were we to label all in the industry as scammers, what would that say about us? What message would it give customers and potential clients? It would say that we, at Oxbridge Researchers, cannot establish a reputation or a place for ourselves in the industry via the services we offer through thessayist.com, hdessays.com, dissertationist.com, aussiessayist.com, ukessayist.com, usessayist.com and phdessayist.com and, therefore, have to badmouth our competitors in order to scare customers away from them. As for the message we will be communicating, it is one which quite effectively warns customers to stay away from this industry as it is full of scammers and that companies within disrespect the principle of clean and fair competition. This is not true.
Yes, the model academic custom writing industry is a controversial one with much of the controversy surrounding it resulting from the tendency to slam competitors, thereby labelling the entire industry as dishonest. This is not at all true as while there is a large number of completely unethical and absolutely unqualified companies in the industry, there is a number of highly honest, completely qualified and excellent companies as well. Hence, while Oxbridge Researchers would prefer that you place your model custom written dissertation, thesis, essay, research paper or term paper order through thessayist.com or one of our other websites, it assures you that should you choose to opt for another company, you will find some good ones out there. Importantly, do not forget to separate the wheat from the chaff while making your company selection. Our article on how to do so may be accessed via http://www.prlog.org/10275471-selecting-an-academic-custom-writing-service.html.
As for whether or not the use of a model academic custom writing services constitutes plagiarism that is the topic for another article, to be published soon. Meanwhile, please visit us through http://www.oxbridge-researchers.org or http://www.thessayist.com to familiarise yourself with our services and who we are.
Via EPR Network
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